Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

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Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:37 pm

So I know you're all jonesing for a 7th Sea game, and I am playing one LG is hosting via Google Hangouts. It turns out, as a player I am an obsessive note-taker. So, to make it easier for the other players to understand my recollections, I've been transcribing it all into a (semi) coherent narrative. I should make it clear, my notetaking is kind of me-centric so I tend to show up a lot. And I have, on occasion misheard some things. I will leave it to the other players to correct my misconceptions.

So, with that in mind (and with all of the players' permissions), I thought I would share the torture with which they have inflicted on me (and I on myself). Just a little background first. There are four players and the PCs are as follows:

Siobhan Burgess: (pronounced “Shi-vonne”) an Inish woman who eschews violence (thus far). Quite the dancer, and brilliant strategist. She disarmed an overly pushy drunk by giving in to his overtures to dance. Then danced well enough to cause him to slip and knock himself unconscious. She’s a member of the Jenny’s Guild.

Jack Gideon: A rich Avalon man (Pugilist). May have a lost love (whose name may or may not be Arissa, and who may or may not be a Sidhe) Delightfully unaware how much Lord Kadien disapproves of him. Pretty sure has the Hedonist Arcana

Francisco Eduardo Monteban: a Castillian sailor with more than a little skill at sailing ships. Lost his home to the invading Montaigne (so has no love lost for them). Has the Star-Crossed Arcana. And it seems he might be cursed too (having had his Star-Crossed activated at least twice already). Lost his lady-love to his own actions. OR DID HE?

“Handsome”: Obviously not my name, but given that I am unable to tell anyone (since my tongue was cut out) that's what they call me. I think it has to do with how I look (which is what could best be described as, "went three rounds with a grizzly and lost every round"). I know lots about me, but I seem to be keeping it to myself. First off, I am Crescent. In addition, there is good evidence I understand nearly everyone around me, and I am competent as both a surgeon and a sailor. For some unknown reason I insist on carrying around two cutlasses. Oh and I won’t drink alcohol. (for the record I *Mark* try not to speak when I am in character ever, insisting on frantic hand motions, a lot of eye-rolling, and more than a little face-palming)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:42 pm

Quartus 22, 1667

We began with our arrival to a party in Luthon because of a letter sent to my three rescuers Msrs, Jeremy (Orangutan) Kent, Richard (Dick) Bacon, and James (Maybe) Might. They’d received a letter from a “Lord Kadian” who I am almost certain is a Jinn (though some of our erstwhile companions called it a “Shee”). We are to sail in a race around the known world. Our “erstwhile companions” by the way, are:

Siobhan: an Inish woman of quite some charm who has yet to yell at me because she thinks I cannot understand.
Jack: an Avalon man who thinks he has quite some charm and who cannot stop yelling at me, but whom I am certain believes he is being helpful (May the Second Prophet save and bless me).
Francisco: a Castillian man who has thus far kept his council to himself but who introduced himself to me quite readily.
And “Handsome” (myself): A crippled, defenestrated Crescent of some learning and (according to some of the other PCs) patience.

During the party, Lord Kadian set us some ground rules for this race. Four in point of fact:

1) Everyone in each party must arrive/check in at each leg of the journey.
2) We are not allowed to use Porté (whatever that is).
3) No one is to DIRECTLY kill any of their competition (Phew, loaded comment there…)
4) There will be scavenger hunts along the way which will stave off the total loss (so success grants immunity from being kicked out).

The party ended with Lord Kadian telling us the race would start in Wandesborrow. Interesting because we were in Lutheon and for reasons that ONLY make sense to idiots, my three benefactors chose to put their ship into port in Cardican.

We decided (well my three companions did since I don’t have much say in these matters) to instead head northeast by carriage to Catterick where Francisco planned to press a friend of his to give us passage to Wandesborrow.

On the way it seemed Francisco might get stuck listening to Jack pontificate at full volume for several hours. So since I have been blessed with one deaf ear, I decided to switch places with him. And a good thing it was, as Jack and Jeremy tried to ensure that Mr. Bacon would lose his lunch. Fortunately he asked to stop the carriage prior to any messiness but when he didn’t return for some time, we were forced to go looking for him.

We found him in a small cottage filled with cannibals which the Second Prophet teaches is an abomination. Once Jack and Francisco made quick work of the three I attempted to end their horrific reign only to be told I was ruining good food. I simply don’t understand these tuhaf gokuzi.

Within a short time we finally made it to Catterick which is where we stopped for the evening 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:47 pm

Quartus 24, 1667

Our arrival in Catterick went mostly unnoticed. Mostly because Jack, Jeremy, and James (with a little help from Francisco) wouldn’t stop mercilessly teasing Master Bacon about his pants (having them removed and soiling them in the process of removal). Despite that, he refused to change them, because, well who can really tell with these heathens.

In any case, once we’d arrived it was decided to head to the first seedy tavern we could find in the hopes of meeting Francisco’s friend (whom I learned was named Ennis MacIntyre). As we were trying to decide who was going/staying Siobhan betrayed me by suggesting Jack should bring me along so as to give the next in his series of language lessons (well played by the way)

At the tavern Jack insisted on buying me alcohol despite my protestations, and insisted on refilling my glass every time it was empty (which was actually every time I pushed the drink toward one of our compatriots). Despite his utter cluelessness, he really is very kind… I’m sure…in his own way…

At one point I tried to pantomime getting Francisco to tell me what his friend looked like, but fortunately for me, Siobhan asked the same question and got it answered much quicker (I may postpone my revenge in thanks for that). No sooner did we start looking than Ennis showed up.

He agreed to give Francisco a ship in exchange for us delivering a bolt of Cathayan silk to a woman in Wandesborrow named Madame Margaret Foy at a place I learned later was a Jenny House called Robins Red Breast. Of course we agreed (having little other choice given their friendship) and Ennis went to make the ship ready.

No sooner had he gone than the drinking began in earnest. My three rescuers got (I believe the term is) blind stinking drunk while Siobhan, Jack, and Francisco handled their liquor much better. During the height of their revelry, a drunken lout mistook Siobhan for a Jenny and asked for prices. When informed of his mistake, he doubled down, so Siobhan offered to dance with him.

Then she put on the most amazing display of skill I have seen since leaving Iskandar. It even brought a tear to my eye. The lout, on his best day, had not a tenth of her talent. And very soon he was laid out, having hit his head on a table in a desperate bid to try to keep up. And just like that, Siobhan resolved the matter without bloodshed. And given her maneuvering, I may have to rethink my desire for revenge.

The drinking continued until we were informed Ennis’ ship was ready. After getting our things arranged we set off at a rapid clip. Francisco piloted the ship (happily named, The Grinning Frog) brilliantly and with absolutely no help from anyone else. I busied myself with dealing with the rigging and caring for my three rescuers who were painting the side of the ship with the contents of their stomachs.

Overnight I was plagued with a strange dream. I was back in Iskandar walking the streets I remember so well. All of the sights, sounds, and smells were there, just as I’d remembered them. In the window of a nearby shop I caught my reflection, and the face looking back at me was that of my time before…before him.

Then I saw one of the unclean, his visage at first horrified me for it was the face I now wear. But he seemed not concerned by my revulsion. Instead he simply said to me (in a voice that sounded suspiciously like “Lord Kadian”,) “What is it you lack?”

My companions also had similar dreams, and all reported a similar question asked of them . I know not what this prophecy means, but I fear it. It reminds me of something “Lord Kadian” said to me at the party. Something about how, perhaps, during this journey I’d find what I was lacking.

(OOC their dreams were,
Francisco– During the Montaigne invasion, you’re walking through your town, experiencing all the familiar sights/sounds/smells when you come upon a dying Montaigne infantryman lying bloody under a tree. He looked up and said, “What is it you lack?”

Siobhan– Didn’t know where you were, but it was a grand cathedral of some sort. All around were men and women wearing black, their heads bowed. In front was a woman laid out as if in a funeral, she carried white lilies. In your head you heard a voice say, “What is it you lack?”

Jack– reclining on a couch, it seems like paradise, there were grapes, wine, and everything else you could want; including Arissa (SP?). Around you was a vast silver landscape. She turned to you and asked, “What is it you lack?”)

The next morning as we approached Wandesborrow, Francisco asked us all what we were most looking forward to seeing on this journey. Each of us had a different take, and they all sound wonderful (though in truth I remember how cold Ussura is, and would consider it a mercy to be there only a short time).

Once we docked, the Harbormaster questioned us regarding our plans and where we’d come from. Upon learning we were here for Lord Kadian’s little contest, he informed us we would not be allowed to use this ship. He also mentioned there were a number of other crews here including Montaigne, Vodacce, and the Explorers. He also informed us we were to meet Lord Kadian and the rest of the crews at the Bell Tower north of town at 5pm this very evening. Since that gave us about 3 hours, we set off to deliver the bolt of silk. But not before Jack asked the Harbormaster were the Robins Red Breast was located. The harbormaster complimented Jack on his good taste before informing us it was in the Eastern part of town.

Just as we were approaching the house, a terrified scream rang out from ahead. And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:48 pm

Quartus 25, 1667

Bravest amongst us, Jack charged forward after the sounds of the scream. Right up until he remembered he’d been carrying the silks which we were to deliver safely. He then handed them off to the “Unholy Trio” (consisting of my employers/rescuers) so that he could safely engage any enemies we found. The rest of us followed, Siobhan and Francisco because it was the right thing to do, and I because I am beginning to believe that Jack is my curse made manifest.

