A message delivered to entertainer types

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A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:26 pm

And every Ussuran, even if that doesn't apply to you.

A scroll delivered in the time between siesta and dinner, by a young boy wearing a mock-up of a musketeer tabard (unless they turned it inside out, in which case, its sandovals guard) Its contents are in Montaigne, Castillian, and the speakers native language (Tho the translation on that May be spotty.)

"Hello my friend! I would like to give you an opportunity to perform your art before a rotating collection of potential sponsors, at my new theatre and Salon I am opening. If you are interested, or perhaps just confused as to why I would send this to you, please come find me, either at said location, or at my continueing residence at the Queen's Inn."

A second page has a map to a building near the docks, but on the more polite end of it. There stands a building appearantly constructed of paving stones. Each stone has some sort of pleasant phrase, a reminder of civility, or a platitude, taken from either the book of the prophets, or a childs tale. The door itsself is painted in bright reds, oranges and yellows.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby daundelyon » Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:21 am

On reading the message, Ekaterina laughs and gives the messenger a tip. She goes to fetch her violin, taking a careful time to see to its polish and tuning. She puts it carefully back into the case and then starts for a particular room in the in. When she gets there, she knocks and waits for a response. When (if) the door is opened, she smiles and says, "You neglected to mention the time."
If no one answeres, she continues on her way to the building on the map.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby crimsonjoe » Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:36 pm

Peter read the note in Pidgin Avalon, one eyebrow raised as the thanks the delivery lad. A notice out of nowhere, out by the docks? But sponsors could be odd. And (Peter heard his stomach grumbling), he could certainly use a sponsor.

His first trek was a walk by the docks, following the map to see the location. It was bright and colorful, and the paving stones implied a place of entertainment. This may be a serious offer after all.

He headed to the Queen's Inn- though the note didn't leave a name. But he figured whoever left this note wasn't trying to be inconspicuous. He looked in the tavern, and then chatted up with the bar wench to see if he could fine the person who sent the offer.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:35 am

The serving girl sighs. "That would be one of the several dozen letters sent out this morning, delivered by a young boy, yes? The sender would be the Montaigne on the fouth floor. The one with the different colored door then the rest. However, I believe he has stepped out. He said something about needing more candles, and a wine delivery. Perhaps you could check with one of the young children around the city. I'm certain they can find him."
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby joecrak » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:48 pm

Kitanya read over the invitation multiple times, her brow furrowing as she pondered whether it could be exaclty as it claimed, or if there was some ulterior motive. She had certainly not gained much notoriety since her flight from Mother Ussura, but still , it never harmed one to be cautious.

Still..the chance to dance again yearned at her heart, perhaps she would check out the location...see who was entering and leaving...If it were as innocent as it claims, it would be better take her beloved ballet slippers...just in case.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby Sister Sonya » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:22 pm

The sister had been practicing on the organ. That is, on the mechanisms that provided air to the hoses and bellows, and also on to various valves that fed air to individual pipes.

When she checked in where messages, notes, and letters, from the Outside, could be found for the various priests and acolytes, she found a notice concerning entertainment. "Hmmm."

This was just the sort of thing that she needed to provide a rationale ... to avoid some onerous duty or another, and to provide some PR for the Church! Or for her to have a push to practice more!

Now, what if she were to present the idea that she wanted to propose using the pipe organ!?

She wrote a letter C/O the sender at the proposed venue. <I would be interested. Where and what time?>
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby crimsonjoe » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:48 pm

Peter gave the serving girl one of his bright smiles. Properly delivered, the look would cause every adult female in the room to swoon. She went back to setting up dishes, and Peter figured that the lighting in the bar wasn't clear enough.

Heading outside, Pete found some children playing down the street, kicking a makeshift ball. He watched from the sides and even joined in as several of the kids were chanting a small boy named 'Ricky' to kick the ball over a cart.

When the children took a break Pete came up and asked them about a 'colorful' Montaigne- "He's looking for a troubadour, and I'm hoping to get the job."
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:36 pm

Francois checks his messages, the ones from the soon to be theatre delivered to his room. He flips thru them, and knocks on the wall to see if Ekatarina was back from looking.. for him. He frowns, seeing he only has.. two replies. And one is a note from the Inn that one of the children had come back with a message, and took it for him.

This will Not do.

To the sister, he replies "I am unsure if I have sufficient space for a carolan inside the theatre, but I do have a well made harpsichord if you would stoop to such an instrument. The Theatre opens one week hance, and I shall instruct the doorman to allow you access to practive if you wish."

He looks again at the message from the inn, and sighs. "Why can people not give thier names when they want a job?"
He threw his hands in the air, paused a second, "Yes." he says to no one, and opens one of his hands, palm up, the charouse times droppping neatly into his hand, along with this weeks freiburg gazzette, and his mail from his estate. He signs off on the bills enclosed, and includes a note requesting however much mead they can send, in barrels to be marked as "Golden Charouse". Hopefully that would get past whatever force stopped importers from delivering the drink that half of altamira seemed to crave constantly.

He kicked the wall again, and getting no reply, decided to set back out, taking the absolute most direct route this time, hoping to run into the ussuran fiddler, and see if she was available for the opening night of his precious new hobby.

