Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

The repository for all things "Rogues of Canguine." Post your character, discuss their in-character adventures, speak with local Secret Societies (if you can find them).

Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby MichaelB » Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:59 pm

Well, music is something that rarely comes up in 7th Sea. Compare Musical Ear to Eagle Eyes, two free raises for Perception checks for 'something far away'. (I believe Musical Ear was left out of Pirate Nations).

Something 'far away' could come up almost every round and music almost never. Why not encourage music!?

+4 and +2 are almost nothing, much less than two raises.
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Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby Harliquinn » Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:10 pm

MacShidhe wrote:
Black Jack Rackham wrote:I keep "losing" the pdfs so he has to make more...

Mark, The internet is forever. They're still in your inbox. :P

Mike, We're up to 50 templates total. I've cut myself off there. I've posted the names of the templates below. The template names are just how the templates themselves were designed. 30 points are enough to turn them into almost anything else. For example, the Entertainer template can easily be turned into an "Indiana Jones" style archaeologist.

Are the templates going to be listed anywhere for use? Or is it a "find one that sounds cool and request it?"

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Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby Harliquinn » Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:17 pm

Another question:

Are these rules in place for the Campaign?
The Curse of Canguine The Sidhe's curse affects anyone within two miles of the former site of Town Hall in the following ways:

1. Each Drama die the GM spends to activate a Hero's Hubris counts as two. This makes it twice as hard for the player to prevent his Hero's Hubris from activating, since he must spend two dice for every one the GM spends.

2. Heroes or NPCs with the Scoundrel advantage receive one extra Drama die at the start of each Story.

3. Heroes may not be taken away by the GM until they reach –50 Reputation instead of –30 Reputation.

4. Heroes get Drama dice for arguing with each other and causing public disorder.
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Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby salamanca » Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:37 pm

Since Mark is still driving, let me cover stuff.

The Templates are Sam's phrase for pregens. They will be going up on the website at some point.

Personally, I think you will come up with a better design from scratch because you know the mechanics you want. The Templates better fit for newer players.

As for new rules for Canguine:
1- I totally support this.
2- I am OK with this being in place.
3- I have no problem with this.
4- Pretty sure I did this several times this weekend. I suspect it will continue.



Characters with strong moral codes that don't necessarily reach an opinion on larceny, light piracy, and the occassional kidnapping.

If you keep in mind "To live outside the law, you must be honest". You are in the right mindset.

Now go start thinking about dashing glamour pirates, seadogs, and the Dread Pirate Roberts.
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Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby vogelsong » Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:25 pm

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Backgrounds –
All base backgrounds are available along with any from the secret societies and nation books in play.
Those from other books will be taken on a case by case basis.

I hope all is well at OGC!

For my Rogues character, I'm now leaning heavily towards the Predecessor background from p. 67 of the Knights and Musketeers sourcebook (p. 69 of the pdf). Predecessor seems comparable to the backgrounds available in the base books, so I was wondering if it was okay in general, or would this require case by case approval?

(Obviously, you'd need my character specifics to write the actual background adventures. But if I know ahead of time that the background is banned, then I will need to go another direction.)
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Re: Rogues of Canguine Character Creation Help

Postby salamanca » Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:32 am

As long as the Organization is permitted, you have full clearance for the background. If the Organization you have in mind is not on the cleared list, you should PM Mark about it first. (But he is probably going to say, "Cool. I have some ideas for that."

In general, Backgrounds are the eadiest thing to get Mark to sign off on. Skills are less likely, Sword Schools need a really good story reason behind it, Nationalities are going to take a great story reason and good timing, an exempted Sorcery is proba ly going to take some bribery or a good enough story to convince me (and I don't even want to deal with the approved list).

a Society Membership not on the list is going to be the hardest sell amd peast rewarding because it means we have to write material for one player into each adventure. Odds of getting that approved and it being worthwhile are very, very slim.
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