Today at work ....

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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:50 am

Well, the bad news is I didn't get the car. Guess getting yourself out of debt is not good on the credit line, so if you have no credit, you can't buy a car. Even though you have the money for payments, because you have no debt, which I wouldn't have if I was in to as much debt as they want you to be to be able to get the credit to get a new car. Sigh.

The good news, if you want to call it that, is that today marks twenty years I have worked for Whole Foods Market.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:59 pm

It was pretty quiet today, guess because it was Election Day. Had a bit of stuff to prep though, which kept me pretty busy til the second girl came in. Then I let her finish the cuts, while I put out some of the other stuff we had that needed to go out. She really couldn't handle the smell, because they were so strong, so I went and put out the eucalyptus greens and cinnamon pine cones before I finished for the day, but feeling like I left the store smelling like one of Santa's elves, those pine cones were extremely smelly.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:40 pm

This evening at work they had a 2 hour sampling through out the store, from 6pm to 8pm. Store was pretty busy til about 7:30, then it got pretty quiet, as I think that most people wanted to get home before the "bad" weather started (It is raining right now, but I heard we might get some white stuff).
Anyway, during the time that the were doing sampling, they also had a guy going around the store playing an accordion. He was really good. I saw quite a few people actually tapping their toes or "semi-dancing" down the isles. He got several applauds throughout his playing, and that to me said something. Found out later that he actually will be working at the store (not playing his accordion for work, except for special occasions, lol) but I think he will be in the customer service front end. All in all, it was a pretty nice night.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:08 am

Well, the day sort of started out nice at work, as we had the Harpist in again today, but my sciatic nerve in my right leg was acting up, and it was also inventory today, so by the time I got out of there, I was so tired and wasn't sure I was even going to be able to make it to the church parking lot to get my car. I did, but man, I am really tired, but at the point of being to wired to sleep ( which is why I'm up typing at the moment). Hoping the brightness of the screen will make my eyes tired enough to decide to go to bed. Since I have tomorrow (actually today, since it is after midnight) off, I think I will sleep in for a change.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue Nov 25, 2014 10:09 pm

Why is it that some people just are too lazy to look for something themselves?

At work today, it of course was pretty busy, it being a couple of days before Thanksgiving, and I think even busier, because of the snow storm that is supposed to hit us on Wednesday evening. So there I am on the outside of our display filling up the flower buckets, when one of the produce guys, who is inside the display, in our workspace by the sink, when he yells over to me "Laura, where is the sanitizer?"

Now he is standing right by our sink, and knows that all the cleaners the produce use are kept under the sink, while I'm on the other side of the wall of flowers, with several customers poking though our display while I'm trying to fill it. I looked over at him and said "I don't know, your the one by the sink, LOOK!"

Of course one of the big things I am always getting after the guys about it putting things back where they got it, so that anyone of the others that may need the item can find it, when they need it. He gives me this 'but you always know where things are at' glare, and then ask me why I'm yelling at him. I told him I wasn't yelling, but he has eyes and hands and he can open the doors under the sink and look to see if it's there, and if not, then one of the other guys has it. My boss just happened to be standing by him and just grinned at me, having heard this type of conversation before. Did she try to find it for him, nope. :twisted:

Oh, and I forgot something. Why is it that the customer you cringe at the most to help always comes looking for you? There were three of us on the floor, and this one customer that I get occasionally, usually when its busy and I've got several things happening at once, shows up and wants something we don't have and then continues to talk about it when I've already informed her that we don't have it and haven't had it for years. She was looking for some dried flowers, and I pointed to the Chinese Lanterns we have, but that wasn't what she wanted, and then pointed to the large dried arrangement we had, but again that wasn't what she wanted. she just couldn't ask me for what she wanted, "Silver Dollars" a neet dried flower that the seed pods are about the size of silver dollars, and almost silver in color (hence their name). So after she finally mentions it, and I told her we hadn't had them in about twelve years (which we hadn't), she continues to go on about them and that she got some a "couple" of years ago here, which I know isn't true, as I've worked there for fourteen years now, and we hadn't had them since my first boss left, and I've had at least five bosses since then. I just put it in my "little old lady lost her mind" file, and tried to help the next customer who was waiting impatiently behind the little old lady. My boss came up to me afterwards, and I rolled my eyes at her, while she laughed, because she knows I always get that same little old lady, and she always ask for something that she knows we never have, but always remembers getting it here.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:29 pm