The Unholy trio promised to stay safely outside (well maybe promise is too strong a word, they were willing to stay outside). And upon gaining entry we found one of the Jennys flanked by two rather large (and tough looking) thugs, one male and the other female. Immediately sensing the young woman was in danger, there was some witty banter (the woman told us to get out because the madame was having “woman’s problems” and Siobhan replied “if you don’t let us see the madame, You’re going to have woman’s problems.”) and soon enough blades were drawn and the fight was on!

The man (very ungentlemanly if you ask me) drew his blade and tried to attack Siobhan. Jack, in response dealt the man a fist to the jaw hard enough I heard bone crack. All I could do in response was to begin getting my medical supplies ready. Fortunately Jack understood what I was doing and made our opponents understand that I thought they would need my services before long.

Things took a turn when the woman, seeing Siobhan with her blade out, used some accursed magic to turn her dagger into cheese of all things! Siobhan in response took a nearby vase and tried to smash it over the woman’s head. As for the results, let us just say Siobhan should stick to the weapons she knows.

Despite having a few friends who’d been busy upstairs, they soon fled. But not before using the immortal words, “you don’t know who you’re messing with!” I have reason to believe we shall be seeing more of them, as I shall explain below. When they left I tried to see where they might go, to ensure we could follow should that become necessary. And Jack, ever the gentleman, saw to the frightened woman, and her friend, and their friend, and their friend, and their friend, and so on, and so on…

Unfortunately for us, despite the good outcome, our three benefactors seem to disappear as they were not waiting outside to intercept the fleeing ruffians. But luck was with us as Francisco knew almost immediately where they might be. So he asked the young, harried, woman where the closest bar might be, and then he and Siobhan went to look for them at a tavern called Ten Bells. Meanwhile Jack and… I… waited behind to speak with the madame (or so Jack would have us believe).

My understanding is, Siobhan and Francisco easily caught up to the unholy trio who were (surprise, surprise) arguing about such weighty matters as who could hold the most liquor and Master Bacon’s pants.

Meanwhile Jack spent his time getting acquainted with the ladies. I made to silently extricate myself (having no desire to buy a woman’s affections when the Prophet teaches that such behavior is sinful in the extreme) to no avail. Whenever I thought I had finally been forgotten, Jack would mention me by name, which would cause another round of questions about my person and whether or not I was still a “whole” man.

Soon enough we were all reunited, and Siobhan met the madame for the first time. It seemed (at least to me) that they had run in the same circles (or rather Siobhan’s mother and she had run in the same circles). So, upon telling her what we were there for, she asked her own favor. She had a letter (which she gave to Siobhan) to be delivered to Madame Lorraine Weller in Kirk (wherever that may be) should we happen by there.

In addition we learned why the ruffians were here. Apparently The Robins Red Breast’s guard had gone to the highlands to visit his mother. So despite being fully paid on their dues, and entitled to the protection of the guild, someone thought it would be a good time to shake them down.

Soon enough we made our goodbyes and headed for the tower for the race to begin. But not before Jack insisted on saying goodbye personally to each and every woman at Robins Red Breast (It should be noted that I am not entirely certain he got all of the women’s names right).

Once we arrived, we found quite a crowd had gathered, but it was unknown how many were just there to see the race begin and how many were part of other crews. I did notice, however, that there were 16 identical ships waiting in the harbor (complete, we would later learn with 16 identical sailors ready to help take us wherever we may wish to go ).

Also in attendance was Lord Kadain who (after getting our attention with a large silver bell) welcomed all of us, reiterated the rules (with specific mention that ALL of us had to arrive at our destination before it counted), and informed us when he rang the bell again, the race would start with us rushing toward “our” ship.

Interestingly, as Lord Kadain was speaking Siobhan noticed a group of men and women some distance away who looked familiar. When she pointed them out to me I agreed, they were the people who’d tried to shake down Madame Foy earlier in the day. It was certain; we’d be seeing them again.

Back at the contest, Francisco did his level best to figure out which of the identical ships might be the best for us to board. But (as previously mentioned) they were identical.

So when Lord Kaden finally rang the bell a second time, we ran for one of the boats I’m told was named “The Carsen” That’s when we discovered one of my benefactors, Mstr. Might is not the “running” type. He appears more of a shambling, or sauntering type. Jack, not wishing to lose because of Mstr. Might’s portliness, gathered the man up and ran him back to the ship.

Meanwhile, Francisco made to get under way, but while he was doing so, happened to catch the names of two of the other ships, Der Haring and La Becasse. Admittedly my translations are a bit rusty, but I believe we are dealing with The Herring and the Woodcock.

Once on our way, Francisco plotted a brilliant course with absolutely no help from anyone else. And we were soon under way. My fellows scrambled for rooms, but I know better. I am under a curse and as sure as night follows day, my selfishness shall return sorrow on my three-fold.

And that lasted just a short time as Jack found out I was sleeping on the floor of the crew quarters and insisted I have a room of my own. He shall surely get me killed…

Meanwhile my benefactors proceeded to do what they do best. Mstr. Kent scraped off two of the letters of our ship leaving it called “Arse” which I am told is a euphemism for your rear end. I am also told this is hilarious (though I do not believe that).

Half way there, we spotted thick black smoke on the horizon and when we went to check it out, we found one of the other ships ablaze a dozen of its crewmen in the water around the ship, and nearly a dozen (actually 11) more still missing. Given the extent of the fire, anyone still onboard is surely already dead.

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:54 pm

Quartus 30, 1667

Despite the danger and the fact that we were pressed for time (we were in a race after all) we immediately rushed to affect a rescue with the two longboats attached to our ship. Siobhan and Francisco went in one while Jack…and I… went in the other. Upon hitting the water, Siobhan and Francisco’s ship made directly for the other ship (which we later learned was Der Haring) while Jack and I went for survivors in the water.

Owing to the shorter distance, we were the first to get to survivors, and one of the first we happened to encounter had a familiar face. The Glamour Mage who’d turned Siobhan’s dagger into cheese. She’d been killed by a pistol shot through the stomach, a fact Jack “discerned” by putting his ear up to her foot. In my native tongue we have a saying for this, الدنيا زي الغازية، ترقص لكل واحد شوية (The world is like a belly-dancer: it dances a little while for everyone.)

Meanwhile, Siobhan and Francisco got to the ship and proceeded to rescue the man stuck in the crow’s nest. It was difficult going, since failure would have meant a precipitous fall for both the man and Francisco, but our resident nautical expert acquitted himself quite well.

Interestingly while rescuing him, Francisco realized he was the other half of the two who’d tried to shake down the Robin’s Red Breast. He gave his name as Bertram and told us the woman had been named Penelope before realizing who, exactly, he was confessing to.

In the end we managed to save a total of eight still-living people from the ship (five of whom were simple sailors, and three of whom were present at the Robin’s Red Breast). We also learned a bit about what befell the ship. According to Bertram, thick black smoke started arising out from below decks, then there was a loud roar, and following that, the ship exploded.

Which brings up an interesting question: How, exactly, did Penelope get shot? And as a codicil: Were there any others who died in a similar manner (as opposed to smoke inhalation, explosion, or an inability to swim)?

Still a day and a half out, we put the survivors to work (ensuring neither Bertram nor his allies were ever alone below decks). And it was smooth sailing then right up to the port of Kirk. There we discovered what our detour had cost us as we found five of the other ships already in port ahead of us. Among the names we saw were, The Greyhound, Sie Adler (the Eagle), and Il Levitano (The Leviathan).

But what we didn’t find was any indication where we should go or who we should meet. We tried watching the various crews to see if we might discern where they were heading, but all we could find were the sailors who’d been employed by Lord Kadien. They seemed to be enjoying some kind of celebration which had taken over the whole city (or so it seemed).

That’s when Francisco had an idea (and I must say, this is the second time he’s done this in as many weeks. Quite a clever one he is.) Remembering back to Lord Kadien’s speech setting us on our paths, Francisco remembered he’d been wearing a sumptuous outfit of red, black, and yellow. And by coincidence, one of the many, many flags flying over Kirk that day had similar colors. So remembering our promise to Madame Foy, we fetched up the letter, made sure all of us (including the unholy trio) went along, and hunted down that elusive flag.

But not before securing Bertram and his remaining friends. After all, the Jenny’s Guild takes a dim view of those who seek to do them harm. And these men were about to find out just exactly how long the Jenny’s guild’s reach was.

On the way, there was some discussion about Lord Kadien’s comment about everyone needing to arrive together and what, specifically, that meant (whether they needed to be alive or not). And that brought me to an idea. Stopping by one of the various bookshops I found a book on taxidermy. I do not know what horrors this Lord Kadien expects, but I shall be prepared nonetheless.

Back to the flag, no sooner had we found it than we were greeted by Lord Kadien (who had somehow, mysteriously, beaten us here despite not having a boat). We were informed that we were the sixth ship to arrive in the harbor which meant we were still in the race. He also seemed to know something about what we’d gone through, but still requested details. Finally we were told to enjoy ourselves for the celebrations, which were in the name of someone or something called “Saint Elmo” whom I was informed was the patron saint of sailors (quite fortuitous).

Seeing one duty done, we went to the Jenny’s Guild to drop off the letter to Madame Weller. Once there, I was certain it was the last any of us would ever see of Jack since, like the stars in the sky, the number of heavenly bodies multiplied exponentially in every direction you turned.

Fortunately, before jack could disappear completely from our lives, two guards , one male the other female, blocked our entry. Siobhan asked after Madame Weller and we made ready to wait. But while we were doing so, fate decided to bestow a kindness (or so I foolishly thought) upon me. The remaining guard asked if we would like something to drink while we waited, and specifically mentioned kaffe. I could not believe my one good remaining ear. So I pantomimed a request for the nectar of the Prophet and eagerly awaited its arrival.

