David's Character: Valentin Boheres

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David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:24 pm

Ok. Apologies if I'm doing this wrong. It's been ages since I participated in any regular forums and I'm a complete neophyte where 7th Sea is concerned. So any feedback people have, good, bad, facepalming, would be a big help. I've been trying to gear up for GenCon next week (Achievement Unlocked: The Great Procrastinator) and I could use someone else to look over my numbers, skills, knacks, etc. and make sure I haven't completely screwed up. I started with the Castillian Noble template and modded it to fit the character I was looking to make.

So as best I can, here's what I've got. It should come out to 135 HP with 8 XP unspent. Fair warning, I got VERY confused on the Skills/Knacks. I also tend to get carried away with story telling, so the background might be a little on the lengthy side.

Valentín Boheres

Born: Valentinéz Alcalanella Santofino Ramirez

Brawn: 2/5 (8HP)
Finesse: 4/5 (16HP+national advantage)
Wits: 3/5 (16HP)
Resolve: 2/5 (8HP)
Panache: 3/5 (16HP)
Reputation: 0

Advantages: Castillian Education (10HP), Noble (5HP), University (2HP), Appearance: Stunning (10HP), Swordsman's Guild (3HP), Dangerous Beauty (3HP), Able Drinker (1HP), Keen Senses (2HP), Vendetta (2HP)

Arcana: Overconfident (-10HP)

Languages: Castille (R/W/N), Montaigne (R/W), Vodacce (R/W) Thean (R/W)
(Not sure about the numbers on these. They were on the template already.)

Skills & Knacks
Athlete: Climbing (2/5), Footwork (3/5), Sprinting (1/5), Throwing (1/5)
Fencing: Attack (3/5), Parry (3/5)
Courtier: Dancing (2/5), Etiquette (2/5), Fashion (2/5), Oratory (3/5), Diplomacy (2/5), Gaming (1/5), Gossip (2/5), Lip Reading (3/5), Seduction (3/5), Sincerity (3/5)
Scholar: History (1/5), Mathematics (1/5), Philosophy (1/5), Research (1/5), Law (1/5)
Performer: Acting (1/5), Dancing (2/5), Oratory (3/5), Singing (1/5), Cold Read (3/5)
Sailor: Balance (1/5), Climbing (2/5), Leaping (2/5), Swimming (2/5)
(I have no idea if any of this is right.)

Equipment & Starting Money
1 set fine clothes
1 fine fencing sword
1500 g / 500g per month
(This was also on the template. Not totally sure how to calculate it.)

Raised in Castille of a noble family that has held power since the arrival of the Third Prophet and the magical purges around 1000 AV. His worldview has largely been influenced by the loss of a childhood friend. Cassandra Villanueva was a close friend, the Villanueva house being historically strong allies of the Ramirez family. The children were of a similar age and spent several years amusing one another at dull court events. As the children aged and their friendship grew, their parents talked openly of a marriage to join the two houses. That came to an end when Father Frederico Montoya came to their rural principality to manage the affairs of the Vaticine Church.

Fr. Montoya had been transferred by the church away from the Eisen border when his zealous pursuit of Objectionists led to an entire village of loyal Vaticine faithful being razed to the ground. While nothing was known for certain, stories traveled from lips to ears that Montoya had found a single Objectionist in the village, an old man who had a copy of Liebers' translations of the Books of the Prophets into Low Eisen. The old man pleaded that he could not read, and that he had only taken the book in trade for a bundle of firewood. Montoya not only found the man guilty of heresy, but held that those in a town who suffered an Objectionist to live among them were guilty by association. The civil governor approached Montoya and asked him to reconsider the matter, but when Montoya refused, he informed the priest that he could not execute an entire town. That night, the village was burned to the ground. Few survivors were found, but those who lived were either so grievously injured in the fire that they died not long after or so mad with grief as to be incoherent.

And so Fr. Montoya came to their quiet hamlet. For years, Cassandra's ability to do magic had been a secret the two children had shared. However, after one rash act of capricious magic was witnessed by a servant, the secret was out and Fr. Montoya descended on the Villanueva household. Lord Villanueva argued that he had no knowledge of the child's ability, disowning her and accusing his wife of acts of adultery that lead to the siring of a sorcerer within a noble house. Lady Villanueva took her life not long after. Rumors and gossip made their rounds suggesting that Old Villanueva had killed her to spare himself the Church's wrath or any protestations of innocence from his wife that might lead to some proof that the heretic child was indeed his own, but no proof was ever found. For their part, the Val's parents said nothing. In 1650, at the age of 14, he buried the only person outside his family that he had ever loved.

In the years that followed, his thoughts were consumed by revenge. Magic denied to him by birth, he studied swordsmanship, determined to be strong enough to protect those he cared about no matter what. As Val's dedication to the sword grew, his parents began to worry and tension between the generations mounted, Val blaming his parents for saying nothing on Cassandra's behalf. Lord and Lady Ramirez, for their part, took offense at their son's feelings toward the Church, which were contempt at best, and outright hatred at worst. While Montoya left the diocese a few years later, Val never forgot him. When he came of age, he adopted a new name that his actions would not bring ruin on his parents (for all he loathed what he saw as their cowardice, he still loved them) and he set out in search of Montoya.

