Eric's Character: Alexander MacConnor

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Eric's Character: Alexander MacConnor

Postby DrKwang » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:20 pm

The MacConnors are a small clan of the Highland Marches. Alexander is the fourth son of the clan leader. Lacking many prospects at home due to a combination of the clan's size and his birth, he determined to become a soldier and seek his fortune. He made his way to Carleon, where he trained as a swordsman and an officer.

After completing his education, he traveled to the continent, seeking employment. Eventually, he took service with a Castillian Don who had decided to enter into the War of the Cross. By the time the fighting ended, Alexander was the leader of the Don's small troop. Not long after, the Don died. His son, having no interest in military adventures, dismissed the troop. In thanks for service, the old Don left Alexander a small estate near Altamira. Alexander has decided to travel to Altamira and take residence at the estate while he considers his plans for the future.

For those that really want to know, here's his stats. He was built using the "Avalon Noble" template.
Alexander MacConnor.ods
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