Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lord_Nabu » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:35 pm

For some reason the comic shop that used to be my local hasn't sent me anything this month (I moved, and I live in Denmark, here a three-hour journey is far) so I can't join in before I get anything to join in with.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:54 am

I feel for you LN. Any chance you might go electronic*? You can get em much faster that way...

* I realize I've committed blasphemy here but reading them is better than not reading them...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lord_Nabu » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:37 am

Black Jack Rackham wrote:I feel for you LN. Any chance you might go electronic*? You can get em much faster that way...

* I realize I've committed blasphemy here but reading them is better than not reading them...

but, but, but... Then I can't bring the comics to the loo! (I'm considering getting an E-book reader for RPG .pdfs but without colour it wouldn't be the same. and if I get a tablet, I'll just be playing games on the loo as well as in front of the computer, so that's no good).

Apart from that I want to support my old comics store, it's a great shop, I've spent hours in there, it's probably the best comics/games/Fantasy/SF shops in Denmark, and I think it can measure up quite well worldwide (but then what do I know. So unless I move to Toronto or Brussels in the next 6 months I'm going to continue shopping there.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:12 pm

Lord_Nabu wrote:but, but, but... Then I can't bring the comics to the loo!

*snicker* Loo... one of my all-time favorite non-American euphemisms. Can't explain it, but every time I hear it, it brings a smile to my face.

Lord_Nabu wrote:Apart from that I want to support my old comics store, it's a great shop, I've spent hours in there, it's probably the best comics/games/Fantasy/SF shops in Denmark, and I think it can measure up quite well worldwide (but then what do I know. So unless I move to Toronto or Brussels in the next 6 months I'm going to continue shopping there.

Secretly I do both (buy comics and get .cbr versions) because I also have a favorite CBS. (oh and in addition, I'm an avid collector and want to keep the actual issues in near-mint condition.)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:10 pm

I've mentioned it as an adjunct to other comics but Morning Glories, wow. Seriously, this is a comic that you'd never want to read under the influence of illicit substances or you'd be freaking out forever. VERY good story.

Also caught up to the latest Batman (issue 16) oh my GOD! I thought the Joker of The Dark Knight was scary. He's been missing for a year and it turns out he's been in Arkham the whole time 'preparing' it for Batman. I won't give away any more, but he's one crazy bastard.

New this week is Savage Wolverine. For reasons both he and we readers don't quite know, he is stuck in the Savage Land, a place so inhospitable, even our favorite razor-clawed mutant finds it difficult to survive.

But Dave, if there is a book you MUST be reading it's Indestructable Hulk. I mentioned it earlier and it just keeps getting better and better. Banner has stopped thinking of the Hulk as something he must get rid of, and started to view him as a disorder. Banner has the Hulk, and sometimes he 'Hulks out' but when he isn't under the effects, he wants to make contributions to society. It is AWESOME!

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:56 am

For any of you playing along at home, I have to make a recommendation or really more of a 'recommend against.' I read my comics digitally (so I don't ruin the issues and so I can read them to the kids) and have two different programs to do that. Here on my computer I use ComicRack which is an excellent program which has all kinds of neat gizmos to make it user friendly and I have never had a problem with it (I highly recommend it btw). That is, save the fact that it doesn't work on iPhone/iPad. So for that I got one called CloudReader. It was free so it has that in its favor but the damn thing crashes repeatedly. I emailed the company that makes and asked if I was doing something wrong. They couldn't pinpoint anything, but they also didn't seem to be real interested in trying to fix it. It's gotten so frequent, and I so frustrated, that I deleted it in favor of Comic Zeal (the very first comic reader and according to recommendations, the very best) and boy was it a relief. CZ has as least as many gizmos as ComicRack if not more (CZ lumps all of the same comics together, so if you finish issue 3, you don't have to go back to the menu to get comic 4, it's simply the next page)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:02 pm

I have pushed this title recently but I think I just read the best individual story that will get written this year... Hawkeye #7. I normally hate books that tie into real life events but 'att Fraction just turned out a great hurricane story...actually he turned out two stories in one issue. This one was so good, i'm gonna drop some other titles that came out this week because they were that lousy in comparison. (i'll go spend that cash on other Fraction written trades or something).
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:38 am

salamanca wrote: Hawkeye #7

Just brought it home today. Haven't gotten to it yet but its there waiting...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lord_Nabu » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:58 am

Fraction imho made a mess out of Defenders recently, it never really worked.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:02 pm

I think matt got caught in the reboot that was not a reboot and had to cram a couple years of story into a couple of issues. Defenders started really strong but I will agree that it faltered bad at the end.

All New X-men was good this week. It has made me actually care about anything going on in the X-men corner of the universe for the first time in 20 years. But it needs to start being about all 5 members of the original team coping with being in the future instead of just Scott.

Thunderbolts continues to be just good enough to read but bad enough I keep thinking about dropping it.

The Fearless Defenders was a nice start but nothing at all happened in 22 pages, just a big fight and some forced character stuff that still gives absolutely no reason for Valkyrie and Misty Knight to team up let alone gather a team.