Two years ago, when the Hierophant's death threw the Church into chaos, Val seized the opportunity to pick up Montoya's trail. The Church isn't terribly forthcoming with information about its inner workings, and polite requests, cajoling, bribery, and outright threats had accomplished little. But with so much in transition, the usual scrutiny of strangers wandering in claiming they were delivering important messages for now Cardinal Montoya was not as rigorous as it might have been in years past. The trail has lead Val here, to Altamira.

Over the years, he has become something of a libertine, seeking to fill the void left in him since childhood with the love of as many others as possible. Convivial, vain, skilled in socializing and seduction, his outer boisterous and outgoing nature hides a much darker rage, well guarded, but not far from the surface.
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:22 pm

It actually looks pretty good so here's my breakdown
traits 64
advantages 38
arcana -10
languages 5
skills 8
Knacks 31
For a grand total of 136 HP
So you just need to take one HP away and you're all set. I should note you still do have your eight XP to spend

As for the storytelling it looks wonderful. You couldn't write enough background to make me think it was too long. It is doubtful I'll be able to write enough to run this particular background for you at GenCon but I'll see what I can do

One last thing as I'm reading through your background it occurred to me that you said Valentin focused on sword fighting however he doesn't have a sword school. That seems odd to me. Not that you can't do it just that it seemed to be something that you wanted to write a story about or add into your background

EDIT: sorry, forgot to answer you how we calculate the gear. It's based on your job and since you're a noble you get 500 guilders a month to spend (which is every two adventures in our campaign). You get three times that amount to begin your character so 1500 to begin with and 500 a month. You begin with clothes and one weapon both are of fine quality because you're a noble

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:34 pm

I agree, the numbers work out but your sailor skill has 1 rank of knotwork and rigging as well. (free with the skill). Changes to consider: thanks to knack synergy, you could add ACROBAT and POLITICIAN (or TEACHER) with no extra cost to your character. The point it costs for the skill is offset by the point already invested in footwork and oratory in your case. It also adds a couple starting knacks and opens a few more advanced options for later. AND IF YOU HAVE NO BETTER PLAN FOR THAT 8 XP...I would suggest thinking about rank 4 footwork. Being harder to hit is always handy.
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:47 pm

If you want to add in a sword school:. I would select either Gallegos or Soldano. The points you spent on fencing and athlete skills and swordsman guild membership would go toward paying for the school. The rest of the 25 point cost could be offset by lowering finesse to 3 (after nation bonus), removing the ability to read Montaigne and Vodacce, dropping dangerous beauty, (stunning advantage will be plenty) and either lowering the appearance advantage or dropping noble. (i suggest dropping noble as you have essentially undertaken a false name and abandoned your title in your background.). Then you could use that 8xp to raise a pair of swordsman knacks to rank 2.
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:27 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely give it some thought.

Black Jack: Don't worry too much about writing to the background. I appreciate the thought, but it's pretty late in the game (no pun intended) to worry about it. Besides, I like filling in stuff like this. In my spare time I'm an actor, so it's all part of the character for me. :D

Salamanca: You make a good argument for the fencing schools, and while the stunning/dangerous beauty combo is a little excessive, I wanted to heavily play up that side of the character, similar to Ōishi of the 47 Ronin, who posed for years as a wandering drunk while coordinating revenge against Kira.

It would more closely fit the character's background to have more formal training, but I didn't think much about it as my own experience in martial arts has been a bit scattered. Also the choice of schools was somewhat overwhelming on first glance and...yeah. I'll look at the two choices you suggested this evening.

I didn't go with a 4th rank in footwork simply because I read somewhere, not sure if it was in the Player's Guide or the GoSM website, that you can't start with anything over 3. Otherwise I would have done just that. Does using XP then, presumably from playing even though I haven't allow one to supersede that stipulation?

This may be a dumb time to ask this question, but I've seen the phrase "knack synergy" several times on the forum. What exactly is that and how do I use it? I mean, I understand that some knacks double over onto multiple skills, but how would I add teacher or politician for no points?