I think I am going to start charging admission.
At work today I was pretty busy doing the prep work, and happened to turn around at one point, to look behind me and saw a guy in a 3 piece suit, with a bright orange paisley tie, long hair and a mustache that reminded me of the hippies of the 70's, watching me as I was working. I asked if I could help him, but he said no, he was just watching. Turns out he was waiting for his coffee to be made up over at the coffee bar, which just happened to be behind me at that moment (If you are in my work area, the opening faces the produce department, and to the left is my working table with the express cashiers on the other side of it, and to the right is our major flower display wall, with the coffee bar on the opposite wall from it, so when I am prepping, my back is to the coffee bar).
I seem to have this happen a lot now though, since people have nothing to do while waiting in line at the express registers, or waiting for their coffee from the coffee bar; so they watch us in the flower department do what ever we have to do to prep or make arrangements, etc., so like I said, I think I should start charging admission. :P
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:19 am

After reading Dave's "Strangeness that is my life" this morning, I had to post of what kind of a day I had yesterday.

Of course it is "The Holiday Season", so Christmas Music is interspaced right now with regular 40's pop music over the speakers in the store, and things are a bit harried and hassled, off and on, but the best part of the day, is watching the little kids looking a the toys they have over at the Whole Body section of the store which is cadi-corner from us, so I get a great view. They had at one time several large stuff toy giraffe's that are almost as tall as I am, but are now down to one. Considering that they are going for $100 dollars each, I'm surprised so many sold, but they are cute as anything and really life like, and watching the young children when they first see them is priceless.
Always one of the first things they do, is go over and touch it, like they are making sure it is real. Then they start petting it and talking to it. Its become quite the babysitter while the parents are waiting in line to pay for their groceries, since the Whole Body department is opposite of the Cashiers. I don't know how many times I hear the parents calling their kids after they go through the checkout, to leave, only to watch the kids being called, hug the giraffe before running over to the parents. It really is the cutest thing, and right now they have a Santa hat on it too, lol.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby salamanca » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:04 pm

Those are made by the company that does the Melissa and Doug products. Unrelated side note. My sister has a pilates class and they have opted to nickname the instructor "whole foods" on account of his health regimen.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:44 pm

The last couple of days at work have been hectic. I feel like I'm either spinning in place, or being bounced around like a ping-pong ball. Try to be productive, but keep getting interrupted by either customers or our store bosses.
But today I got interrupted by a friend I hadn't seen in a while. She used to work with me at Whole Foods, for many many years, but the company got rid of her position, and instead of taking up another position at work, she left the company to become an accountant. She and her husband stopped by today, and I asked him if he still had his car body shop, and turns out he does. I told him I might take my car to him, since it needs some work, but he told me that parts are hard to find for it. I told them that I had tried to get a car, but it had fallen through, because of the stupid "no updated credit history", since I got rid of my credit cards and out of debt. He then asked me if I drive stick, and of course I told him I do, since my car is stick driven. He said he has a car I might be interested in, a 2013 Ford Focus, with only four thousand miles on it. I have to find time to go see it. Don't know what he wants for it, but will have to get more info about it later. Meanwhile, now I can collapse in a heap and forget about work until tomorrow.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Sister Sonya » Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:12 am

Rebecca Iavelli wrote: He said he has a car I might be interested in, a 2013 Ford Focus, with only four thousand miles on it. I have to find time to go see it.

Laura... Do you trust this guy?

