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Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:16 pm

The other day I was bored after getting home from work, and tired of all the DVD's I usually watch, so pulled out an old VCR tape to watch, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", something I figured would run for a while, as sort of background noise while I worked on a few things I have on my "to do" list.

Well, I got curious about the car, and where it was today. Did a google search and guess who is the owner of the original (There are several copies and secondary undriveable originals used in the film), but the original driving one is now owned by Peter Jackson, the director. Kinda cool knowing he owns it, and would be interesting if he decided to do a remake of the movie, considering what he has already done, like King Kong, but to me its hard to out do Dick Van Dyke, he is soo classic and I've always been a fan of his.

Hmmm, makes me wonder about a few other things too, like what ever happended to the Pushme-Pullyou outfit from the original Dr. Doolittle too. Probably rotting away in some hollywood back lot. Hmmmm, that would be a project to sew some day, lol. :lol:
Think! - Its not Illegal yet.
Rebecca Iavelli
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Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:15 pm
Location: Massachusetts

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