He walks off, whistling something he heard.. somewhere.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby joecrak » Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:37 pm

Kitanya traversed the streets of the sprawling city, looking at the provided map, to help guide her way. So far things seemed to be as presented, a building made of stones with various inscriptions...a brightly painted door. She was hesitant to knock, but a patron could do her wonders, and it would be a chance to perform once more. It might even give her a chance to study different dancing techniques. Still, there was always that fear of being hunted by those she abandoned back in Ussura. Looking over her shoulder briefly she pulled the hood of her cloak up a bit more before knocking on the bright door, hoping to inquire more about this strange invitation.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:47 pm

And as she reaches for the door, she is greeted from about fiteen feet away, by a fashionable (from montaigne court) young man, dressed in blacks and purples. "Good afternoon, what can can Francois do for you?"
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby joecrak » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:56 pm

Kitanya turned to face the voice, looking slightly startled at the sudden surprise. Looking over the darkly dressed man, herself garbed rather plainly in comparison.

"Good Afternoon...Francois, is it?" she inquires to be sure, slowly pulling out the invitation and the map "I''m sorry, but this letter gave no name to accompany it. This is your theater then? I have interest in performing here, if the offer is still available."

Her Ussuran accent obvious as she responds to the man, the plainly dressed woman curtsying in proper fashion as she lowered her head, like she had been trained to do back at the academy "I am Kitanya Dubrovna, of Ussuran ballet, pleasure to be making your acquaintance."
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby Sister Sonya » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:30 am

kenderleech wrote: "I am unsure if I have sufficient space for a carolan inside the theatre, but I do have a well made harpsichord if you would stoop to such an instrument. The Theatre opens one week hance, and I shall instruct the doorman to allow you access to practive if you wish."

A harpsichord (and the pianoforte) works from different principles than a pipe organ, although some persons choose to play both. Being picky and choosy, Sonya prefers the larger (and bone-shattering) vibrations from the air movement of the pipe organ.

By return message she writes, "I also play the guitar, and can participate with that instrument, if you please. Thank you for the opportunity." She regards the guitar as a wholly secular instrument, and considers wearing secular garb to the theater.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby daundelyon » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:49 pm

(OOC "He flips thru them, and knocks on the wall to see if Ekatarina was back from looking.. for him." Hey, not my fault you didn't answer the door. ;) )

When Ekatarina arrives at the designated building, she takes the time to walk around it and admire the sayings carved into the stones. She decides to enter, and starts looking around for Francois. She catches herself noting the various entrances and exits, and shakes her head. Too many jobs for the Guild, she is becoming paranoid. Hearing a familiar voice, followed by a familiar accent, she wanders over to where Francois and Kityana are talking.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:52 pm

(ooc: he wasnt in his room yet.)

"Nice to meet you Kitanya. What is it you do?" Francois gestures to the small display of racked instruments near the stage. "Do you play? sing? act? Are you a comedienne? Juggler? Do you need a seamstress? Sorry, silly question. Martin! Get the seamstress!" he gestures around the room. "Do you like my humble business? I know we arent open yet, but we will be the most fashionable place in Altamira soon enough!" He turns as the door opens. "Ekatarina! Welcome back! Do you like what I have had done with the place?"
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby joecrak » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:28 pm

Kitanya blinks as he seems to go on like a runaway carriage, barely giving the woman a chance to speak

"I am ballerina, that is...I dance, and have studied long at my art form. But I do have skill in singing and Acting. Though, I admit it has been some time since I performed, needs demanded I learn other skills to get by."

She looks around the place with an appraising eye, it was no dance, academy, but it never claimed to be, though she smirked a bit at his claim. "We shall see Gospodin Francois." She responds, with slight smile, before turning to look upon the woman referred to as Ekatarina.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby daundelyon » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:35 pm

Ekatarina laughs at Francois' antics. "It is lovely, of course. I cannot wait to try the sound." She smiles at Kityana. "To answer the unspoken, yes, he is always like this, but he does mean well." She considers, "Well, most of the time, at least." Clearly she is teasing. She is carrying an instrument case and a folder of music under one arm.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby kenderleech » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:07 pm

He grins. Arms still spread wide. "Do you like the decor? Do you understand the theme? Welcome both of you, to 'Bonne Intentions'".
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby joecrak » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:14 pm

She smiled, first to Ekatarina, recognizing an all too familiar accent "I see. In that case, I will do my best to keep up with him~" she chuckled a bit, getting playful herself.

"The theme?" she inquired looking around, having not noticed whatever he might have been talking about, but then again, it has been a hectic few days for the newcomer to the city.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby crimsonjoe » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:19 pm

The children weren't able to help Peter. Shrugging, he headed back to the Queen's Inn. If the Montaigne hadn't returned yet, Pete would leave a note to find Peter Galvin at the Dos Caballeros y Doncellas, where Pete would perform 3 nights a week.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby Harliquinn » Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:57 am

Aleksei received the note and after careful reading, looking for familiar script of a recent rival, he tips the young messenger and considers his actions.

He gathers up some juggling equipment, attires himself in traditional Ussuran fashion known to the Fhideli, grabs his domra on the way out the door and proceeds to the Queen's Inn, eager to see what the night has planned.
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Re: A message delivered to entertainer types

Postby Angela Valdez » Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:20 pm

Angela received the note from the messenger. She was not known as an entertainer, though that was part of her job for her employer. She had recently done some guitar playing at an inn recently, with two of her friends dancing to the music. She tipped the messenger and decided to check out this new Inn/Salon the note mentioned. She strapped her guitar over her shoulder; she might have to audition. She was skilled on both the guitar and the pianoforte, something her mother had insisted she learn. She often sang for her employer; she had been told many times she had a pleasant singing voice, though she was an alto.

After buckling on her sword and making sure her Doctor's bag was fully supplied, she proceeded down to the docks to look for this place. It wasn't difficult to find; the instructions were good ones. It was down by the docks, a rough area sometimes. She remembered several adventures had taken place down this way. She especially remembered waking up in the hold of a ship, deprived of her ever-present spectacles.

Walking in, she looked around for anyone she could converse with.
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