I will say, I had thought I set my sights low, after all Kirk was far from home and even bad kaffe would have sated me after so much time away. But this! This…abomination! It was a slap in the face to my mother and my father the Sultan. And to their parents before them, and theirs before them. And so on until the beginning of time!

Worse, as if to twist the knife firmly lodged in my back, it was (I hesitate to even say it)…sweet! If ever a thing would drive a man to take up arms against a sea of troubles, it was this kaffe! I secretly vowed to murder the chef who’d done this thing a thousand times. But her life was saved by the timely arrival of Madame Weller.

After she read the missive, she inquired about what we knew. So it came as a pleasant surprise that three of the culprits were still aboard our ship. Madame Weller promised to contact the constable to have the three arrested and put on trial.

And just like that we were free to go. Remembering my promise of a slow painful death, I pantomimed wishing to meet the chef. But once she arrived, and seemed so earnest in her desire to know how much I’d enjoyed her confection, I simply couldn’t go through with it. Instead, I took her by the hand and lead her out into the marketplace where we found the correct kaffe beans. Afterward, I taught her the way to make a proper cup (and secured a small bag of beans for myself ) and even a couple of recipes my mother taught me. The chef turned out to be a wonderful woman , and now I feel ashamed I contemplated her painful demise.

While I was busy with my cooking lesson, Francisco decided to enjoy the festival and promised to go sleep on the boat afterwards. Taking the hit for the rest of us, he also took, the Unholy Trio with him. Jack decided to stay behind and regale the Jennys with tales of his exploits since no one was there to stop him… Siobhan hung out at the guild and learned about the violence going on in town. Specifically how no one seemed to know who’s behind it or what point they might be trying to make.

Eventually, after I had finished my work, and Francisco was long gone, the three of us still at the guild (well really Siobhan and I) realized we needed to get back to the ship. This was especially urgent because we realized we hadn’t seen the unholy trio recently. So with the help of the guild’s guard, we forced Jack to leave.

On the way back we happened to find Francisco in the presence of an enchanting young woman (Ada Wolfenbach who is on a rival ship, but we don’t know that yet). We still have not found the unholy trio…

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:59 pm

Quintus 4, 1667

Note: My recollections may be a bit fuzzy from the consistent (and repeated) vomiting I suffered through at the end of our most recent adventures. So readers be warned.

With the arrival of Francisco’s new friend Ada, we had a chance to learn a bit more about the origins of the St. Elmo’s fair we were inadvertently participating in. It was light conversation, but Jack, ever the matchmaker, ensured to upsell Francisco whenever possible.

(you didn’t hear this from me, but the more I witness who Jack is, the more I realize I could have done far worse than to end up on his side.)

Eventually we were forced to go and look for our old friends the unholy trio. “Fortunately,” it took far less time than we had hoped were worried it might. We found them in a nearby beer garden drinking prodigiously and exchanging some unpleasant words with two Montaigne (whom we later learned were named Francois and Anton) and, as it turned out, their cat. We know this because when we arrived we found Mssr. Might playing chess with the cat (and if my admittedly paltry skill in the game is to be believed, the cat would have one in three moves).

Unkind words lead to loud bragging and soon the unholy trio had called for the local musicians to play a song that I was pretty sure was the Castillian national anthem. When the Montaigne heard it, I was certain, for they did not like it one bit. I was concerned it might come to blows but cooler heads reminded everyone involved of the early morning we all had before us. So most of us headed back to the ship. However, Francisco of course escorted Ada to her own ship (die Adler, if I heard correctly).

In the midst of this I learned the Montaigne had their own ship, La Becarse. Would that I could read as I should have realized the spelling of the word. So, as you might guess a plan was hatched. It was plan which, I need to stress, I had nothing to do with, it being dreamed up by our very own unholy trio. Jack was roped in (well that’s a bit strong, the unholy trio requested his presence, and he was more than happy to oblige).

The plan, as I understood it, was to get all the men drunk under the pretext of gambling, then sneak off to alter the name. All was going along swimmingly until the cat caught Jack. And immediately a fight ensued. Jack, for his part, defended himself admirably. Right up to the arrival of the local constabulary who then proceeded to carry him off to jail.

Meanwhile completely unaware of what was happening, Siobhan (may the Prophet bless her a thousand times over) tried to teach me how to recognize the chicken scratch her people laughingly call language. To this day I am amazed that the scholars say their language descended from Tikaret.

Thinking back to the earlier evenings’ unpleasantness, I tried to write the Montaigne an apology as I was practicing my letters. However, when I delivered it to their ship, they seemed less than enthused with my efforts. So I am beginning to believe I have no head for their strange scribblings

We also learned that Lord Kadain had planned to begin us with a staggered start (ensuring those in the back stayed there) So we had to wait until 5pm before finally making our way to him. And worse, we were still missing Jack (since none of us save the unholy trio, knew where he was, and they choose not to mention it). So needless to say we were in a bit of a panic.

In fact, it wasn’t until we were back in Lord Kadain’s presence that Jack finally made his entrance (accompanied by the gendarmes who’d locked him up the previous night). He explained himself and all was well as we learned our next stop would be just a short jaunt to the other side of the island to a town called Escalastuna. It was some sort of vacation spot for the Vendel which looked suspiciously like they were attempting to mock their cousins the Vestenmannjavnjar (not a thing I would ever want to attempt, which is saying something.)

Interestingly, it was not specified how we were supposed to get there. But many of our competitors decided to travel by carriage across the island on the only road which led there. Our thinking was quite different given that we didn’t know exactly where the next leg might be starting and if, by chance, it began right in Escalastuna, well why leave the ship behind?

Finally we learned that once we got there, there would be a series of events which could improve our chances of events to come or simply give us an advantage. However before we knew what the events were to be, we had to choose which of us would be doing the events. And of course it was decided that Jack and his best friend, me, would be the two to take the first hit. (for a hint about how things turned out, I refer you to the first sentence I wrote for this installment).

To find out what we would be doing we were instructed to seek out the mayor (or other official, I can’t remember the title) who would tell us what to do. When we met him, he told us, “Look for the tulips that are blue.” An odd turn of phrase I thought. And I was glad to see my compatriots thought so too. So as we were looking around the festival, we happened to spot a young lady with blue lipstick. “two lips that are blue…”

She sent us to a tent where the contest was to begin. Jack and I went in to discover…an eating contest. Of course the meals were Vesten delicacies, which roughly translated means, “Foods your worst goat would turn its nose up at.” The first course was (supposedly) fermented horse milk. The alcohol alone meant I could not partake. But Jack was there for me with his prodigious appetite (and apparently cast iron stomach) as the mere smell made me queasy.

The second course (I was sensing a theme by this time) fermented sharkmeat. Fortunately there was no alcohol, but that just meant I could partake. And unfortunately after the first bite (which I managed to keep down) I was done for. To say this was the most unpleasant experience of my life is, while true, an understatement if you do not know exactly how badly my life has gone up to this point. And it would take more pages than this book has to tell you of my travails.

And then, at the height of my vomiting, they brought out the third course. Which was the cruelest of all. A lovely concoction of pancakes and lingonberries. It had just the right amount of tart to add to all the sugar they’d added. and it would have been delicious had I not just (ulp…) eaten fermented shark. Needless to say I ended up wearing a bit, as did everyone else in the tent, I suspect.

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:02 pm

Quintus 5, 1667

Ugh, I have been quite remiss in my duties as your humble narrator. May the 2nd Prophet forgive my impertinence. When last we left off, I had just…it still makes me queasy to think about. Nevertheless, Jack and I had just finished the contest in Escalastuna. For our success, we received an envelope which revealed our next destination. I am certain the Prophet thought it a great jest to ensure it was handed to me knowing I cannot read it.

Fortunately, Jack was there to translate, informing me it said, “To know your next place is what you wish you must seek out the place to get fish.” A quick search down by the docks and we were able to find the now familiar colors of yellow, red, and black on a boat tied to the dock. Nearby, Lord Kaiden awaited us for the next activity. Given that Jack and I had already performed our duty, it was given to someone else to take up the mantle.

Francisco took the bait (sorry) along with James Might. Unfortunately for Francisco, Mr. Might was more interested in Helping rather than Doing. And it appeared (at least to my bad eyes) that Francisco was very, very (VERY, VERY) tempted to simply push Might overboard and deal with the matter himself.

One very humorous and short exchange later, Francisco had the fish he was looking for in whose gullet was the word that we sought, “Insel.” So it seemed we’d be heading southeast to Eisen (another country in which I don’t speak the language. I can’t see how this will come back to haunt me).

But the more immediate concern, at least for now, was the fact that learned we don’t have enough provisions to get there (we only have three days). So it was apparent we needed to go buy more. Oddly, the quartermaster noticed we were using up provisions even faster than we should have. It turned out Jack was indulging himself a bit too much. So to compensate, we decided we needed to bring an extra half a week’s rations.

Once secured we raced southwest, were nearly overtaken by the Montaigne, and then blew past them in a flurry of great navigation maneuvers executed by Francisco with absolutely no help from anyone else aboard.

Once in Insel, we discovered the Montaigne’s duplicity. At some point while we were in Vendel, the scoundrels had stolen aboard and removed our ownership papers. The papers which proved we were not filthy pirates (May the 2nd Prophet put a pox upon them all). Worse we discovered it had been the cat who had done the dirty deed. We shall revenge ourselves upon him.

In Insel it looked like we might be turned away (since the ruler doesn’t like to have her bureaucracy interfered with in ANY WAY). But fortunately for us, Siobhan and Jack both seduced the harbormaster to get us docking privileges. There was some mention of me bringing a towel, but I am choosing to forget its existence. Once past that disaster, Jack and I decided to act as wingmen for Francisco as he wooed his lady love, Ada.