You have a chance to buy a newer car, with low miles? Find the time to check it out!
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:55 am

Yes Mike, he is trustworthy. She and I were best friends for the longest time before she left work, so I know her husband pretty well, and I don't think she would let him pass off a no good car to me. But yes, I had planned on finding out what I could about it and why they don't want it. Personally I think its because it is a stick drive or "manual" if you prefer, and not many people want to drive stick anymore, with everything going automatic, but I like stick drive.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:44 pm

This is not how I planned to spend my New Year's Eve, standing over the toilet. I had planned on getting out of work, getting home and relaxing and watching monster movies (tradition since a kid watching Creature Double Feature all nighters on New Year's Eve). But I get to work today, and about mid morning I'm feeling "weird". All I suddenly want to do is sleep, and my eyes were heavy. About half an hour later, I take a break, and go down to the breakroom, and grab a cup of water to drink. A few seconds later, I find myself running to the bathroom, and throwing up. My head is dizzy, and stomach is not happy at all. So I left work, got home safely, and now I'm going to go to bed for a bit, and hope whatever has decided to visit me goes away, so I can go to work tomorrow, as it is time and a half.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:18 pm

Off work today, and went to go look at the car my friends husband has for sale. It's a 4 door stick shift Ford Focus, dark metallic grey/silver, with a tan interior. Little bigger than I expected it to be, but I guess that's because it is a 4 door, which makes it longer. But she looked good. Before you ask, yes, she has been in an accident, that is how my friend acquired her, and he fixed the problem. So going to get her the end of the month, which means back to living check to check again. But for a 2013 car, with less than 4 thousand miles on her, still under warranty, for 12 thousand dollars, beggars can't be choosers. He said he has a few more things he wants to tidy up, so I'll get her the end of the month, which will give me time to get my downpayment together, and see what else I am going to need money wise, for taxes and plates. UGH.

Don't know if I should be happy or sad, lol. Happy I get a new car, sad I get to be poor(er) again.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Sister Sonya » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:54 am

Rebecca Iavelli wrote:... yes, she has been in an accident...

Don't know if I should be happy or sad, lol. Happy I get a new car, sad I get to be poor(er) again.

Well, if the accident was just cosmetic, and the car has been maintained, I think you've got a good deal... if the interest rate & down payment are reasonable!

And, if the guy is going to be able to maintain it at his shop, even better! Congrats!!
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:13 pm

Today I'm off work, and had sort of planned to go to Mark's house to do laundry. I was up eating breakfast, when my neighbor from downstairs knocks on my door. Turns out there was a leaking pipe down in the basement again, right beside the one we had last year. Once again, the walls are still not isolated, so no wonder (even though I had mentioned it to my landlord this pass summer). This time it was the pipe that went into his washing machine. The joint where the pipe and the hose to the washer was busted, and I couldn't get it to go back together. So we turned off the water to the house, and I called my landlord, to see if he had a particular plumber he uses. Anyway, he said he would call someone, and told me, when he called me back that they were coming right over. So I waited downstairs, after informing my neighbors to open up the downstairs door, otherwise I have no entry into the basement, without going through their apartment.

Meanwhile I called Mark and informed him of the problem, and he said that Jenny was sick anyway, so probably better off I didn't come over.

The person arrived, and came to look at the problem. We walled around the basement, and he finally found the turn off switch for that pipe, which I hadn't been able to find earlier. He turned it off, and I turned the house water back on, and had the neighbors check to see if they had water, and I checked mine, and looks like we fixed the problem without a plumber. Thankfully the turn off he had turned off only went to that one pipe, but I had been worried it might go to several throughout the house. So we are all fine now, and my landlord got off cheap, but he really needs to get that wall isolated, so this doesn't happen again next year.

