Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

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Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

Postby ZAP ROWSDOWER » Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:34 am

Hey, I'm scheduled for some events with y'all at Origins, so here's my character. Feedback welcome.


One day, the name Guðjón Einarsson will be as renowned as [NAME OF LEONARDO DA VINCI ANALOGUE].

While he waits for that day to arrive, Guðjón falls back on a proverb from his home town, “Stundum þarftu að ljúga um hæfni þína til að ljúka verkefni þar til þú getur lokið verkefninu á lögmætan hátt”, which roughly translates to “fake it ‘til you make it”.

Originally from a small village in [EQUIVALENT OF ICELAND], known only for the especially pungent quality of it’s fermented fish, Guðjón knew from an early age that he wanted more, and more importantly, he wanted it somewhere else. As an adolescent, he ran away from home on the first ship he could talk his way aboard, and washed up in Kirk.

In Kirk, he spent spent a number of years that could charitably be described as urchin-y, occasionally resorting to associating with men of flexible moral characters. Eventually, he was able to beg, borrow and steal his way into admittance to the University of Kirk, where he promptly turned his back on as much of his past as possible, and adopted the habits and fashions of his fellow students. It was during this process that he discovered his penchant for firearms, and followed many of fellow students into the arms of the Rasmussen school.

After graduating, he followed his affinity for firearms into an apprenticeship for a gunsmith, and became a journeyman with a speed that spoke to either his aptitude, or the limits of his master’s patience. He was ‘encouraged’ to buy into a merchant guild venture gearing up in San Marcos, and just opened for business a few days before start of play.

-Ambiguously shady childhood.
-Composed of a volatile mix of unrealized potential and unfulfilled ambitions.
-Smart, but not as smart as he thinks.
-Falls back on street smarts and a silver tongue when scholarship and artifice (frequently) fail.
-New in town.
-Inordinately fond of gross Scandinavian food.


Guðjón Einarsson
Vendel Duelist Template
Brawn 2
Finesse 3
Wits 4
Resolve 2
Panache 3

Reputation 0

University, Linguist, Combat Reflexes, Firm Grip (1), Debater,
Merchant Guild Membership, Merchant Patron (2)

Arcana: Ambitious

Languages: Vendel (R/W/N), Avalon (R/W), Castille

Backgrounds: Obligation 3 - Defend Rasmussen School

Swordsman School
Rasmussen: (Pistol)

Pommel Strike 3
Reload 3
Trick Shooting 3
Exploit Weakness 2
Apprentice Ability: You have no penalty for using a pistol in your off hand. You may draw and fire a pistol as one action. Your short range penalty to hit is -5 (instead of -10).


Basic Knacks:
Balance 1
Footwork 3
Leaping 1
Climbing 1
Sprinting 1
Throwing 1
Attack (Firearms) 3
Dancing 1
Etiquette 3
Fashion 1
Oratory 3
Diagnosis 2
First Aid 2
History 2
Mathematics 1
Philosophy 1
Research 3
Socializing 3
Street Navigation 2
Writing 2
Gunsmithing 2
Singing 1
Appraising 1

Advanced Knacks:
Reload 3
Gossip 2
Underworld Lore 1
Sincerity 1
Cold read 2
Haggling 1
Tinker 1

Equipment and Starting Money
1 Set of Poor Clothes
5 Pistols 80G (4 purchased) (Skyrgámur, Kertasníkir, Gáttaþefur, Bjúgnakrækir, Hurðaskellir)
String .25G
Powder, Shot, Mold: 9.75G

2k2 + 10 G per month/90G Starting Cash

HP 30:
Wits 4: 8
Panache 3: 8
Debater: 5
Merchant Guild: 4
Merchant Patron 2: 1
Bard: 1
Fence: 1
Reload (3): 1
Professor: 1

XP 32:
Pommel Strike 3: 6
Trick Shot 3: 6
Gossip 1: 2
Sincerity 1: 2
Cold read 2: 6
Haggling 1: 2
Tinker 1: 2
Underworld Lore 1: 2
Gossip 2: 4
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon May 15, 2017 6:58 pm

Re: Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

Postby Lady Grace » Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:49 am

Annie's not the only Vendel anymore! :lol:
"You're still mad at me about that whole 'gun-pointing' thing, aren't you?" -- Fortunato Valeri

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Re: Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

Postby salamanca » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:17 pm

You were never the "only" vendel. The rest just don't want blamed for what you do.
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Re: Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

Postby Lady Grace » Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:55 pm

You pants several henchmen who deserve it and suddenly you get a reputation... :mrgreen:
"You're still mad at me about that whole 'gun-pointing' thing, aren't you?" -- Fortunato Valeri

And here's where I try to be a writer...
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Re: Bob's Character - Guðjón Einarsson

Postby salamanca » Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:14 pm

Bob, back on topic... This guy looks real good. Look forward to meeting you at the table.
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