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Chuck's character - Angela Valdez

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:29 pm
by Angela Valdez
Name - Angela Valdez
Age - early 20s
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 139 lbs
Hair - Black, short and straight with bangs
Eyes - Brown

Brawn - 3
Finesse - 4
Wits - 4
Resolve - 3
Panache - 4

Legendary Trait - Wits
Castillian Education
Membership (Invisible College)
Patron (10 G per month)

Arcana: Loyal

Civil Skills
Compose - 2, Drawing - 2, Musician (Guitar) - 3, Musician (Piano) - 2, Writing - 1

Dancing - 2, Etiquette - 3, Fashion - 1, Oratory - 3, Diplomacy - 3, Gaming - 1, Seduction - 1, Sincerity - 2

Diagnosis - 4, First Aid - 3, Quack - 1, Surgery - 3

Cooking - 2, Masseuse - 1, Seamstress - 1

Acting - 2, Singing - 3, Cold Read - 2, Disguise - 1, Storytelling - 1

History - 1, Math - 3, Philosophy - 1, Research - 3, Natural Philosophy - 2, Astronomy - 1, Law - 1

Martial Skills
Climbing - 1, Footwork - 4, Sprinting - 1, Throwing - 1, Leaping - 1

Attack - 4, Parry - 4

Ride - 1

Languages: Castillian (native, literate), Thean (literate), Eisen, Montaigne

Backgrounds: Amnesia (2 pts), Obligation (2 pts)

Angela Valdez was born over 20 years ago to a prominent Castillian family. She knows she has younger brothers and sisters. She was a curious girl, always needing to know the how and why of things. It was clear to her parents that she had a quick mind and provided for a very good education for her.

It is not clear how Angela lost her memory; it was near the time she was to go to University that her life becomes unclear. She definitely knows she did not wear spectacles at that time.

The first really definitive thing she remembers is waking in an inn and reading a letter from a noble, asking her to come to Altamira. Enclosed was enough money for the trip and for a decent wardrobe.

Adventures played: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Reputation Gained: 72

Experience Earned: 120

Experience Spent: 108

Cards Gained: Where is your llama? Watch out behind you! I know your secret! I read about this once...
Keep your eyes on the road! You killed my mother, prepare to die! It's not as bad as it looks. You, sir, are a coward! I can make it! I know right where we are! Legen...dary! We're practically family...

Contacts: Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco (Ally, Contact, who owes her a Favor)
Eladio Aguila de Fernandez (Informant)
Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez (Confidante)
Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba (Ally)
Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (Confidante, who owes her a Favor)
Gabino Colon de Soldano (Connection, Confidante, who owes her a Favor)
Jenario (who owes her a Favor)
Capitano Aurelio 'il Serpente del Fiume' Ardovini (Connection, Informant, who owes her a Favor)
Alcalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera (Friend, who owes her a favor)
Domingo Fiero de Silva (Confidant, who owes her a favor)
Carlota Benetiz y Montenegro (who hates her)
Frederica (who hates her)

New Background: Nemesis: Santino Avilla de Silva (-1)
Background: Gossip - Adora
Background: The Execution

Secret Society Interest: Explorer's Society - 2
Invisible College - 5
Knights of the Rose and Cross - 6
Los Vagos - 4

Re: Chuck's character - Angela Valdez

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:44 pm
by salamanca
Hi Chuck, glad to see you found us after gencon.