So, now I guess I can work around my apartment and try to turn things around the way I have been thinking about for a while. Good day to do it. The snow has stopped now, and the sun is out, so I also will have to go out and shovel in a while. Bleh.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:22 pm

Laura, regarding your car... CARFAX

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Sister Sonya » Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:27 am

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Laura, regarding your car... CARFAX

If your guy will provide a VIN, so much the better... :?
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:57 am

So, been out of work for the last couple of days because of the storm. Went out this morning to try to catch the early train. Had not been out since the beginning of the storm, so really couldn't tell how bad it had been, til I tried to get out of my front door.
There was a little bit of a drift against it, as I pushed open the screen door, and the first step down wasn't bad, but by the time I got down to the last step, I had snow up to my hips. Tried to walk a path to the driveway, and almost made it, but I was having a panic attack at that point, because I had so much stuff wrapped around my face, to keep it warm, that I felt like I couldn't breath. I was having problems getting over the pile of snow to try to get to the street, as I just kept sinking down deeper, and was breathing so fast it hurt my lungs. So I stood there for a few moments, calming myself down, turned around and followed my broken trail back into the house. So later today, once it gets lighter out, I guess I'm going to have to go shovel for a while, but meanwhile I called work and told them I didn't know if I will make it in today.
This is not the best time for me to not be able to go to work, needing money for the new car and all, but at least I do have some vacation time saved up that I can use to cover this. Sigh.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:23 pm

Well, it was an adventure (of sorts) getting to work today. Had to catch an 6:40am train, so was up and dressed and out the door by 6:20. Still pitch dark at that time, and with the mounds of white snow as tall as I am, I had to check around them before I walked down the street to the train station.
Got there and there was a train already there, but turned out to be the Express. It left, and I waited for mine to show up, which it did a couple of minutes late, but hey, that's not bad considering all the snow.

So anyway, get on the train, and we start off slow, and kept slow. Now from my house to my work there are 5 stops, and averagely, it takes about 20 minutes tops to get from one to the other. Today it took over an hour, because it turns out the Express train that I had seen at the station, didn't even make it to the next stop before some problem started with it's engine. So we had to follow them to the next station, then our train attached itself to the Express (which due to its problems now became a local), and our engine pushed all the cars from then on.

Got to work and it was pretty quiet for a while, so I was able to get some of the product waiting for me processed, and then later that afternoon Pham showed up for the closing shift. It seemed the minute she showed up, KAPOW!! We got bombed with customers wanting flowers wrapped.
So we kept pretty busy til I left. During that time, an old Russian lady who was having Pham wrap some flowers for her gave her and me a "Good Luck Charm", of a small blue glass dot, something that looks like it would be used in the game "Go". Told us that they were for us, not to give them away, and not have anyone else touch them. Was kinda funny to me, because just last week, one of our Armenian cashiers had given Pham one of them, told her that it was to prevent the "Evil Eye", because she did not have blue eyes, and said that I was protected already because I do. So guess I'll see if any good luck comes from this, or I just got a blue game piece, with no game to use it with.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:21 pm

Well, not at work today, and didn't got to Mark's as I had other things I needed to do around the house. I have been trying to clean out the junk, but seems like all I am doing is shuffling it from one spot to another. Then, just a few moments ago, Jennifer, (yes, another Jennifer), my landlord's girlfriend who is up here for the week for a dental implant, just came up to let me know she had made some soup if I would like some, but also to tell me that a Realtor will be coming to see the house this Tuesday. Great! Wonderful! Stress level just rose 100%.

I had eaten dinner with her the other night, and she had mentioned that my landlord was a bit worried about me, and what would happen if he sold the house; she actually said he said I should move to Florida, but there is no way I want to live in Florida. There's just too many bugs, snakes and alligators down there for my liking.
So meanwhile I still have to get this house in order, so that it's viewable for a Realtor. I did tell her that I would be at work at the time she said they were going to come by, and she told me she would tell them she didn't have a key to my apartment, so that they will not be able to come into the apartment, which is good, but still, eventually, they will want to see the apartment, to help sell the house.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:24 am

Another Snow day, and not going to work. Got a call from Lisa, the first one to get in from our department, (she lives close to the store), and told me that my boss, Laura told me not to come in today. She (Laura) wasn't going in either, as she wasn't sure she could get home if she got to work.
So Lisa said she would handle today's stuff, and thankfully it isn't much, but this weekend is Valentines, and I don't know how it will go down this year, as I saw that we are supposed to get more snow on Thursday. The train this morning was cancelled, both inbound and outbound, and will be running irregularly today so it is a good thing that I don't have to go in, because I wouldn't know how long I would have to wait to catch a train back home.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:36 am

So nothing much has been happening at work. Though the other day, I really learned the meaning of getting blood out of a penny.