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:05 pm

Quintus 15, 1667

In all the excitement of getting into Insel and trying to avoid (shudder) “towel duty” we nearly forgot why we were in Insel. Eventually, we started looking for those old familiar colors, and soon we’d honed in on a tent with a flag. Within was Lord Kaiden, without his customary joviality. He explained that two of the ships’ crews had gotten sick over the trip across the sea, and it had not seemed to be a matter of who ate…ulp… just a moment (BLEARGHGGG!) fermented shark

Lord Kaiden believed it was outside interference, though he was unsure who might be behind it all. So we explained about the Montaigne’s sabotage of our own ship (to whit, the stealing of our papers). Lord Kaiden was (I think) sympathetic and asked us to see if we could find out what was going on and deal with it. Interestingly, he hinted that our place in the race would be secure no matter how poorly we did should we be investigating or looking after any lollygaggers we happened to find (I do not know what that word means, but I am afraid to ask anyone, particularly Jack).

Finally, Francisco met with his lady love and her handler Helga (with my presence of course). Helga was taciturn and glared a lot, but it was mostly at Francisco, so I was not worried. As soon as he comes up with a brideprice he should be fine.

They talked for a very long time and it was in a language which just sounds angry. So naturally I didn’t understand a word of it. I did hear Ada mention a word several times, “Veesh” (or at least that’s how it sounded to me).

(OOC, Ada is from Wische and has seen a lot of horrors)

Whatever the word was, it upset her enough she began to cry and eventually had to leave. I wished I could help her, but I am painfully aware of how my visage no longer helps such matters. Helga went with her so Francisco made to leave. But before we could go, a young Eisen with a broken arm showed up.

For all the angry language coming out of these people, our new arrival was quite jovial. Though again I didn’t understand a word coming out of his mouth, Francisco explained later he had watched Francisco with Ada and wanted to know if Francisco could give him some pointers. Would that they had just asked me, and I would have explained everything about brideprice and how to haggle. In any case, the woman had broken his arm as a way of refusing his proposal, which to me said all that needed to be said about his prospects.

While Francisco and I were dealing with our problems, across town, Jack and Siobhan were getting ready to have some fun (well Jack was going to have fun, and Siobhan didn’t have the heart to stop him). Jack made a bet with an Eisen named Eric who had been hired to guard the Montaigne’s ship. The bet was over drinking, specifically who could drink more. Stakes, as always were more about bragging rights than anything else. Never the less, Jack put up Siobhan’s dress, over her vocal objections I am told. And Eric put up 40 minutes on board the ship (to search for our stuff).

It went over as well as could be expected, with Jack and Siobhan searching the ship and finding several interesting things. Apparently the cat lived in the captain’s cabin on a luxurious green pillow. They also found our ownership papers which the cat had been using as his litterbox. So Jack stole their letter of ownership and left a gibberish laden forgery in its place. Then he finished the work he’d begun on the ship’s name several weeks ago, and proceeded to hide some of the kitty litter inside one of the men’s horsehair bedding. Finally, he topped it all off by peeing all over the ship, and leaving half a bottle of what appeared to be, their favorite wine, as a present.

Before he could leave however, Hendryk, the Eisen who’d spoken to Francisco and I earlier, arrived on the scene to ask Siobhan the same question he’d asked us earlier. He’s quite persistent that one…

In the morning, we were called to Lord Kaiden’s tent where he informed us that, sadly, there were only 13 of our original 16 ships left. He was worried that this little adventure might have to be cut short because Insel’s ruler, Fauner somethingorother, was being a stickler for paperwork and bureaucracy. It seemed she didn’t want us traipsing through the countryside without her permission. So it was up to us to convince her.

Lastly, and on a personal note, I would like to thank Siobhan who went out of her way to translate all that had befallen us, so that I would actually understand what had been going on.
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:06 pm

Quintus 16, 1667

Steeling ourselves, we began looking for ways to convince this Fauner woman to allow us further into Eisen. I did not understand as it seemed just as easy to go to another city and start again from there. But such complex thoughts are beyond me now, what with none able to understand my handwriting, and my inability to understand the guttural speech coming from the natives here.

Most of our competitors (at least those who’ve survived thus far) thought to go the diplomatic route, rushing toward this woman’s castle to beg her indulgence. The Montaigne of course, decided to try and bribe her. This will be fun. Not wishing to be left behind, we also went to speak with Fauner. Or, well more precisely, my companions went to speak with her and I just came along for the exercise.

Little did I know the enemy we would end up fighting would be bureaucracy. Now I am a Crescent, my people invented the double entry system. So. I. Know. Bureaucracy. I say this not to boast, but so that you will understand when I say, I was both bewildered by and impressed with the sheer volume of forms, papers, signatures, reading, and waiting that was required.

Arriving late, but not as late as some, we were assigned the 93rd meeting with Fauner that day. While the rest of my companions looked for a way to shave that down, I espied the Montaigne, who were significantly closer to the front. So, playing upon peoples’ prejudices, I stood and picked up a broom. I am now dressed shabbily enough that the common folk tend to try and ignore me. No one questioned my beginning to work, and some (*cough* Jack *cough*) even suggested that I had, “missed a spot.”

Soon I was near enough to the Montaigne I could see they’d gotten a much lower number than us. So, as discretely as I was able, I began cleaning near them, back and forth with no sense of rush, until I was able to secure their slip. Which I replaced with (questionable) duplicate with this “∞” written upon it. I suspect my joke was *chuckle* infinitely beyond them. Alas it was all for naught. As I turned back toward my companions, I found Jack and Francisco had left Siobhan and I behind.

Later, it was explained to me that they took off when their friend Hendryk showed up, offering to help them “cut the line” and escorting them all into Fauner’s presence. They arrived just in time to watch two of the other crews, (the Eisen and Vodacce if I recall correctly) arguing with one another and trying to negotiate with Fauner at the same time.

I should note, having the Eisen crew here meant that Francisco’s love interest, Eda was nearby. The why of this shall become painfully apparent soon.

As their argument became heated, Hendryk knocked over a nearby candelabrum and the resulting crash got Fauner’s attention. And for the first time, Francisco got a good look at the ruler of Incel. To say he was smitten would be an understatement. Forgetting entirely where he was, what his objectives were, and who was observing him, he set out to woo the Eisenfurst. And here, I thought I was cursed…

It was about this time Siobhan got sick of waiting, so she grabbed me and together we made our way toward the others. We arrived in time to eat some of Jack’s grapes (alas I do not know if they were good, but Siobhan assured me they were) and listen to Hendryk challenge Francisco to a duel. Forgetting entirely our purpose arrangements were quickly made, seconds suggested, rules stated, and a flurry of other activity. It was during this deluge of activity that I was somehow left behind.

Back at the duel, Lord Kaiden got involved. It was decided the fight would be to first blood, with Hendryk the hometown favorite. I heard the yelling from Fauner’s waiting room, where I awaited my companions whom I was certain would not forget me, right? While there, I saw something infuriating. Near where I had been working, I spotted a large clump of dust. Damn his two good eyes, Jack had been right. If he had found out I would never have lived it down. So, I grabbed up the broom and set to work.

Eventually, Hendryk won, to the accolades of the crowd! And in a sad note Eda, heartbroken, told Francisco goodbye. Meanwhile, as I stubbornly got to work, I happened to spot a man/person in black who ducked into a church nearby. I found it quite suspicious so I followed. A good bit of searching later, I found what he/she/they had left, a bomb. They were, I am told, planning on bombing the most important church in Insel. However, I couldn’t put it out before… And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:09 pm

Quintus 16, 1667 (Part II)

While it may be a place for gatherings of heretics, the church was, nevertheless, a beautiful structure. I could not allow it to be blown to bits. So after trying unsuccessfully to diffuse it, I carried it downstairs and ran outside seeking help. Unfortunately, getting peoples’ attention in a nation where I did not speak the language (and could not speak even if I had understood) meant all I could do was to start screaming as I ran and hope that someone figured it out. Lacking any better ideas, I sought out my comrades. And, as Theus is my witness, despite my visage and my shabby dress, it did not occur to me how this might seem from the outside.

Soon enough I was spotted by guards, because, as it turned out Fauner had gone to see the duel. As you, my dear reader, might expect, there was some slight misunderstanding about what I was trying to do. In the end, the guards threatened me a lot, and there was a good bit of yelling back and forth. Eventually I came to understand they apparently thought I was trying to kill everyone. But the good news was, the bomb was diffused and I found my comrades.

Eventually Fauner showed up and ordered us all back to her castle for interrogation. Now imagine it is up to me to explain, without words or the ability to write, what transpired. Fortunately for me, Fauner, an expert in battle communication (which is often non verbal) was able to get the jist of my pantomime.

At that point I took them out across the street to the church where I found the bomb. Realizing what I was trying to do, Fauner absolved me of any nefarious deeds. But our presence had brought the one thing she hated most of all, chaos. Prior to this she had given us one day to get out of town, that order was reduced to two hours. And to top it all off, once she had pronounced sentence, we noticed the smoke rising high in the sky, from the exact spot where we had left our ships. By the time we arrived, all our ships were fully engulfed. They would only stop once the fire had burned them all to the waterline. Someone would pay for burning my kaffe, oh yes, someone would pay…

So with little other choice, we left overland. I had thought we might head south, but that was not to be. Instead we headed west, toward Seigsburg. But we didn’t leave before getting resupplied with camping gear, food (for both us and the animals) medical supplies wagons, animals, maps and the like. Oh yes, and Jack showed up with an armload of filthy, dripping wet towels… damn his two good eyes…

The numbers are looking bleak. We started with sixteen teams, and over the course of time we’ve now lost a total of seven teams. Leaving us with the Montaigne, Eisen, Vodacce and Explorers teams along with four more we don’t yet know.

