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Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:32 pm
by Nutmeg_25
Inish Boxer Niela O’Conner (Meaning, Lady Champion Strong as a wolf)
Brawn ** Finesse *** Wits** Resolve*** Panache** Reputation
Avalon(N), Castillian
Swordsman School: Finnegan

Skills and Knacks:
Climbing** Footwork *** Sprinting ** Throwing **
Dirty Fighting:

Balance*** Climbing** Knot work** Rigging*
Equipment and Starting Money:
1 Set Poor clothes

10G/0G per month.

That is all I have so far as my brother currently has my basic book, I need the info for the school mostly and advantages/Arcana Thank you!

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:21 am
by Black Jack Rackham Rules books, second column, top. They have all the information you need (and then some). Check through our Character Creation page for the list of what is available and what isn't.

and Welcome!

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:57 am
by Nutmeg_25
Neila O' Conner.doc
(98.5 KiB) Downloaded 1425 times
Character Mach two What do I need to fix, other than points in skills at this point? I wasn't sure how much to put into each skill etc, also as to how much gold I get per month, if any.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:29 pm
by Black Jack Rackham
Couple of things I noticed....
1. You have both a Virtue and a Hubris. You can only have one of those.
2. I noticed you have a Sidhe Dagger. Remember it's less powerful (-1k0) when away from Avalon (which you will be for the sum total of the campaign). I say this not because I don't want you to take it, but because it's a secondary weapon, and it's 'special-ness' is really not as applicable where you'll be.
3. Along with that, you mentioned on the second page that you're left-handed. But you didn't take the advantage.
4. Finally in the advantages I see you're a member of the merchant's guild. Since you're the very first person in the campaign to take this, I'm curious what (if anything) you were planning on doing with it? (not that I am trying to dissuade you, I just want to have something ready if you were planning on using it in the PA).
5. For some reason your character sheet has Mental and Physical Knacks in addition to Civil and Martial. You know I can mix and match them right? So, Wits + Fencing to determine the quality of a blade, or Resolve + Fencing to continuing fighting after a significant time, in addition to Finesse + Fencing to hit...
6. You have Dragon Dreams as a background. I'm going to assume you're not just trying to troll me (which would force me to take my only copy of Cathay, Jewel of the East, and beat you into unconsciousness with it) I will point out that HoA has a list of do's and don'ts. The big one is stay away from CJE. (if you need more details, check out the Character Creation page on the main site

Other than that, looks good so far.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:29 pm
by spizio
Megan unless you are playing super powered pirate it is mark 2 not mach 2.

But now that I bring up superheroes I would like offer to take a beat up old copy of Hero 4, that I'm borrowing from someone who won't know, and offer to beat Mark into unconsciousness with it in exchange for 5 Guilder. I will then take his only copy of Cathay, Jewel of the East. Thereby saving you. If you wait patiently someone will come along and instruct you on how he is wrong in stating your character.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:33 pm
by salamanca
Raise your brawn to 3. as a boxer, you need to both take and deal damage and brawn 3 will be a huge difference maker.

I would build it using Athlete, Pugilism, Sailor, Dirty fighting, knife (for your other tie ins), and maybe wrestling for martial skills.

civil skills I would consider would include Merchant as listed (possibly expanding into advanced stuff here), streetwise, and sailor with plans to buy the haggling knack as well. (best merchant knack ever)

advantages for a boxer could include: Large, toughness, combat reflexes, lightning reflexes, firm grip (if you are getting wrestling with finnegan anyhow may as well play it up). Able drinker would work well with finnegan.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:22 am
by Nutmeg_25
I didn't realize Dragon dreams would be an issue, and Ill look over the other stuff and post it again once I do.
Merchant Guild was planning on setting up a pub.
I wasn't sure on the dagger was going to ask when I saw you next

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:08 pm
by Nutmeg_25
Neila O' Conner.doc
(98.5 KiB) Downloaded 1390 times
Hey at least I have Another...sixty some odd days to polish this!
What else can I do to fix this one?

