Background - Angela Valdez

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Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Angela Valdez » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:58 pm

Angela is obligated (2 pts) to serve a noble right here in Altamira. She serves as house physician as well as entertainment on special occasions. She is compensated for her time doing this (Patron - 10G/month).

Angela also has amnesia (2 pts). She can remember her childhood fairly well. It is right when she is beginning her studies in University that things start getting fuzzy. She does not know how she learned much of what she knows.
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Re: Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:55 pm

Okay that gives me the bare-bones. Now I need some meat.Who is your patron/if you have an obligation to where is that someone you want me to make up? And more importantly why is that a problem or at least is Angela sees it?

As for the amnesia you say you know your childhood, so tell me about it. Where did you grow up? Who were your friends, your parents. How did you get along? Do you still see him any of them here in Altamira? Did any of them go to school with you here? What is your last clear memory? during the time you've been without your memory have you gotten any hintsthat all was not well prior to this or during your lack of memory. And speaking of what does your patron think about all this? How did you get a job from him/her when you didn't know who you were?

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Angela Valdez » Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:47 am

You will have to give my Patron a name, but I can give you a basic description.

He is a married man, with children nearing marrying age. He is a wealthy noble. Apparently, according to him, he knows Angela's father, and they agreed for Angela to work for him in Altamira. Angela does not remember him at all from her childhood.

The gossip around his house is that Angela does more for him than what she claims. This is, of course, not true but he neither confirms nor denies it. It makes him feel good that people would think that an attractive women like Angela would be interested in him.

Unknown to Angela, he has been tasked to protect from people who are connected to her other background. Her patron has told her that someone very bad must have happened to her to cause her to lose her memories, and that it is best not to focus on it and instead focus on the present day. This isn't much of a consolation for Angela.

Angela woke up one morning with a letter from her father telling her to go to Altamira and report to the noble as his house physician. There was some money for clothes and travel expenses included. Angela does write to her parents from time to time and has asked them about the noble but her father has only told her that he is an old friend and was looking for someone like her.

Angela's childhood was a very happy one. She was the oldest child, and was curious about everything. Her father kept accumulating books, which Angela devoured. Her musically-talented mother taught her the piano, and Angela picked up the guitar on her own. She also was talented as a singer.

Being an attractive talented girl made Angela the center of attention in her small town. Being an intelligent willful girl made boys stay away from her. Her mother taught her manners, and not to flaunt her intelligence with others.

Angela had a period where she became intensely interested in fencing (it was a way to get boys to interact with her). She had no desire to go to a Swordsman's School; University was what she wanted to do.

When Angela was 18, her town threw a farewell party for her as she left her village for University. This is one of the last really clear memories Angela has.

When Angela was at University, studying to be a Doctor, she became involved in certain experiments. These experiments were designed to see if sorcerous ability could be artificially induced in someone (though Science). The experiment failed miserably. Angela's eyesight and memories were damaged, though her skills remained intact. There are those who still believe that the experiment could succeed.

Angela knows something happened to her, because her spectacles were something she did not need as a child.
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Re: Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:42 pm

Ok so far so good. Just a note and a couple of questions.

First the note. The whole paragraph that begins "Unknown to Angela" is the stuff I will be writing for your character, so no promises as to whether I will use that or not

Now more questions.
1) You mentioned she woke up one morning to find a letter from her father. First, how does she know its from him given you mentioned earlier that Angela does not remember him from her childhood (or is that the Noble she is working for that she doesn't remember). Second, more on point when/where was she when she found this letter? Was this her first memory subsequent to being able to remember things once again?

2) Ok back to amnesia. If her last memories were of leaving for University, how does she know that she got herself involved with Blood Science? (for example someone she trusts told her that's how it happened).

This is looking good, I have a couple of ideas already :D Looking forward to inflicting them on you :twisted:


*you as the character, Angela Valdez

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:52 pm

Completely forgot to mention this, but I should go back, just so you are aware.

When we do backgrounds I write 4 adventures for each HP you invest (that way you get the 3xp that equal 1HP plus a bonus) You can do one background adventure per PA (and yes you are more than welcome to come to multiple PAs throughout the year). As it stands right now, you'd be getting 16 adventures to resolve both of your backgrounds (and yes I usually intertwine them so both stories merge or at least overlap) so that means, if you come to just one Con per year, that this will take 16 years to finish*. And that doesn't include all the In Game backgrounds you can earn and anything else you might want to do over the course of the campaign.

Now I am not saying you can't take these Backgrounds (and it's not like I have a shortage of ideas) I just wanted you to be aware of what you're setting yourself up for.


*oh and just so you know, this first campaign will last just 12 years, and we're currently just finishing up with Year 4.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Background - Angela Valdez

Postby Angela Valdez » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:42 am

Answering your questions,

1. Yes, it is the Noble doesn't remember from her childhood. Angela was at an inn in a town (not Altamira), you can decide which one. Waking up in this inn is her very first memory from being able to being able to remember again.

2. I should have said 'Unknown to Angela' on the paragraph about the Blood Science. She of course has no idea how she got amnesia or that she was involved in experiments.

3. She does know she is in the Invisible College and some of the protocols for it, but she does not know how or why knows this, like many things about her.

I plan on coming to two cons a year (Origins and Gencon), so I can resolve my background in eight fun exciting years.
Angela Valdez
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