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:12 pm

Quintus 19, 1667

As we started from Insel, Jack made a suggestion to the other crews, one I thought quite well reasoned out and cogent. It seems I am forced to—once again—wonder if he has been accursed by a Jinn. In any case, his argument was, given there was someone out to sabotage our little contest, all the competitors should call a temporary halt to the contest, and band together for safety.

Unfortunately, none but the Explorers Guild chose to take him up on the offer. As is their wont during such long journeys, the two groups got to talking. This allowed us to meet the Explorers. They included: Thompson (whom I didn’t learn much about), Thomas (an inventor of dice with more than six sides), Tommy (whom I also did not learn much about), Virgil (an Avalon akin to Jack, who felt he needed to speak louder in order for me to understand him), and finally Thomisina (who was also an inventor and has built a delightful method of locomotion).

For all Virgil’s faults however, I have to give credit where it’s due. He knows of a place in Freiburg (which is not some form of cursing, but rather a city in central Eisen) where I may purchase kaffe, and has promised to show it to me should we ever get there. I shall hold him to that. The place is supposedly named Café Kaffe (which I am told is funny in Eisen). According to Virgil it lays in the shadow of the Drachen Bridge.

For Jack’s benefit he also mentioned a place called The One-Eyed Rat. It is a gambling house which seems to cater to the rough and tumble crowd. It is run by a one-eyed Ussuran man named Gaius(?). There was also some back and forth between Virgil and Thomas (not Thompson or Tommy) regarding the latters’ last encounter with a “weasely” gentleman who encouraged Thomas to leave after he tried using some dice with more sides (which, according to Thomas, he’d built himself). Thomisinia piped in with a description of her own invention a two-wheeled contraption that could make travel a lot quicker than by wagon. (OOC: Velocipede)

Later on, Virgil and Jack got into a discussion about the latter’s “teaching techniques” to “help” me learn Avalon (a language with which I am completely fluent). In the midst of this little talk, which involved some new and utterly horrific training techniques to help “motivate” me, Francisco and I heard some children singing. I of course could not understand them (save it had a sing-song cadence typical of small children), but Francisco could tell their song was about a dead cat.

Worried about an impending storm, and concerned about children out in the wilds of Eisen after dark, we went looking for them. Soon we came upon three young girls walking in a circle wearing red dresses and singing about dead cats. And at some point someone mentioned a word I heard distinctly, “vai-sehn” when I turned an inquiring eye toward Siobhan, she explained it means “orphans” But to be honest this was all a bit worrisome. I could see they were malnourished and thirsty so I got to work feeding and getting them something to drink. They accepted whatever help was given but they made no movements of their own.

For their safety we started back to camp with them. And then the rain started, in full fury. Several of us gave our coverings to them, which, again, they accepted but made no move to help put them on or even acknowledge the event. Unfortunately, with the storm and the dark, we must have gotten lost somewhere. Fortunately before being forced to wait out the storm exposed to the elements, Jack smelled a cook fire. For some reason this frightened rather than reassured me.

It got worse, when he mentioned that the smell reminded him of pork (Oh joy). But the prospect of shelter was too tempting, and the alternative was death, so we followed the smell. Eventually we found a ramshackle hovel occupied by an elderly man wielding a cudgel and wearing a black scarf. He appeared not at all afraid by the sudden arrival of so many armed individuals, which instantly set me on edge. Inside, he seemed very interested in all that we had experienced, asking many questions. He also did us the courtesy of warning us about the wolves and kobolds hereabouts (I have no idea what those latter things are. I hope someone will explain it to me). But there was something off about his overly friendly and disarming nature. Finally, he introduced himself as Georg Haarman.

Nearby he was tending his stewpot which seemed full to bursting, a very odd occurrence for a land ravaged by war and disease. Jack was overwhelmed by the smell and soon had himself a large bowl, with meat, rye and carroway whereupon he immediately passed out. Then Georg thanked us for bringing so much meat into his cottage. And immediately blades were drawn and battle was given. At one point he even tried to eat one of the waisen under our protection. We all knew this, thing, had to be stopped. Fortunately Georg proved no match for Francisco and Siobhan who took him out in a matter of seconds, removing his scarf and revealing that his head wasn’t attached properly. Whereupon they simply knocked it free from his body. I alas, was no help whatsoever.

Later, we learned the whole story. Haarman had been a butcher during the war. When he’d run out of animal meat, he went on to supply human meat to both sides of the war. His crimes were so awful both sides called a truce to put him on trial and then behead him.

When Jack finally woke from his nap, he did so with a terrible headache. A fact which I, as his caring physician, tried to make infinitely worse. Once back at the camp we talked to locals about the waisen, and after discovering there was no cure, decided to bring them with us to Wische.
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:10 pm

Quintus 22, 1667

(OOC: We began this session by backing up a little bit to the time when Jack was still unconscious. He had a dream which I will relate, but Handsome has not learned yet)
Jack began his little tale, as is typical for him, lounging on a velvet couch in what was (presumably) his home. Standing at the bay window looking out toward the ocean was Marissa, looking as lovely has he had ever seen her. He questioned her about her presence, but she (seemingly) ignored him and continued to stare out to sea. So he tried to see her reflection in the window but could see nothing.

Next he approached her. But upon making contact with her shoulder, he found her cold. Not cold like stone, but instead “oozy.” His fingers began to sink into her flesh. And soon thereafter, his hand went all the way through her. At that point, she finally turned around and he could see upon her face was the same vacant stare as the waisen we met. She said just one word…”Pieces.”

Whereupon he woke up and found himself staring into the face of Virgil who wanted to show him the Kobold they’d killed and stuffed (apparently Virgil is taken with taxidermy; I may have to watch him closer and see what he may teach me.). Interestingly, Jack looked a bit peaked when I saw him. Not one to wait until illnesses get too far gone I proceeded to check him over. Something was wrong but I simply couldn’t put (one of my remaining) fingers on it. Lacking any other useful suggestions, I urged him to get up and get the blood flowing, maybe a little exercise.

At that point, our three young (waisen) ladies came over and proceeded to do one of the oddest things I have ever seen a child do (and remember I have seen the Sultan’s hareem and all their children assembled at once). In any case, as they approached him, they turned their faces up simultaneously, cocked their heads just so, and spoke to him a word none of the rest of us heard (“Pieces.”). Regardless, it visibly bothered him and he made to remove himself from their presence.

Soon after that, however, it was back to the journey. And over the course of the next few days we finally arrived in Siegsburg, which I am told is referred to as, “die lebende Ruine.” (“The Living Ruin.”) It was an unspeakably dismal place, it’s sadness permeated from every bombed out building and burned shed.

(A note my dear readers, being in Eisen these past few weeks has given me a new appreciation for their gutteral language. I do, however, still find myself unable to speak it and still cannot grasp the intricacies of their writing. So you should find my understanding of events here to be far clearer, the Second Prophet be praised.)

Upon arriving we found the Eisen team had beaten us here, as Eda found us upon entry. She was cordial, albeit sad. Though not entirely from Francisco‘s presence. But upon seeing that we had rescued some waisen, she visibly warmed, and even my lack of an eye could not fail to notice her newfound appreciation for our Castillian friend. She suggested we bring them to a nearby church which had been taking them in for quite some time. She even offered to show us the way. Or rather, she showed Francisco, and the rest of us followed.

Unfortunately with all of us going, that left our very own unholy trio bored and with down time (a dangerous combination given they could get themselves lost in their own houses). Jack was able to convince Virgil to take care of them until our return. I made sure to bring my bag. If the waisen we’d found were any indication, and it appeared they were, there would be others at the church in need of ministration.

When we arrived, we found the church much like the rest of the town, wounded but defiant, much like the people. The priest there, Father Adel was very helpful, both in taking the children in, and explaining to us that their only hope of recovery lay in a family member finding them. He stressed it was no guarantee, but the only ones he’d seen recover were those who were reunited with family.

During his little speech he happened to see me, and amazingly enough recognized me as a Crescent. He then wondered aloud if I might be interested in having a cup of kaffe. Well I will never say no to that, but if my time in the heathen lands has taught me anything its not to expect too much were kaffe is concerned. But the good Father must have seen my look of trepidation, and assured me that he knew how to brew a proper cup. AND. HE. DID! I could not believe my good fortune, but began to get excited when he passed over his sugar to try and find some salt. Fortunately, such a gift required something in return, so I gladly gave up the salt I had been carrying in my bag, and enjoyed a cup like never before.

As we were leaving, I nudged Jack to remind him these people needed more help, and perhaps a donation was in order. But good to the man he is, he and Francisco, already had it covered. Before we left, we happened to see some of the locals coming to take a look at the new waisen. And the most amazing thing happened. A bedraggled woman walked up to our waisen and called them by name (Inga, Josephine, and Katrina). Father Adel explained she was their aunt (Gertrud), and one of them (Inga) recognized and acknowledged her. I took some time to look over some of the other waisen, who, as you might guess, needed food and care. But there were no serious physical problems.

As we were about to head back, it occurred to us that we still hadn’t checked in with Lord Kaiden. So looking around a bit, we spied the familiar red, yellow, and black flags. Oddly, either by design or coincidence, it seemed to me as if the normally bright colors of the flags were a bit muted this time around.