Thanks again. This is all really helpful. Can't wait to play!
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:09 pm

Coming in on year 4, those XP represent the points you would have earned in the retired events. (it's our way of keeping you from being too weak as a new character) so they can be used to exceed the rank 3 limit. As for Knack Synergy...if a basic knack appears in multiple skills during character generation, you automatically gain an extra point (essentially, it becomes rank 2) teacher and politician both include Oratory knack which you have at rank 3(1 rank from courtier, 1 from scholar and one purchased) so technically, by spending the one purchase point on the teacher SKILL (reduced to cost 1 by your University advantage) you regain the third rank from the new knack adding another synergy point. (but it maxes at 3 for character generation). As for the dangerous beauty/appearance combo, I have had a ton of success with that back in the past. It works well but I also think that you will find the stunning bonus to be sufficient for MOST of what you need until xp lets you buy up the knacks and panache for more. (if you want to shift to a swordschool, otherwise rock the pretty boy bennies).
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:15 am

Ah! That makes much more sense now. Am I correct, then, in thinking that when you buy a skill you start with all the basic knacks at rank 1?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:55 am

That is correct.
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:53 pm

DealerForTheCIA wrote:Black Jack: Don't worry too much about writing to the background. I appreciate the thought, but it's pretty late in the game (no pun intended) to worry about it. Besides, I like filling in stuff like this. In my spare time I'm an actor, so it's all part of the character for me. :D

Hahahahaha! NOT try to write your background. We already have 3 ideas. We're evil that way!

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:00 pm

Ok. Numbers time. If I'm doing this correctly, which is a big if, By dumping Noble(5), Swordsman's Guild (3), Dangerous Beauty (3), 1 point from Finesse (8), Vodacce as a language (1), and one point each from Etiquette, Fashion, Lip Reading, Gossip, and Leaping (5), I have 25 points to then invest in the Soldano school.

One question: Would I then get 4HP back as I wouldn't have to purchase the Athlete and Fencing skills that come with the Soldano school?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:20 pm

I lied. I have another question. Are school knacks considered basic or advanced?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:07 pm

Unless the school says otherwise, Swordsman school knacks are advanced.

(And with the Soldano school, you also get free membership in the Swordsman's Guild -- unless you're buying the Unsanctioned background... :twisted: )
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:39 pm

Yes, you do get those points back but in my description, I used those points as part of the cost for the school. (25). And unless described otherwise in the school, the swordsman knacks are advanced martial knacks. So I would leave them at rank 1 for character gen and advance them with XP
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:43 pm

Just one other point, if you drop Vodacce (which you also read and write) you'd get the point for the language and the point for Read/Write, for a 2HP savings

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:41 pm

I was recommending dropping the reading not the speaking. Both are useful languages (moreso if you want to woo women with words they do not understand)
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Sister Sonya » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:37 am

And, character creation is the time to acquire most everything that you might want in the foreseeable future in the way of Skills, Knacks, Advantages, Languages, etc.

They will be much more expensive to acquire later on (with the notable exception of advanced Knacks, as mentioned.)
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby DealerForTheCIA » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:58 pm

Ok. I think I've got it mostly worked out.

Brawn: 2/5 (8HP)
Finesse: 3/5 (8HP+national advantage)
Wits: 3/5 (16HP)
Resolve: 2/5 (8HP)
Panache: 3/5 (16HP)
Reputation: 0

Advantages: Castillian Education (10HP), Inheritance (3HP), University (2HP), Appearance: Stunning (10HP), Able Drinker (1HP), Keen Senses (2HP), Vendetta (2HP)

Sword School: Soldano (25 HP)

Arcana: Overconfident (-10HP)

Languages: Castille (R/W/N), Montaigne (R/W), Vodacce (R/W) Thean (R/W)

Skills & Knacks
Athlete: Climbing (2/5), Footwork (3/5), Sprinting (1/5), Throwing (1/5)
Fencing: Attack (3/5), Parry (3/5), Double-Parry (1/5), Tagging (2/5)*, Whirl 2/5)*, Exploit Weakness - Soldano (1/5)
Courtier: Dancing (2/5), Etiquette (2/5), Fashion (1/5), Oratory (3/5), Diplomacy (2/5), Gaming (1/5), Gossip (1/5), Lip Reading (2/5), Seduction (3/5), Sincerity (3/5)
Scholar: History (1/5), Mathematics (1/5), Philosophy (1/5), Research (1/5), Law (1/5)
Performer: Acting (1/5), Dancing (2/5), Oratory (3/5), Singing (1/5), Cold Read (3/5)
Politician: Ettiquette (2/5), Oratory (3/5), Socializing (1/5)
Sailor: Balance (1/5), Climbing (2/5), Knotwork (1/5), Leaping (1/5), Rigging (1/5), Swimming (2/5)
* = bought w/XP

Equipment & Starting Money
1 set fine clothes (slightly worn)
1 fine fencing sword
1500 g (inheritance received upon leaving home) / no income at present

Finally, Soldano allows the use of two fencing swords. Can I use starting money to buy a second? Other than that,I think everything works out, though you might want to check my math.
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby salamanca » Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:54 pm

I am very tired right now but it looks like it adds up correctly to me. I also do not recall ever restricting a player from having the weapons he needs to use his school so if you want a second average sword, I'll grant you that. Now for the most important bit of advice: as GMs we really only care maybe 14% about what your stats are. If you are creative, descriptive and entertaining, a lot will turn out in your favor. (or at least we will make your failures epic)
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Re: David's Character: Valentin Boheres

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:12 pm

Still over by 1HP (the xp is spent fine).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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