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:35 am
by Black Jack Rackham
Nutmeg_25 wrote:What else can I do to fix this one?

Well for one thing you don't have your 'sword' school (Finnigan) and it's knacks listed. That might be helpful.

Points-wise, I'm coming up with 98 so you still have a bunch

My next suggestion would be, you're a bit light in the civil knacks. Remember getting new skills in this game is expensive after character creation. Best bet is to grab everything you think you might need right now.

If all else fails, there's always advanced knacks...

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:44 am
by Sister Sonya
Nutmeg_25 wrote:What else can I do to fix this one?

If I should happen to be a GM at a table with Niela, she will sooner or later find herself attempting unskilled Etiquette challenges.

She does not have to act the Courtier; but having some of knowlege in those areas might be helpful. Especially if she does not want to cultivate a reputation for being uncouth.

There may be other situations in which she would be better off rolling dice which explode...

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:46 pm
by Nutmeg_25
Neila O'conner clear.pdf
Found a much nicer sheet to put it in.
(3.27 MiB) Downloaded 1435 times
Newest Version

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:52 pm
by Black Jack Rackham
Nice. Did you make it? And if so, mind if I yoink it for the front page?

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:01 pm
by Nutmeg_25

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:27 pm
by Nutmeg_25
Most recent version is on paper I think that it is all set, will scan in once I'm sure.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:19 am
by Nutmeg_25
Neila O'conner clear.pdf
(3.27 MiB) Downloaded 1422 times
I t0hink this should do it, I just need the information on dagger/chef's knife then on to writing back story....though I may regret that part!
ETA: The attachment!

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:29 pm
by Black Jack Rackham
Nutmeg_25 wrote:I just need the information on dagger/chef's knife

Just assume it's a regular Knife (1K2) and call it good (although if you're planning on throwing it a lot, you might consider it a smaller knife (1k1) and get +5 to Throw). I'll leave the choice up to you.

Re: Megan's Character-Needs some editing Niela O'Conner

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:53 am
by Nutmeg_25
Figured it was time to put in the updated version...
The pdf link for the blank one is now broken so here we go:

Niella O' Conner Reputation:18
Traits: Brawn **** Resolve*** Finesse *** Wits** Panache ***
Arcana: Uncanny
Help build boxing school, Nikolas Werner 2 Seek Legends of Bosajuan(Done?)
Able drinker Pain Tolerence Left handed toughness Eagle Eyes Combat reflexes Lightening reflexes
Avalon N Castillian R/W Vodacce
Balance**** Knotwork** Rigging** Swimming*
Cooking** Herbalist* Vintner*
Climbing** Throwing** Sprinting** Footwork*** Swimming*
Etiquette * Dance* Fashion* Oratory*
Attack** Parry*
Attack*** Jab *** Footwork***
Finnegan School Mastery***
Bob and Weave***** Corps a Corps***** Disarm***** Exploit Weakness*****
Journeyman skill: When you fail a wounds check, half what you missed by before taking a dramatic wound.
Mastery: You fight better drunk, reverse Inibriiation Penalties on AV and Masters NEVER pass out, Able Drinkers still get bonuses. (remind me what AV is cause I forgot to put it down)
Contacts(I have not written them all down in transferring but what I have so far)
Amigos D' Nacio
Captain Aurelio (River Snake) Owes favor
Professor Eduardo Viva Lobo di Bianco

Los Vagos: 2 (which makes me sad, I'd love to join)
Knights:7 (can not join not a swordswoman)
Invisable college: 1

I know your Secret!
Where is your llama?
You sir, are a coward!
I know Right where we are!
I can make it!
You killed my mother, Prepare to die!
It's not as bad as it looks
Watch out behind you!
Keep your eyes on the Road.
I read about this once...

Pa Presents
The Irregulars(now called the Amigos d' Nacio)
1 Adept Fate witch Favor
No bills Year six (complete)
No bills at Illardo's for year 7
Heroes of Altamira Portrait.

**Legends of Theah Master Sword from either Sword maker in Altamira**