We went and gathered up the unholy trio (who were rather upset about the lack of alcohol in the city called “The Living Ruin”) and informed Virgil and the Toms that we’d found Lord Kaiden’s check in spot. We had planned to go in all together, but Lord Kaiden wanted to meet with each group separately. At the Explorers’ behest, we went first, and found a very grim looking Sidhe.

Another team, it seemed, had dropped out. It wasn’t any of the teams we had learned about previously. But all the same, it seemed Lord Kaiden’s little diversion was not turning out as he had expected. He asked if we had learned anything, which at least initially, we did not think we had. But then I realized something and spent the next few minutes frantically trying to explain via handwaving and gestures. Eventually they came to understand, what we had learned is, we had reason to believe the Explorers team had not been responsible for anything untoward. We based this on the fact that there were several moments the Explorers could have taken advantage of us, perhaps even killing our team and leaving us for dead. Yet they did not, even when it would have been convenient or to their benefit to do so.

As we were leaving Jack asked to speak with Lord Kaiden a moment. (OOC once out of earshot he revealed the dream and between the two of them, worked on what it might portend). Meanwhile the rest of us noticed a certain orange streak come running out from under the tent. Apparently the Montaigne’s cat was spying on Jack. Eavesdropping on their conversation.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:49 pm

Forgot to update this last week, so here is the previous installment.

Quintus 26, 1667

Today we learned that trouble was brewing between us and the other teams. And we have that damnable Montaigne cat to thank for the information. It began when Jack decided to chase the cat who’d been eavesdropping. It ran this way and that, eventually we tracked it back to one of the town’s squares. And as it happened this was the one where all the other teams had gathered. As we approached we could hear grumbling. At the sight of us, their grumbling turned decidedly hostile. As such we decided against having me try to calm them down (though whether it was because of my looks or my inability to speak, I guess we will never know).

They specifically mentioned that our ‘special’ relationship with Lord Kadian (I believe they meant Jack’s relationship but he was wise not to point their error out) which lead to their belief that we were assured to place well (and perhaps even win) owing to said relationship rather than actual effort. Interestingly, as they spoke I considered the fact that we had also been mercifully free of sabotage to the extent of some of the other ships (who’d lost entire crews).

Fortunately, we had Siobhan with us, and her calm demeanor was able to calm them somewhat. One of the Vodacce in particular seemed to be riling up the crowd, so Siobhan focused her efforts on him. She was successful enough, at least, so that Jack and Francisco felt free to attempt to redirect the crowd’s ire toward the Montaigne. Needless to say it did not work. In the end the crowd was just as angry and Francisco seemed to be farther away from Eda’s affections than ever.

It was decided, for our mutual safety, that we should seek lodgings elsewhere. Jack suggested the padre (whom we (read Jack) had just donated a large sum to). However, I immediately found fault with this idea. Reminding them as only I can do (with a great deal of gesticulating, eye-rolling, and face-palming), I pointed out that we would need to guard the coach. And while there, safely in the church, the angry crowd might take their passions out on our transport, our only mode of transport. In the end, we simply “circled the wagons” with several of the competition as my Avalon friends would say, and all shared in guard duties. (Interestingly, during the night, I saw less of our competition and more of the natives who see us as rich foreigners in need of lightening our load).

Far after me, Siobhan drew center stage as she ended up sharing guard duties with the large angry Vodacce from earlier in the evening. Apparently “better the devil you know,” is a thing here as well as the Crescent Empire. In any case, the gentleman’s name was (at least according to Siobhan) Umberto Fulci. The two had a very heartfelt talk about getting to Seigsburg and it was apparent from their interaction he was flirting with her.

Meanwhile, Jack and the cat shared their own tender moment when they fell asleep together (for you, my dear reader’s sanity, I shall not describe who was the “little spoon.”).

And as for Francisco’s watch I will note that he immediately checked to make sure we were all still around. And I thank him for that.

Finally we made it through the night and woke to find our morning gruel. While eating, we spotted Lord Kadain’s tent, and almost immediately heard the now familiar sound of the bell calling us to attend. Once inside we saw something which, I am told, we should never have expected to see. Lord Kadain was there, looking disheveled as though he had not slept a wink (I was unaware djinn needed to sleep, but here we are). He told us curtly that he had been busy making arrangements for our safe passage through Eisen (I should note he emphasized the word “safe” in that sentence). Then he told us, in no uncertain terms, “On your trip, leave the trees alone. DO NOT harm them in any way.” I will admit, I had several questions, but decided not to voice them. Interestingly, the Eisen team all nodded sagely when Lord Kadain mentioned this, as though it were obvious we should not touch the trees.

So it turned out to get to our next task we had to head to the fields south of town. There we found a tent, with music eminating from it. Not a good Crescent song, but just the act of hearing music in such a forlorn place filled my heart. Our challenge turned out to be something called Schuhplattler Knee dance, also known as the Slap Dance. It is something which I could best describe as dance fighting, or at least that’s what it ended up being.

Our contestants for today were Master Bacon and Siobhan. They both started well, but Siobhan was, as one might expect reading my missives, far better. She tried to prop him up, but then the cat got involved. (OOC best quote of the day goes to Siobhan for her, “Can I parry with my butt?” For your edificication, there was a parry but then their was a riposte and a further attack on Bacon’s dignity…and butt). It was looking bleak for us (given that Umberto was quite a good dancer) until Francisco offered Master Bacon booze if he were to win.

It is at this point I have a confession to make. I noticed that Master Umberto was acting in a disreputable manner and determined I would help our team because of it. Pretending that I saw him hurt, I insisted on seeing to his injuries, even bringing my medical bag with me to check on him. While trying to “help” him I administered a topical which would make his leg go numb. He attempted to remove me, but I have taken far worse beatings than he could ever imagine. So he was quite unsuccessful.

In the end we did win, Master Bacon got his alcohol (which he did not share). Siobhan got to keep her lederhosen, and we got our envelope containing our next destination. It said simply "Across the land battered and torn, among the shadows lurking, travel now to the south to the city Gottkirchen."

We left somewhere in the middle of the pack, but ahead of the Vodacce.
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:40 pm

We had our session for this week, so now this is from last week. Lets just say it's the session after the previous entry and call it good. Anyway, here you go!

Sextus 2, 1667

The ride south was uneventful, save for the rain, and the mud, and the unrelenting sense of sadness, then fear, and darkness. But other than that, it was nice.

Finally we made it to Gottkirchen. In all ways, it was the opposite of our previous stop. The streets were clean and tidy. Those on the street did not look at us with malice. Statues lined the streets in every direction. There were even museums, and they were open. It had a very medieval feel to it. As if the place had not changed significantly in a thousand or more years. The streets were still cobbled and showed signs of ruts from countless eons of wagons passing this way and that. The buildings were all impressive, and might have even been charming if the sun had ever come out. But despite the old world feel, on the streets people seemed to be lost in a miasma of old recollections, as if something vital had been beaten out of them.

Fortunately, we found the yellow red black flags right away. So we made our way to the bridge on the way out of town, on the other side of which was a small castle (flying the now very familiar yellow, red and blue flags on the front gate). Two warriors with polearms (halberds) entirely black armor stood at the gates but gave us no difficulties entering. They even welcomed us to something called, Heilgrundstadt (which I was later told was the name of the castle we walked into).

Inside, the flags continued to lead us to a receiving room deep within the castle. Most of our competitors (the Explorers, Montaigne and the other three) beat us here. The Eisen and Vodacce did not. Oddly, once we arrived, servants came in to bring light in the form of candelabrum which made shadows everywhere, some (I swear) looked longer than they should be.

Soon after, two gentlemen came in, one of them missing an arm (right at the elbow) and looked to have been scalped. By look he seemed, at least to me, to be Vestenmannjavnjar. The other had the look of one used to obedience. I was told this was the Eisenfurst of this area, Steffan Heilgrund III. He was introduced as “future ruler of a united Eisen”

The Eisenfust told us not to expect Lord Kadain until tomorrow, and for some reason, that worried me. As I looked around, it seemed several others felt similarly. It was interesting as this was the first time ever that Lord Kadain did not beat us to the next destination (I simply assumed a djinn would use magic to arrive instantaneously).

At some point, someone or something called der Shattenmann was mentioned, and the rest of the Eisen in the room told everyone not to talk about it. They also made the motion of the cross as if it would protect them (some of whom I noted, had never shown any inclination towards religion prior to this).

We also learned the Vesten man who entered with the Eisenfurst was something called a Skjaeren (a Vestenmannjavanjar mage). The damage which had been done to him was as a result of his former comrades learning about his selling magic to the Vendel. (supposedly this damage would prevent him from using his magic ever again).

Soon enough, the Montaigne’s cat showed up to start spying on us once again. Jack thought to get rid of it by pouring his beer all over the creature. Unfortunately that just transferred the misery to Francisco, because the cat immediately went over to Eda and complained loudly enough one might reasonably believe he was either on fire or was some form of actor in a play. Eda, of course, fell for it and cared for the cat, loudly admonishing anyone who would hurt that poor kitty.

Finally, we were called to dinner and along the way Francisco noticed that the one-armed Vesten had an interesting shadow. In fact, it appeared, at least to him, as though the Vesten’s shadow had both arms. So to discover if something deeper was amiss (at least as he later told us the reason for his behavior, though I do not believe him), Master Kent decided to put out all the lights, plunging the room into darkness.

