Chronicles of the Self Isolated

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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:34 am

Well, the locale next to you is full of next gen hippies and socially conscientious people who get it. It is a smart community.

I will post something this afternoon about the reopen rules. Might.give those of you elsewhere an idea of what to expect when your chance comes.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:43 pm

This is going to be a very slow open in Ohio. (New slogan: We're the anti-Georgia")

Friday will allow for doctor visits for non life threatening issues, dentists and vets for your pet.

Then on Monday, Construction, Manufacturing, Distribution and Offices can get back to it.

A week after that, non essential retail returns and we can go buy Comics and games again.

Still no restaurants, barbers, gyms, movies. People still can't gather in groups, masks will be required at work and in stores.

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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:03 am

Too soon. Way too soon.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:32 am

It would work IF people followed all the instructions and were not going out for unnecessary reasons, maintained their social distance, amd wore their masks.

But too many are just to damn stubborn to follow a rule because their ego says "i don't need to do this because i won't get it". They don't care about passing it to others.

So, yeah...we will have a second wave in about 3 weeks out here.

The damn fools out here are now demanding to know when they can start going to the public pools amd summer camps now. Nobody has the nerve to just tell them all "No".
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:01 pm

Stephen Hawking just taught me how to time travel using 3 deloreans, a large balloon, a golf cart, and a mountain.

Now i know why i love Origins so much. I gain 10 nanoseconds of youth every year. Meanwhile, Ken and Mark get older a little faster (around 3.5 nanoseconds a year)
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby CaitlinCallahan » Fri May 01, 2020 1:59 pm

So, on the plus side, this quarantine has pushed my dad to start using more advanced technology. We got him a camera/microphone combo for his computer (to be honest, it's one that Floyd bought for me just before my computer died, and my replacement tablet has them built-in, so I never even opened the box). He's now using Zoom to participate in group meetings with friends of his from church. He's also added Duo to his phone (the Google version of Facetime). Which is great, except when I get a video call from him after just working out and I don't particularly want to be seen.... ;)
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Fri May 01, 2020 3:42 pm

Yeah, this is why lo tech is good. Nobody knows if you are dressed.

Menards was asked about mandatory masks for customers. They are only asking but not demanding but they have a different idea to reduce traffic in the store... Nobody under 16 is allowed in the store. I have been seeing lots of families in stores and i don't get it. You meed one person to do the shopping. You don't need a husband, wife and 4 kids. Leave them home.

Well, Ohio is officially crazy. My dad made a run to Sam's Club today for supplies. He had is actual facemask on and his latex gloves to be as considerate as possible.

On the way into the store, some guy with no mask started screaming and swearing at him because apparently this whole thing would go away if nobody followed the Governor's orders.

Yep, Dad got chewed out for being a good citizen.

This is as bad as the people complaining to the press that they have no money because their job has been closed and now refusing to go back to work because it may not be safe.

This keeps up, i will start rooting for the virus.

Everybody stay safe, healthy and wear your masks.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Sat May 02, 2020 5:06 pm

With retail stores starting to reopen in portions of the country, and masks being required of most states, i expect that we will see corporate logo masks becoming a thing.

I can see collectors wanting sets. I can see Target realizing a bullseye is a bad idea. I can see Hot Topic having cool black masks and Build a Bear with their cute bear logo.

Nd then i realized which one could be the most ridiculous... the lacy Victoria's Secret mask.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby daundelyon » Sun May 03, 2020 11:49 am

Sister Sonya wrote:No operas, musicals, plays, or concerts.

The National Theater, Andrew Lloyd Weber, and Shakespeare's Globe are putting stuff on YouTube. We've watched Phantom of the Opera (awesome), Love Never Dies (?????), and a celebration with various excerpts. I just finished Romeo and Juliet, tried to watch Frankenstein (Benedict Cumberbatch as the creature) but it was a bit too weird. Some of this stuff goes out for a limited time, but it's worth checking out. :)
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Sun May 03, 2020 6:54 pm

I think i will look at booking myself a full trip to Europe for late July.

They won't be open, i wont be free to go and i have no cash for it but the websites are open to look at hotel accomodations and attractions to visit.

So i could potentially view it all via the interwebs. Meanwhile i will feel good about what i saved on air fare and expenses.

Maybe i will theme it around events from 1668.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby CaitlinCallahan » Mon May 04, 2020 11:24 pm

Definitely have too much time on my hands. Started messing around with creating my own 7th Sea character sheet in Excel this evening (and playing a bit with my concept for the Scoundrels campaign....) I had forgotten how much I disliked creating my own sheet ages ago for my online game. Sigh......
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Tue May 05, 2020 11:01 am

I think you all should mess with Mark and make the exact same character. With the same name, personality and background. (Except for one important change in the background so he has to do variations for all of you)
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Tue May 05, 2020 2:20 pm

Speaking of personal logo mask, before reading your post, I was thinking that if masks were still going to be needed, I should make a few for Mark to wear at the con. I was thinking of some of the old material I had from making his Rose and Cross outfit I made him, and could make the mask match it. I'll have to dig it up and see what I can come up with.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Tue May 05, 2020 5:12 pm

You gotta look at material thickness and such. The brocade is a bit thick and scratchy.