I was the early shift and was prepping some stuff that came in, when Helen from the Customer Service came over and handed me a "wrapped" bunch of tulips. I thought at first that a customer had returned them, as I could tell they were at least a week old, as some of the leaves were bad, and a couple of the heads had missing petals. So when she told me that the customer just wanted them cleaned up and re-wrapped, I had to ask her again, as it surprised me. So I take the wrap apart and see that yeah, the things really were at least a week old. Now just a week before we'd had a sale on tulips at 3 bunches for $10, so I figured these were from then, and fixed them up for the customer. So their all set and the customer comes over to get them, and asks how she was going to go through the line with them, since she had brought them in and didn't want to get charged for them, that they were a gift she was bringing to a friend in the hospital.
Well, we got her through the line with no problems, but I really wondered how good of a friend she was to the person in the hospital, that she would bring her used flowers. I really hope the friend threw them back at her, because you could tell, even with my cleaning them up, that they were not fresh.
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:54 pm

So today was my day off, and I went to Mark's to do laundry and babysit the kids while he and Jenny went out to a movie. Nothing big. But what I want to know, is there something about me or my car, that I always get the assholes driving behind me always in a hurry. I'm in the center of Millis, where the speed limit is 25 miles an hour, I think I'm going about 35 miles an hour, and suddenly from behind me I get high beams blinking at me, from a white SUV that is littery on my hind end. It's a two way road with double yellow lines, but it also has some major pot holes that I was watching for, that I knew were there, and there were people out walking because it is so nice. So I keep driving at my speed and the guy flashes his lights again, while weaving back and forth. There is no cars coming on the other side of the road, yet he still sits behind me flashing his lights. I'm sorry, but if he was in such a rush, he could have gone around me. I make it to my turn off, and guess what, he makes the turn too, oh goody, more time with the asshole (sarcasm). So I get a little father up the road, and he finally punches by me. He had more than plenty of time he could have done it during all the time he was flashing, but why do they expect you to get off the road (I would have had to get on a side walk, or a ditch to get out of his way), when if they are in such a hurry, GO AROUND ME! I was there first, and I'm going the speed limit.

I mean, what's the difference in crossing a double yellow line to cut in front of someone, compared to flying 50 miles an hour down a 25 mile an hour posted street, both are illegal so why do they even bother to stay behind someone they don't want to be behind, go around and speed! I hope the cop give you a nice big fat ticket!
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Re: Today at work ....

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:40 pm

Well, I haven't written here much because things have been pretty good at work lately, but something came up today on my way home, that I just had to tell you about.

So I just got my new car this past Wednesday, the 29th of July. Took it right away to get it inspected and it passed, no problem. So I have the late shift today, and as I am driving home, in the dark, I notice quite quickly that one of my headlights has gone out. I can't believe it, I just got the car, and already I have to fix the headlight. But, everyone is gone from the house, so I have to get back home to let the dog out, so instead of going to Auto Zone to get a light for it, I figured I could do that tomorrow, no problem. OF course I also figured that with my luck, I will probably get pulled over because of the light. Yep, sure did. Not once, but twice.

Luckily only got a warning, but geesh, must have been a really slow day for the town cops in the two towns I drove through, that I would get pulled over twice. Got a male cop the first time who gave me the warning, and a female cop the second time, who laughed when I showed her I had just gotten pulled over less than 15 minutes before in the other town, but she let me go without a warning.
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