When the lights returned, both the Vesten and the Eisenfurst were gone. Finally we were brought into the dining room (which I must still complain about my dear reader. Sitting in these uncomfortable chairs is simply terrible for the digestion. I simply cannot understand these alwathniiyn. Francisco did some fantastic maneuvering (worthy of an Iskandaran trader, I’d wager) and ended up being seated next to Eda. The talk around the table gravitated toward someone or something called die Shattenmann so I will presume they spoke of it also. Soon our host returned and, upon hearing the talk of the creature, proceeded to give us all an impromptu lecture on it. I was left with the impression that he not only knew a great deal about it, but that, perhaps, he had even seen it with his own eyes.

Meanwhile Umberto (whom I firmly believe is simply trying to stir up trouble, though whether that be trouble for Siobhan, Francisco, Eda, or some combination thereof, I cannot be sure), had himself seated next to Siobhan, and once again engaged in some flirty discourse. Upon seeing this, Eda was decidedly unhappy with both.

At this juncture, I am loathe to continue my missive. Not because of the drinking contest which began between Mssrs. Bacon, Kent, Might, and the Montaigne crew, but because of the alcohol they decided to consume. The drink, which even from my distant perch smelled of fresh vomit, was named Malort. Those around me had many stories of the substance which lead me to believe it is not a drink which is savored, but instead, endured. Watching their faces, I cannot but be thankful the Second Prophet (Theus bless his name) forbade the stuff.

During the contest, the Montaigne’s cat watched carefully, as I watched him. Soon enough it seemed the cat had designs on changing the outcome but attacking Mssr Bacon’s leg with claw and teeth. Too bad for him, I was the quicker, giving my own leg to protect the sanctity of the contest. Once again, there is nothing that animal can do to me that I have not already suffered.

Alas, it was all for naught as Mssr. Bacon was the first to, I believe the term is, “toss his cookies.” Soon enough people began passing out for the night, so we began moving the contestants back to their rooms. I volunteered to deal with the unholy trio so as to give Jack, Francisco, and Siobhan time to arrange their own (ahem) affairs…

One of the Explorers we met previously, Virgil I believe his name was, asked Jack to help him test some unguent he had created. He explained it was supposed to make one itchy, but he needed some subjects to test that. Fortunately, Jack knew just the people, and off they went. Meanwhile, Francisco offered to escort Eda and her chaperone back to their rooms while Umberto offered to escort Siobhan (while I know Siobhan can take care of herself, I am beginning to not trust this Umberto).

After getting the unholy trio back to their quarters, I retired to mine only to find a cat had peed in my bed. Well, the joke’s on him, for subsequent to my injuries, I cannot sleep in a bed. The floor is far more comfortable. And given my berth for the previous 4 years, a little thing like the smell of cat urine is of no consequence to me.

I fell into slumber quite quickly, but for Jack, things were not so joyous. Upon finishing his work with Virgil, he returned to his room only to find the love of his life, Narissa sitting at the foot of his bed. While taken aback, he couldn’t help but stare at her feet, where he discovered she had no shadow…
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:06 pm

Sextus 3, 1667

Looking at Narissa, the love of his life, Jack seemed not to notice that she was staring at him creepily, head cocked to the side and a lot of very girlish (yet disturbing) laughter coming at inappropriate times. Jack tried to be reassuring, holding her hand and speaking softly. But when he did so, he noticed she was warm and damp to the touch (which Jack assured me later, was not a situation which occurred naturally).

He inquired with her about her missing shadow, but all she would say was it was “with the trees, big trees.” She also mentioned that she’d never seen such big trees in Bryn Bresail (which Jack tells me is where their Djinn come from. That, of course, leads me to wonder if Narissa is one of them?). After several fruitless minutes of speaking with her, Jack decided to come get me to see if my medical knowledge could help (apparently he believes I can sew a shadow back on…).

I looked her over, and though I could tell something odd was happening, it was far beyond my ken. During my examination she mentioned several odd facts including that her last memory was of being in her homeland and hearing her brother’s bell (which I assume to be Lord Kadain’s bell which calls us to his tent when he wishes to speak with us.) Alas, my ministrations are lacking when it comes to the Sidhe, so I was able to tell little other than that something was definitely wrong with her. However, she did impart some wisdom to me, saying “you smell of cats and sin.” The former, of course makes a good deal of sense, and given some of my failures in life, I guess the latter does too. Sins which I continue to pay for daily.

Fortunately, Jack remembered a story from long ago which said that if a Sidhe loses their shadow it’s not like for us on a cloudy day. Rather it’s more akin to someone operating on us and removing parts. In that sense, her behavior could be considered similar to someone in pain because they’ve lost a part of themselves. Which, although a very weird explanation, makes sense in this context.

We decided that rather than waste any more time, I would go get Siobhan and Francisco to help find Narissa’s shadow while Jack remained with her. When I left she was licking her hand, much in the way one might expect a cat to. Jack said that she talked more about how she’d gotten into this predicament, mentioning that she heard the bell (presumably her brother’s bell which calls us to the tent once we’ve gathered, which makes me think there’s a good deal more to this bell than would first seem.) As she went to answer it’s call, she found herself in amongst big black trees.

Finally I arrived back with Siobhan and Francisco. Like she had with me previously, she imparted wisdom to both of them also. Siobhan heard that she was, “burning a candle at both ends.” And to Francisco, she said, “You’re missing something just like me, maybe they’re in the same place.” She continued her nonsensical (at least to us) conversation until just before one of the Eisenfurst’s servant’s showed up. Then she got very afraid. At first we didn’t know what was going on, as she simply started to get upset. Then there was a knock at the door.

The servant wondered if something had gone wrong. And in response, Jack wanted to know if Lord Kadain had arrived yet. We got kind of a runaround. At that point, Jack sent him off to find Lord Kadain, but as soon as he left, Narissa wanted to go home. Before we could stop her or try and figure out what had happened, she walked to a nearby window and touched it. Upon doing so, she melted away into mist.
Jack said that eerily, this whole encounter had reminded him of the dream he’d had about Narissa just a few days prior.

Eventually, as the servant returned saying that Lord Kadain was in conference with the Eisenfurst and neither of them could be disturbed. He suggested we wait to speak with him until morning. But Jack, never one to take no (or a series of “no”s) for an answer, suggested accompanying him. Both Francisco and I got the impression that the servant was not lying about his answers, but he was never-the-less afraid, frightened even, by the evening’s events.

During their little walk, Jack got the servant to open up a bit, revealing that he didn’t actually know where the Eisenfurst’s offices were. Instead, he had spoken with the Vestenmannjavnjar we saw earlier (the scalped/behanded gentleman) he was, apparently, the only one who knew how to find the Eisenfurst. The servant also admitted that he believed the Shattenmann could steal someone’s shadow. Which, I do not have to say, does not bode well for Narissa.

Finally, Jack came clean about the dreams he has been having, and how they seem to be coming together to tell him, something. Interestingly, the Sidhe always seem to know the secrets beforehand, but when Jack has been talking to Lord Kadain about Narissa, he’s seemed consistently surprised by all these revelations (which is almost unheard of). And to find Narissa here rather than Avalon, that’s worrisome to everyone, Jack especially.

For the first time, I saw beneath the veneer of Jack’s devil-may-care attitude to the man beneath, and quite frankly I was moved but his stirring, heartfelt desperation. He seemed to me to be in need of some reassurance, so, lacking the words to tell him, I instead hugged him.
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:25 pm

Sextus 4, 1667

Our hug continued for what seemed like a week or more. But Jack seemed to need it, and as my people say, “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” It was near midnight but Jack wasn’t ready to retire, and asked us to accompany him to one of the nearby bars. Obviously the unholy trio were first in line, and I agreed also, if for no other reason than to protect all of them. Siobhan also offered to come along. So I was certain it couldn’t be too bad an encounter.

Several hours later, Jack was closing down the bar and I was having trouble staying awake. Rather than the usual revelry, this night was somber, made more so by being in Eisen. Interestingly, at the end of the evening, Siobhan offered to let all of us stay with her. I am not certain if this is a yvanci custom or something else, but the 2nd Prophet teaches this is a sin, so I was unable to join. The unfortunate side effect of Siobhan’s generous offer was that now the unholy trio are certain they are part of, “The Team” I tried to indicate to Siobhan I would be just across the hall should they have need at any point in the night. However, due to a very unfortunate series of circumstances, Siobhan thought I meant that she had cooties (of a note here, I do not, precisely, know what a “cootie” is, perhaps it’s some kind of yvanci bug). I must find some way to make it up to her.

In the morning everyone came downstairs for breakfast, and Francisco had the brilliant idea to check and see if everyone still had their shadows (we did). But, for all our activities and waiting, there was still no sign of Lord Kadain. Worse, more than just our team had a bad night of sleep. Several of the competitors complained of aches and pains (and CERTAINLY related to that, all of the Montaigne team found themselves itchy, as if the castle had bedbugs and no other reason is possible).

It also turned out that Narissa’s arrival had not gone unnoticed elsewhere as Eda had heard her giggling (though she didn’t know it was Narissa). Finally, the Eisenfurst came down and informed us that Lord Kadain would be at the town’s center at 10am for our next contest. Interestingly, his arrival prompted the Montaigne (whose rules of etiquette are apparently vastly different from what I have been taught) to begin loudly complaining about the bedbug problem and pestering the Eisenfurst to rectify their situation. While everyone was focused on both watching the show and trying to ensure they were not in the crossfire, Francisco decided to ask Eda about the issue with Narissa’s missing shadow.

After some discussion (and unless I miss my guess several quiet prayers to Theus) Eda confirmed that the creature known as the Shattenmann could be responsible. Then she told him the story of the boy who found the Shattenmann. Apparently, the Shattenmann wanted to put him in a pot and cook him. But the boy begged not to be eaten, he even mentioned how he was skinny and therefore didn’t have enough meat on his bones to satisfy the creature. In response, the Shattenmann grabbed at the shadow of one of his fingers and plucked it off. Then it cryptically said, when the shadow regained its finger he would return for his repast. I do not know what this story portends, but whatever it is, I do not like it.

