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Cestus' Character: Cestus Andrikson

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:05 am
by Cestus
Cestus is just one of the many Vestenmannjavnjar who have arrived in Altamira of late. Traveling with his cousin Sigvald in search of fortune, honor and a good time in general. Having spent most of his life in relative luxury, Cestus has been compelled to undertake more and more dangerous tasks to entertain himself through his copious free time. Learning to use unorthodox fighting styles and wearing gaudy items that make him a target in combat has become something of a hobby over the years. His current weapon of choice is the harpoon, where he can impale his opponents, leaving them helpless before him. Having been the eldest son of the eldest son of his generation, Cestus inherited the Andrikson helmet, which is his most prized possession. He has always been hot headed, and hearing of his cousins betrayal and dishonor, Cestus leapt at the chance to make him pay for staining the Andrikson name.

If anything was to happen to his very fine hat, Cestus would surely scour the earth to get it back, and make sure whoever was responsible paid dearly.

He is currently obsessed with gems, but he cant understand why.

Re: Background - Cestus Andrikson

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:17 pm
by Black Jack Rackham
If I recall correctly, your helmet was purchased as a Holy Relic not a Background correct?

EDIT: nope not a Holy Relic, rather Inheritance.

Re: Background - Cestus Andrikson

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:13 am
by Sister Sonya
Are you playing w/Halfdansson? It's a great "school"!

OOC: Trygve Theusson, my character in the Crimson Valor campaign, is just coming into his own with it. He took on a sea monster in a one-on-one duel and defeated him by impaling him several times!

Re: Cestus' Character: Cestus Andrikson

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:25 pm
by Cestus
I have level 2 heirloom relic for my helmet if that was what you were asking.

It has honestly been awhile and I dont remember all my choices, but I am in the spear wielding school. I am a Jarl, sailor, streetwise, hunter, whaler if that helps narrow it down.

Re: Cestus' Character: Cestus Andrikson

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:37 pm
by Cestus

Found my portrait, the hat is suitably epic. This was of course before I crammed gems in there. Oh sweet, delicious gems.