Scott's Character: Kerrin McIntosh

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Scott's Character: Kerrin McIntosh

Postby spizio » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:25 pm

So now my background is official so I suppose I should tell you about it. Now bear in mind just because I'm telling you doesn't mean Kerrin is telling your characters. ;)

Kerrin’s Story: My father, a simple ship’s chandler, is a fool. He accumulated a rather large gambling debt. In not that long of a time mind you. If it was only his own livelihood that he put in jeopardy then it would be his own bad luck. Ma, my kid brother and myself make things rather more complicated for him. Having a family makes this inexcusable from my point of view. Especially given his “solution” to the problem. One of the merchant families in port offered to help him out. Now this family is certainly in a position to “help.” They own 2 merchant vessels and a third that is outfitted as a privateer. As our Queen sees fit they have even been known to hold an official Letter of Marquee from time to time. Good business sense and the occasional favor of the Queen, or more likely her naval department, do not translate into anything approaching good looks or manners. The price of this “help” was my hand in marriage. Now I was none to pleased when I thought I was to be matched with the son, a full 10 years my senior. When I found out that he was making the arrangements on behalf of his now widowed father it was more than I could bear. Unfortunately my father accepted and the Guilders barely touched his hands before clearing his debts. A fool and “his” money once again parted. Good luck trying to get the debtors to put him back in hock. Being a wharf rat since I started walking and having helped with the family business the last few years. By business I mean the reputable one. I decided to not leave my fate in his hands any longer. I made arrangements to have myself smuggled aboard a ship that we were in the process of outfitting. I was away from port before anyone was the wiser. I jumped ship in the first port we came to. Thinking it best to be on the move I signed onto a ship as a green hand. I took a series of jobs on an anonymous series of ships over the next several years. Surely working my way up to able sea woman. I was happy with my new life. Well until about 6 months ago. While in a small port in Montaigne another captain and the workings of a small press gang boarded my ship. The spoke with my captain who quickly came over to me and explained that this was the master of one of my betrothed’s ships. Not wanting any trouble he was washing his hands of me and I was to follow these “gentlemen.” While we were on our way to their ship some of my crew who were lucky enough to get liberty came upon us. Thinking I was being pressed they came to my rescue. After making our escape I confided what was really happening. While shocked they were loyal to a man. They even scraped up some coins for me and promised to forget meeting me. Thanking them I took off rather quickly. Fearing it would be too difficult to take ship here I decided to strike out over land. And that is how an able sea woman enters Altamira by land. Hopefully I have lost my “family” if the fates will allow.
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Re: Scott's Character: Kerrin McIntosh

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:37 pm

spizio wrote:So now my background is official so I suppose I should tell you about it. Now bear in mind just because I'm telling you doesn't mean Kerrin is telling your characters. ;)

Good Point Scott. And just so folks have the official ruling. None of what you describe can be considered to be public knowledge SAVE what you reveal in the In Character Forum.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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