7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:33 pm

It would appear that you have not looked hard enough. I know where the chocolatiers in town are open for business. One is just north and west of the university, one is just south of paleo largo and another is not far from that really expensive inn you had lodging at after episode 1.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:28 pm

Another day another map pic.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:31 pm

And I'm doing my bit by trying to put them all together. I made a boo boo with the last one so, you'll see that the first and second maps together look a bit different, and this latest, well, right now its simply a SWAG.
Three Maps.jpg

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:17 pm

Hey folks. This is John Wick. I just wanted to thank all of you for taking the time to sign up for this mailing list. We’ve got some exciting news to announce!

In short, 2016 is going to be the “Year of 7th Sea.” We plan on releasing not only a new core book, but new sourcebooks as well. And not just sourcebooks about the Théan nations, oh no. We’ve got huge plans for the world of 7th Sea. Just huge. And we’ll get into all of them, but before we do, let me say this again:

Thank you for letting us know that you’re looking forward to a new edition of the game.

It’s been sixteen years since I last visited the shores of Théah and a lot has changed. I’ve changed, you’ve changed… and Théah has changed. Yes, the continent has undergone some transformations in sixteen years. I suspect you’ll want to know about them. And you’ll also want to know what’s stayed the same. Let’s you and I take a trip across the continent and take a look at some old friends… and some new ones.

My Loyal Crew

First, let me talk a little bit about who’s going to be leading us on this little jaunt. There’s me, of course, but there’s also Mark Diaz Truman. He’s running all the business aspects of the project. Mark’s been in charge of the money matters at JWP since our first Kickstarter, way back in 2012. He’s organizing and designing the forthcoming 7th Sea: Second Edition Kickstarter, and when we launch, he’ll be handling any issues or questions that come up.

Second, there’s the design team: Mike Curry and Rob Justice. Mike and Rob have been friends of mine for a long time and ran the Bear Swarm Podcast for years. They both have keen minds and great insight into what makes a good RPG tick. The three of us have been working on the revised system for 7th Sea (more on that in a moment) and we’ve been talking a lot about how the world.

We’re planning a beautiful book too… so we’ve got some great folks putting together the final layout. Our art director is Marissa Kelly, responsible for the Epyllion game about little dragons and art director for a whole bunch of other companies, including Evil Hat and Storium. Thomas Deeny—you might know him from the new Firefly RPG from MWP—will be handling the graphic design of the Kickstarter and Quick Start.

The More Things Change…

7th Sea: Second Edition is going to see some changes from the first edition. When folks ask me, “What kind of changes?” I often invoke Battletar Galactica. I was a huge fan of the original show—I was ten years old when it came out—and I’m a fan of the reboot as well. In the new BSG, we still had Adama, Apollo, Starbuck, Cylons and everything I loved about the first show. Sure, they had new faces—and in some cases, new genders—but they were still those same characters, just with an updated feel. New special effects, new writing, new cast but same show.

7th Sea: Second Edition is going to feel a lot like that. All the Nations are still there—Avalon, Castille, Vodacce, Ussura, etc.—but a few of them may have slight changes. Three of them have undergone slightly deeper changes. Eisen is going to be a whole lot scarier, for example. When you come across a small town of terrified villagers who look up to the castle on the hill where “the countess” lives… you’ll know you’re in Eisen. Ussura is getting a political facelift plus a new kind of sorcery that replaces shapeshifting. And the Vestenmennavanjar… well, let’s just say you don’t have to choose between “awesome merchant prince” and “awesome Viking raider” anymore; you can have both at the same time.

We’re also adding a new nation to the list: The Sarmatian Commonwealth. I’ve visited Poland twice—going again this year!—and every time I go, I hear the same question: “Why is there no Poland in 7th Sea?” After getting asked this question about a dozen times in an hour, I spent some time researching 17th Century Poland and my answer to that question is now, “Because I was an idiot.” I made a promise the last time I was there that if I ever re-did 7th Sea, I would include Poland. Well, I’m keeping that promise. I’m very excited for the Commonwealth and after you see what we’ve been doing with its politics, sorcery and history, I think you will be, too.

