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Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:43 pm
by Rebecca Iavelli
Got home from work, just in time to get ready and sit out a doosy of a thunderstorm. Had lighting hit around here somewhere, as when it did, I just got to "one" before the thunder cracked.

Not my favorite type of weather, and thankfully, it looks to be over for the night, so I can get to sleep, as I have the early shift in the morning.

Several Tornados did hit out in the western part of the state though, and did some damage, and I think one person was killed. Not as horrifying as Alabama, or Joplin, but still sad.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:45 pm
by Black Jack Rackham
*Now to scare the bejebbus outa Laura*
The thunderstorm that hit down here was right overtop our house. So close in fact that Jenny witnessed a lightning strike hit just across the fenceline from our house (maybe 50'). Wish I'd seen it.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:47 pm
by Rebecca Iavelli
That was probably the count to "one" strike that I heard.

Oh, and they have updated the deaths to 4 now, for the state, from the tornados.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:00 am
by Klcp
That storm was pretty bad over here in Chicago too because of the "lake effect".

It definitely scared the crap out of me though. My bedroom is halfway underground so it's pretty sturdy being surrounded by concrete. Unfortunately, I decided to take a nap on the couch upstairs and was practically thrown off of the thing when the thunder shook the whole house. I also saw a super close lightning strike, it hit a tree on the street behind my house (not as close as to Mark's wife though).

Nice that it's all pretty much over though.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:59 am
by Lady Grace
I remember when I was a child growing up in the boondocks of Spencer (Mass) we had a freak tornado tear up four giant pine trees that were close to my grandparents' house. Glad you're OK, Rebecca & Mark.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:07 pm
by salamanca
Lightning isn't close unless you can feel heat from it or your hair stands up. (shrapnel from exploding tree bark is also a sign of close). At that point it is too close. I have to say, with the spring downpour we had, you all can feel free to keep this storm for yourselves. I got plenty already. Glad y'all are ok though.

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:13 am
by Rebecca Iavelli
Well, I'm just glad it wasn't close enough to make my hair stand up. Already experienced that effect with a storm about 2 or 3 years ago. I was home, waiting out another fierce storm, when I would have sworn it hit my house the light and sound were so loud and at the same moment. Turns out it hit the church steeple, less than a half a block cady-corner from my house. That was way, way close enough for me. :shock:

Re: Wow, What a storm!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:04 am
by Klcp
Rebecca Iavelli wrote:Well, I'm just glad it wasn't close enough to make my hair stand up. Already experienced that effect with a storm about 2 or 3 years ago. I was home, waiting out another fierce storm, when I would have sworn it hit my house the light and sound were so loud and at the same moment. Turns out it hit the church steeple, less than a half a block cady-corner from my house. That was way, way close enough for me. :shock:
