Countdown to GenCon 2017

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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby kenderleech » Sun Aug 20, 2017 6:39 pm

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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby salamanca » Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:06 am

The con is over because it is 50 and gets tired sooner than it did in it's youth. Someday, you will hit 50 and not be able to last like you used to either.
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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby Sister Sonya » Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:03 pm

And, then there is the idea of 'lasting' at 70...
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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby Watcher487 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:53 pm

Ok, I made it back home. Thanks for everything guys
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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby daundelyon » Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:16 pm

salamanca wrote:The con is over because it is 50 and gets tired sooner than it did in it's youth. Someday, you will hit 50 and not be able to last like you used to either.

It ain't the years, it's the mileage.
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Re: Countdown to GenCon 2017

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:36 am

So, I've had a bit of time to recover. Here's my assessment of GC 50. Overall it was crowded, but really not a whole lot more than normal. When I looked at the attendance I saw why. We'd all been assuming that "sold out" was in the 75-80k 4-day badge range. BUT it turns out they capped it at 60 (so just over what they'd been doing in the past couple of years). That started a frenzy of 1-day badge grabbing which eventually sold them all out. But again, that didn't add a whole lot to the attendance numbers overall. Although they did rent out the whole of the sports-ball stadium for various things (I never get down there, way too busy and not enough interest on my part) so it's certainly possible that's where the new crowds went.

And now for my usual Good, Bad, Bit-o-Both

Despite my initial impression of how we were going to do (what with the lower ticket sales and a completely empty game on Thurs), it turns out we did better than last year, generating enough tickets to put us back into the Premiere Event group for next year!

Players! we had our usual gaggle of great returning gamers from years past (and a couple who'd returned after a couple year's absence (Hurray Shamus!)) As usual, they made all our new folks feel welcome and reminded me why running this campaign is so much fun!

But of the various games I ran, the PA was, by far, the most fun. Lots (and LOTS) of laughs from all around. Veterans were happy to bring the newbs up to speed, and the new folks jumped in with both feet. A few incredulous stares, but it all worked out just fine in the end.

Speaking of, there wasn't a bad newbie in the bunch this year. I think we only had to mention the word "Heroes" once or twice and everyone got it! And moreover there were a couple who just sat right down and made themselves home like they'd been with us since the beginning!

Speaking of Shamus, he returns to us from all the way in Canada where he arrived with a new wife in tow, and it turns out they met right at our tables!!! Totally taking credit for this one.

Got a whole day off! A WHOLE DAY! Ken just jumped in and said he was going to run all my adventures for the day. Let me leisurely wander the dealers hall until I'd had enough.

Oh and while in the dealers hall, I got myself a job offer thanks to Don Higgins (can't talk too much about it, under an NDA). But I can say its with FASA on their 1879 line.

The Premiere Event thing might not happen since they haven't (even as I write this) informed me whether they were able to find/not find the missing 10 event tickets and 16 generics that showed up on Sunday.

Missing gamers :( couple of regulars whose absences was surprising. Don't know what made them miss out, but hopefully I'll see them next year.

Loughmiller's Pub was its usual wonderful self...on Thurs and Fri. Went in saw the usual crowd working the bar and they remembered me from years past. (didn't remember my order but then I think only seeing me for 4 days once a year gives them a pass). HOWEVER, on saturday, just as they did last year, they went to a limited menu. Busiest day of the con and we can't get Ken his Ruben Sandwich?!?! But the good news of that is we discovered the restaurant in the JW isn't half bad (despite the fact that they can NEVER remember to give us dressing for salads).

The Dealers hall and the invasion of card games. Dealers hall was bigger than ever and I anticipated an orgy of spending on new dice, RPGs, dice, props, dice, and other assorted geekery (oh and dice). What I got was tons, and Tons, and TONS of new card games. I would venture to say that a good 60-70% of the hall was folks hawking new card games. Next down were the boardgame folks, followed by the assorted group (buying magic cards, t-shirts, swords, armor, comic books, etc.) and then RPGs. And worse, nearly all were games I was either not interested in last year (or the year before) or ones I'd already kickstartered. So I bought a total of one new game, Degenesis. (I confess the art is phenomenal).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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