Kens character: Sean Halliday

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Kens character: Sean Halliday

Postby kenderleech » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:50 am

A highlander of almost average proportions, with dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed full beard, Sean doesn't remember his past. He recalls waking up on a hilltop when he was 14-ish, and wandering until he found a small farming village. They named him after one of their recently deceased grandparents, and he worked around the farm until a druid passed thru.. the druid told him that to know himself, he would need to know the world, So he took his leave from his adopted family, and began his wanderings. While he was in Pavtlow, snowed in for the winter, He began to write down the tale of his wanderings, Partly to organize his thoughts, and partly because He wanted to send a copy to his 'parents' back in the Highlands. He worked for a time in a printing hall in Kirk, and his employer allowed him to run off a couple copies of his book at cost.. and they sold within a couple weeks, so He printed off some more copies. Since then he has written his second volume of his travels, and is working on his third. He Still doesn't know who He was born as, but he has grown happier with his life, and is working on a non-travelogue, studying and researching the legends and myths of modern heroes, starting with El Vago.

Character cheet parked on mythweavers for ease of editing.
Posts: 761
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:29 pm

Re: Kens character: Sean Halliday

Postby Nutmeg_25 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:34 am

I have to say, Sean was one of my favorite characters to play with, pretty much in any Seventh Sea campaign. Look forward to seein' you next year!
Posts: 79
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:59 pm

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