Been a nice slow day.

The place for everything else.

Been a nice slow day.

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:13 am

Today was my day off and I spent it lounging about a bit. I went to the fabric store today, and got myself some new pins for my sewing, which I worked on today too, since my old ones were dull and bent. Also got a few other items I had in mind I needed to do some of the projects I have on the back shelf.

Have just sewed and watched some DVDs and Mark's progress on his amount of words on his writing. For the last hour I have sat here hand sewing 2 patches, of the Rose and Cross, though not like the pictured one on the book, as I was unable to find the exact roses I wanted at the fabric store, I think what I came up with will look very nice over the heart of the vests I plan on making once I have finished Mark's Captain's coat.

I have been so psyched to be able to get back into sewing, it is so relaxing to me, most of the time, anyway.
Think! - Its not Illegal yet.
Rebecca Iavelli
Posts: 1160
Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:15 pm
Location: Massachusetts

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