New Avengers was the opposite, lots of stuff happened but the team didn't do anything. I'm still digging where it seems to be going, however.

earth 2 may be the worst book I am still reading. I committed to reading through number 12 before dropping but unless it rebounds hard in three months, it's gone.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:40 pm

I got a few I'm disappointed in, Birds of Prey has really hit the skids after Katana left the group. Seems a rehash of earlier issues (and we're only at issue 16). Catwoman too has gone awfully weird and I don't know if it's gonna last.

Onto good stuff I'm enjoying, Alan Moore's latest, Fashion Beast is a fun gender-bending dystopia. Got the first five issues but it's been slogged down wating for new issues as only AM can slog things down...

Got the first issue of The Answer. Not a MUST read but enough to hook me for the 4 issues its slated for.

Also picked up Mara. Not sure about this one. Young talented Vollyball player in a slightly future (and even more image conscious) world than ours suddenly develops superpowers. I've seen it done over and over but Mark Waid is writing so I'll give him a little leeway.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lord_Nabu » Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:59 am

salamanca wrote:earth 2 may be the worst book I am still reading. I committed to reading through number 12 before dropping but unless it rebounds hard in three months, it's gone.

I REALLY liked the first issues of Earth 2, don't know why. the last issue I got was a bit boring, (can't remember the number, it was the one where the antagonist set himself up as the ruler of some middle eastern country). I mostly bought it to see Dr. Fate though, so...
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:52 pm

Uncanny X-men and Secret Avengers return this week with a #1 on the cover. Brian Bendis is doing the work on the X team and it's yet another slow set up story with a twist ending you should see coming. It's better than most of what I have read in the last month but not "Wow". Secret Avengers recasts Agent Coulson,Maria Hill, and the New Nick Fury as really horrible people and I love it. This is the book that will show you why I am not suppossed to run or play games with characters that are not team players. (or even chaotic neutral characters). This book is evil and cruel and perfectly enjoyable. It also features Hawkeye and Black Widow doing missions they are not cleared to know about.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:38 pm

Alright, catching up with some older stuff, I'm currently reading Wolverine and the X-Men. Apparently the Phoenix force is now inhabiting everyone and their mother?!?! Color me unimpressed. I want them to move on to some of the fun stuff they'd been doing.

Read the latest Clone and Bedlam. Both are very good and are catching me with their conspiracy who-done-it's.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:48 pm

Well, VIBE#1 just hit the shelves. I suffered the character back in the 80's so you are on your own with this one.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:43 pm

salamanca wrote:Well, VIBE#1 just hit the shelves. I suffered the character back in the 80's so you are on your own with this one.

You can torture yourself a bit more if you happen to be watching Young Justice. They do DC Shorts (funny commercial length cartoons) and there's one about him in a breakdancing contest with a robot version of himself (who breakdances too fast...)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby cpugs » Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:52 pm

You might want to try the Red Panda comic. It's quite good....
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:36 pm

I saw that was coming out the other day Charlie. But I didn't see whether it was going to be a physical book or just ebook. Can you clue me in?

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby cpugs » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:24 pm ... ries/10059

Mark, for now it's just a web based comic. However, enough interest may lead to a real book....
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:06 am

Well, finally got a peek at Justice League of America... Not buying into it. Just another DC team of heroes formed by a secret gov't agency to knock the crap out of the real Justice League IF (that's right, IF) they get out of line. Should DC ever get around to doing a book about heroes joining forces to beat up bad guys, I might try it. Outside of that, I have decided the art on Thunderbolts is too lousy and stiff to continue(story is almost as clunky). UNCANNY X-MEN is solid after two issues and looks like a good brawl next issue...with the avengers...(does anybody still fight bad guys?). And in the latest issue of HAWKEYE, clint ditches his girlfriend with his ex-wife and the black widow to help a girl he slept with a few issues back ambush and rob some russian mobsters in a strip bar (and gets arrested). Mind you, this is the first mention of the girlfriend and he is a bit lacking in the commitment dept. Best book on the market.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby DrKwang » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:32 pm

cpugs wrote:You might want to try the Red Panda comic. It's quite good....

Thanks for the reminder! I was planning to pick this up, but forgot exactly when it came out.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby smafdi » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:39 pm

Just ate up all of hawkeye and wow you were right dave, really really good books. I might need to pay more attention to this topic now.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:01 pm

The difference between me and Dr. Doom is that when I say "things work better if everyone would just do what I say", it is true. Actually. that is bad advice. You should never listen to me.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lord_Nabu » Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:22 am

Finally got a new load of Comics yesterday.

Earth 2 has decided to "entertain" me with yet another Dr. Fate story where Nabu is a dangerous alien parasite. DAMMIT!

Phantom Stranger's new art I don't like. And I was never to fond of them giving him a set origin, I liked the old version better. But apparently they thought it more "edgy" to make him not only ambiguous, but explicitly someone who betrays people for a higher cause.

New Avengers is (still) running on the assumption that Stephen strange is an arse.

I'm not doing well.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:44 am

Lord_Nabu wrote:I'm not doing well.

I'm telling you, Indestructible Hulk, you'll love it...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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