A New Engine

But the big question on most people’s minds is this one: “Are you using d20’s or Roll and Keep?” The answer is... neither.

I love R&K. I helped design it back in the day. But the fact of the matter is, rolling a handful of dice and keeping two of them… isn’t very swashbuckly. If I want to feel like Errol Flynn, if I want to feel like the Dread Pirate Roberts, if I want to feel like Captain Jack Sparrow, I want to throw a handful of dice and use all of them. And that’s the new system we’ve designed for 7th Sea: Second Edition.

We’re still using Trait + Skill (the “Traits are too important” folks are going to be very happy) and we’re still using Raises. Except now, you make Raises after the roll. Which means you get to feel like a Big Damn Hero.

We’ve still got Brute Squads and Villains, but we’ve refined how they work. In fact, a lot of the new system can fall under that category. “We’ve refined how they work.” The new 7th Sea system is fast, elegant and dynamic. It isn’t overly simple and it isn’t like one of my “Little Games.” But I feel it captures the cinematic feel we were going for with the first edition of the game, but didn’t quite reach. RPGs have changed a lot in almost 20 years, and I want 7th Sea to still stand out!

The Kickstarter

I can’t give you an exact date for the Kickstarter just yet, but I can tell you that you should keep your spyglasses on late January/early February. As in, the last week and first week. Yes, it’s that close.
As for when you’ll get a book in your grubby, swashbuckling paws… we want to release the book at Gencon. We’re working ‘round the clock to meet that goal right now. We might miss it… but I’d love to see all of you with 7th Sea: Second Edition books in August. That would put a real big smile on my face.

Expect more updates like this in the next few weeks as we put together the Kickstarter, finalize the system, and put out a Quick Start. Please let your friends know that this email list is the best way to way to get all the newest 7th Sea gossip...

2016 is the Year of 7th Sea. Oil up your swords, lift up them sails and run out the guns! It’s going to be a fantastic year.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lord_Nabu » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:45 pm

Am I the only one who is actually quite pleased he's found someone to help him with the rules side of things?
My personal 2nd ed. 7th Sea can be found here: http://theah.sanctum.dk/#home be forewarned might be too simulationist for the weak of heart.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:21 pm

No, you are not.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:36 pm

Here's to crossing my fingers.

And more pick on this wonderful Thurs afternoon
pics on Thur 1.jpg
pics on Thur 1.jpg (50.87 KiB) Viewed 24635 times
pics on Thur 2.jpg
pics on Thur 2.jpg (79.56 KiB) Viewed 24635 times

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:50 pm

El Vago is officially The Bum! :twisted:
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:29 am

And another from yesterday.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:27 pm

OK, everything I am seeing suggests that as players and GMs we need to prepare to be participating in the Man in the Iron Mask era of Theah instead of the 3 Musketeers original edition.

This actually works for me as we can run games old edition in the setting and 1668 timeline without changing a thing (unless there are new mechanics we love). AND we can run the new system in a 1680's (or however big the jump is) time frame with the next generation of hero and an older wiser King Sandoval, a possibly united Eisen power, probably a cadre of new vodacce princes vying against a positively ancient Caligari and whatever else comes up.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:57 am

More Maps (or more specifically, more detailed maps).

By his discussion I'm guessing Five Sails is the new Frieburg
detail of Five Sails.jpg
detail of Five Sails.jpg (27.82 KiB) Viewed 24600 times

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:36 pm

Any signs that the Wrestling rules are getting fixed? :twisted:
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby robjustice » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:04 pm

Hello, everyone! For those that don't know me, and I'm assuming that's most of you, I'm the Assistant Developer of 7th Sea's Second Edition. I stumbled across your site and noticed you guys are REALLY active on keeping up with the news. So I figured I'd jump into this thread right at the end here

Black Jack Rackham wrote:By his discussion I'm guessing Five Sails is the new Frieburg

Rest assured that Frieburg is still Frieburg. It's not being replaced. However, you're kind of right. Five Sails is to Theah what Frieburg is to Eisen. It borders Eisen, Castille, Vodacce, Ussura, and the Commonwealth. It's not technically owned by any nation, though it was ravaged in the War of the Cross, and needs to be rebuilt.

Anyway. Feel free to hit me with all your questions, concerns, and deepest desires. I'll tell you what I can (which is, admittedly, limited) and take your voice to heart. Mind you, some of this is already written and decided. I'm also not the only voice on the team.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:08 pm

This is more a message for everyone else about Rob rather than a message to you Rob, but hey everyone I had occasion to take a look at rob's website www.robjustice.net and WOW it's chalk full of 7th Sea goodies! Get over there now and take a look!

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:06 pm

Ask Mr. Wick to adapt Wojtek for his version of Poland! :twisted:
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby robjustice » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:46 pm

Lady Grace wrote:Ask Mr. Wick to adapt Wojtek for his version of Poland! :twisted:

Haha. That's a little outside our historic inspiration time frame, but I'll mention it. ;)
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:16 pm

Rob, it looks like the plan is to jump the timeframe for the game a bit forward (maybe a decade or so). Would that be an accurate assessment?

I also want to personally invite you and the team to drop in and roll some dice with us at Origins before you are crazy busy at Gencon (or at gencon when you can sneak away from vending).
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby robjustice » Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:51 pm

Disclaimer, I wrote this on my phone and I'm a bad speller in the best conditions. (Thankfully, JWP has a real editor proofing what we write!)

salamanca wrote:Rob, it looks like the plan is to jump the timeframe for the game a bit forward (maybe a decade or so). Would that be an accurate assessment?

That's not accurate. John has been comparing second edition to Battlestar Galactica. Its a pseudo reimagining. Everything is still there but things are a bit to a lot different.

There were a lot of things in the first edition that weren't... Expected developments. Plus fifteen years has passed and more than just the RPG industry has changed. There is a lot more we can, and should, be doing with 7th Sea that a linear continuation wouldn't be able to support.

Our goal is to make a stronger, more internally consistent Theah. A goal that is better served by gutting the shit and building on the gold.

I really hope you appreciate the craft were working here... And if you don't you should still support us. We hope to be successful enough with 2nd Edition to support a legacy brand too.

salamanca wrote:I also want to personally invite you and the team to drop in and roll some dice with us at Origins before you are crazy busy at Gencon (or at gencon when you can sneak away from vending).

I really appreciate that and believe me when i say if I could, I would. 7th Sea isn't paying my bills and with a daughter who's just turning one, finances are restrictive for me. I might make GenCon for the (hopefully) launch of 7th Sea... But that's not even a guarantee for me. I'll pass the word along to the rest of the crew though and hopefully one of them can find the time so roll dem bones.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:55 pm

Sounds good, Rob. John and I discussed a large amount of things that didn't suit his tastes back when the game was still active. I am on board with an "alternate reality"/relaunch for this. No reason they can't coexist as separate but similar even without a legacy line.
I'm going to quietly sit, wait, toss some guesses based on these teaser photos that really show nothing. And when it hits a store, I'll buy it. ( being a retail guy, that last bit is very important to me. If it isn't on a shelf, I am not getting one)
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:59 pm

Important words from the TPTB!

John Wick wrote:Well, my websites are back up... sort of. My service provider is... eh. I'll leave that for later. Meanwhile, it may be a good time to sign up at the ‪#‎7thsea‬ website. Not that I'm saying something is happening next week, starting on the 2nd, but something is happening next week, starting on the 2nd. And if you want to know about it, signing up might be a good idea.

If you know what I'm saying.

So it looks like the Kickstarter is going live then!

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:11 pm

I think I love this pic...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:03 pm

Inquisitor, DK...or both?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby salamanca » Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:27 am

That is Sir Nigel, a linebacker for the Numa Knights. Led the league in sacks ( of crescent cities) last year.
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:34 pm

If all Mr. Wick's hinting is accurate, tomorrow should be the beginning of the kickstarter for 2nd Ed.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: 7th Sea...is BACK~!!!!

Postby Lady Grace » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:50 pm

February 9th?
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