I have had great success with cotton blends that were batik dyed and some printed cotton/poly weave stuff.

Soft on the face is the big deal followed by not to testrictive to airflow followed by not too warm after 3 hours in place.

Yeah, i have had the needle and thread out. Can't use the machine...someone decided it was best used as a TV stand.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Tue May 05, 2020 5:17 pm

Note on making masks... i have had modest success using elastic hair bands to wrap around the ears but you need a mask about 13 inches wide for that. (And between 4.5 and 5 inches tall)

I have been happier with the option to tie around the head for use longer than 30 minutes. Simple solution is to lay a pencil at each end of the mask, stitch it in place and thread a tie string through it leaving you with a loop and a tie end. I prefer the loop on top and the tie low but your preference may differ. As for string, i have looted the cords from several hoodies. Each one is plenty long enough for a mask. (You will want around 30 inches of string)
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Thu May 07, 2020 10:54 am

Yeah, I got to take the thickness into consideration. Have to dig it out yet, but I was thinking if it's not too thick that I may be able to layer a thin interior material to keep it from scratching the face. We'll see. I have a lot of material around that I've been collecting to make stuff with, but my machine was broken for a while, but I figured out the problem,( it kept breaking the needles) and fixed it, so I can hopefully get some projects going now that I have more time at home.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sat May 09, 2020 6:43 pm

Ok, yesterday at work, before I left, I happened to look over to the registers, and saw a lady with a bag over her head. Yep, walking around with a plastic zip bag that you get a comforter or bed sheets in, unzipped and slipped over her head, along with wearing a mask. I was wondering how she could even get air to breathe, but I guess it was working for her, but personally, I think she was overdoing it, creating her own face shield, because if she had read more about the virus, it tends to cling to plastic longer than any other surface, so that bag could have been a virtual bomb of germs.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Mon May 11, 2020 7:54 am

Yeah, you can easily over do it.

Has nobody learned from childhood to avoid putting plastic bags over their head?

Then again, it may just thin the herd as darwin takes over.

Mask design note: taper the width toward the ears. You want the middle 5-6 inches to be 4and a half to 5 inches high but from those "corners" you want to narrow down to about 2 inches at the ears.

It makes the mask less puffy, fits better, and just gives it some style.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby daundelyon » Mon May 11, 2020 1:50 pm

We celebrated my dad's birthday via video chat on Saturday. All of the chaos, none of the cake.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Mon May 11, 2020 2:19 pm

No cake? That is a lose, lose situation
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby daundelyon » Thu May 14, 2020 3:47 pm

It will be made up when we can all get together safely.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu May 14, 2020 4:59 pm

I answered this for Alexandra but just in case anyone else is looking around and doesn't know.

We have cancelled all HoA events for 2020. We will not be running anything HoA at all. You will not miss out by not going and you will not be ahead if you do. We don't want anyone to risk their safety (or life frankly) because they want to get into a game.

This is all for fun, and we want to continue having fun with you all for many years to come. So stay home, stay safe. Sure this sucks but we'll have a good laugh about it next year.

IF (and that's a big IF) things calm down enough to do Origins in October, we will NOT be running any new HoA. We might run some Flashbacks if folks need to catch up, or more likely we'll just run one-shots that won't have anything to do with the campaign.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Sat May 16, 2020 12:16 pm

Well, Ohio just posted new guidelines specific for golf courses.

Not much to work with.
No Loitering after the round.
Bathroom have to be cleaned half as often as doorknobs and counters seems like a gross contradiction.
Players have to stay 6' apart but individual carts are only suggested not mandated...that is physically impossible.
No sending a group off on different holes because they will all finish at the same time...but we don't want them gathering on the first tee in a crowd. That is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

And i have to post signs in multiple places telling people to stay home if they are sick, wash their hands, keep 6 ' apart, and wear masks if they are near each other (but they are not required while playing).

None of this is golf specific. These are the standard suggested procedures. Adults should not need that lecture at every business on earth.

Somebody should have appointed a rules lawyer to this group.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby CaitlinCallahan » Sat May 16, 2020 10:38 pm

Okay, so I realize that I'm way behind the times, but in the course of recent Netflix surfing, I just discovered Marco Polo. I'm only 4 episodes in to the first season, and am really enjoying it.
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Re: Chronicles of the Self Isolated

Postby salamanca » Sun May 17, 2020 7:36 am

Yeah... well get ahead on the next big thing.

Hulu has a comedic take on the rise of Catherine the Great called... wait for it... The Great.
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