Just before ten we all headed out to the center of town, where, in the courtyard of the castle, we found the Eisenfurst’s servants burning all the Montaignes’ clothes (and apparently most everything of value they had). The cat was nowhere to be seen. I cannot say I was displeased by the latter since I had been nothing but cordial to the cat before it peed upon my bedding. As for the latter, I was pleased to see this since it seems my education on matters of Thean etiquette was not incorrect.

Unfortunately the cat did not stay gone long. As we arrived at Lord Kadain’s tent we found it waiting there with Lord Kadain. When Lord Kadain told us of the challenge, we realized that we had gone through our entire lineup, so it was back to the beginning. We ended up with myself (while I was formerly in quite good shape, at this time, I do have trouble moving quickly) and James Might, who, according to his own words, Does. Not. Run. So I knew we were in for an interesting time. Lord Kadian directed our eyes toward the black obelisk in the middle of town upon which was written (if my fellows who can read are to be believed) Faith, Loyalty, and Charity. The fourth side apparently listed the achievements of a man named Stauss. In addition, there were three museums in town. The first dedicated to War, the second to Art, and the third to History. The contest had us looking for gold coins with “Faith” “Loyalty” and “Charity” upon them in one of each of the museums. And just like that we were off (or I should say I was off, and James began his meanderings.

Meanwhile, I learned later, Jack took the opportunity to speak with Lord Kadian. The latter (at least according to Jack) nearly did a spit take when he discovered that Narissa was here. And then he stiffened visibly when he learned Narissa’s shadow was missing. Jack went into extensive detail about how she acted. But as he did so he noticed something. At various points, Lord Kadian would repeat quietly to himself, “this will only be temporary.” He said it so frequently (three times in fact) that it seemed to Jack that he was trying more to convince himself than Jack. But the true bombshell came when Lord Kadian revealed that he had spoken with the Shattenmann (though he didn’t come right out and say it) regarding keeping all of us safe. He then confessed that “It” (again I presume the Shattenmann) wanted Narissa’s shadow in exchange. At that point, Jack lost all control and punched Lord Kadian right in the mouth. The Sidhe was not affected in the least but was both very surprised and very angry about the effrontery.

I ran (well perhaps that’s too strong a word, I was moving as quickly as my crippled body will allow) into the war museum where I quickly found a tapestry of St. George the Dragon Slayer. Surprisingly, luck was on my side so I noticed there was a coin hidden within the dragon’s scales. Naturally, I went over to examine it. But upon touching the coin, I fell unconscious. Interestingly, the first thing I noticed was REDACTED…

While I was unconscious, Siobhan took it upon herself to watch over the rest of our group. Nearby, she noticed that Umberto had been elected to the same position amongst his own group. Within the tent Jack was still railing at the utter selfishness and callousness of Lord Kadian proffering up his very own sister to such treatment.

When I awoke, I found that I still had the coin. And I could see out of both eyes! I must say, having it thus after so much time with only one eye was quite disconcerting. Above me was James who admonished me about sleeping on the job since he had already gotten all three coins. Seeing one was a fake, I artfully replaced his fake with the real coin and we were off back to the finish line.

Upon arriving back, we were given our next destination, which I am quite certain is a man’s name, Fishler Seeufer. I do not know who this person is, but I do not envy him our arrival. After that, not realizing what was about to happen, I tried to tell my compatriots of my new, ahem, re-acquisition. Lifting the patch I showed them my eye. When they recoiled in horror, we discovered that not only was it pitch black, but it had other… abilities. What followed was a series of rapid-fire questions as my friends tried to learn about all that had befallen me, including my missing tongue and repeatedly-broken bones. I was not able to describe the gravity of my situation, but I believe they understand that I was tortured. Then Francisco asked if my new eye was actually there or just a shadow…

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:21 pm

Forgot to keep updating this. So here goes!

Sextus 5, 1667

Last week I forgot to mention an important matter. Near the time that Francisco asked about my eye, we noticed the Montainge’s cat. For the briefest of moments I thought it might be trying to ease tensions between us. While he had just peed in my bed unprovoked he brought a piece offering in the form of the silver bell we first saw back in Avalon. The very same bell, I conveniently forgot, which was owned by Lord Kaidan. We shall get to why I am gravely disappointed in that cat in a bit. For the moment let us return to Francisco’s question.

As Theus is my witness I had no desire to answer his query. But he had asked and I figured that I can only be killed once, so I endeavored to learn more about my eye. The tests (which did involve my touching then inserting my finger into my “eye”) revealed that it seems to be both shadow and substance as I can feel it with my finger but can sense no pain from the eye itself. And as a particularly disturbing aside, I can still see perfectly well with my finger fully inserted. As I learned later, it has…even more other properties.

From there, it was back to the contest. It would be quite a bit of traveling to our next town, a place called Seefur in the Konigreich of Fischler. The horses seemed a bit worse for the wear so several of us tried to check on them. Horses are significantly different than humans so I may have to do some reading up on the animals, assuming I can find books or scrolls written in Kurta’kir or Jadur’rihad, here in Eisen… One of these days I will have to make a concerted effort to learn to read these westerners languages.

As we entered Fischler we noticed all the small villages and towns we passed were building large bonfires in nearby fields. Some quick conversations revealed they were preparing for something they called the Shadow Fair. It was described as a type of harvest festival which will occur on the Sabbath (approximately the day we were due to arrive in Seefur). It was celebrated with singing, dancing, and of course, beer.

The next day is one I will have nightmares about for years to come. As we approached a large forest which had some very dark and foreboding shadows (thus the reason why the locals call it der Swartzen Walden), Jack decided to check and see if the bell given to us by the cat would do anything. Despite not wanting to know, I accompanied Jack to see if anything happened through my “eye.”

It did…

After jack rang the bell, the forest all around us went black, but not like night were there were still stars in the sky. Rather it was the kind of black that occurs in the deepest of caverns far from any light. Strangely, however, I could still see though my “eye.”

IT came out of the darkness and began to circle us. Jack of course was oblivious, so I tried to keep myself between it and Jack. I figured if it killed me Jack could flee and at least this nightmare would end. Whatever this thing was, it obvious it had far more power than the sidhe. It had nothing but icy disdain for Lord Kaidan and his ilk, and seemed to delight in torturing both humans and the sidhe. It was fortunate then that the rules set down between this thing and Lord Kaidan meant it couldn’t simply eat us outright. And I have no doubt it would have if for no other reason than to savor our fear.

And I haven’t even mentioned the sounds. Out there beyond whatever this thing was, we could hear horrible sucking noises and strange tastes and feelings, like bees wax and cobwebs. Then it said a thing that even chilled Jack. Narissa, it told him had a delicious shadow. And the rules that kept us safe? They did so at the cost of this thing supping on her shadow. To get it to stop, we had to leave Eisen. As in all of us in the contest. I shudder to think what might happen should one of us be unable or unwilling to leave…Once we go, it said, her shadow will be returned.

And just like that, it was gone. Jack and I went back to the camp, but neither of us got any sleep. Jack in worry for his lady love and I because I couldn’t stop from seeing… it looked like REDACTED…

The next morning, exhausted from our lack of sleep we continued on our way. Soon, we happened upon an old man trapped under his wagon begging for help. Now I have seen this particular ploy from bandits in my home dozens of times (its an old standby for lazy, stupid criminals). But after the previous night, I just needed to believe there is good in the world so we stopped to render aid. And the bandits let me down. I will say, however, that Jack made up for things with a classic line that shall live forever in my memory...“I am going to give him such a wacking, he’s never been wacked off like this before!”

At the end of the fight, we discovered that Mssr. Bacon got shot, and I had a moment to truly shine, using the skills I have learned over many years. It took some time and was quite a mess given where I was working, but in the end I managed to remove the bullet and keep him alive.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:23 pm

Sextus 7, 1667

After I got finished operating on Mssr. Bacon, we gathered up the bandits, carefully placed Bacon in the wagon and continued on our way. I discovered that there had been additional injuries (albeit not nearly as severe as Bacon’s wound) and tended to that too. At the next town we came to, one large enough to support a sheriff or some such, we turned the bandits in.

Finally, we arrived in Seefur. The early morning mist raised up over the Sudlach (the large lake in south central Eisen) giving the whole area a creepy feeling (though if I am being honest, most of Eisen does that for me). Immediately we began looking for the usual red black and yellow flags but found none. Instead we saw a beautiful old house which the other were quite enamored of. When I looked at it, however, it REDACTED… Needless to say I recoiled in horror, refusing to look at or even near it as we continued our journey.

There were banners thoughout town all saying some gibberish I didn’t understand, but they were in the red black and yellow we’re used to, so I assume they were about us. The natives were friendly, welcoming us to town. From them we learned three inns had been set aside for the contestants’ use, the Pig and Whistle, the Shadow’s Rest, and Lessing’s Refuge. We decided on the Shadow’s Rest.

Fortunately for us a local woman (who was a bit taciturn if I am being honest) gave us directions. Though in retrospect her lack of communication might have been an indication to a certain lothario of our company who has a tendency toward romantic encounters.

Unfortunately, when we did finally arrive we found were the last (having stopped for Jack’s encounter, the bandits, and turning them in). Immediately the unholy trio made for the bar, but found themselves stopped by none other than myself. Or at least one of them, Mssr. Bacon. I would not have him thinning out his blood so soon after major surgery, and let him know, in no uncertain terms, I would not allow him to drink. Seeing this might be a problem Francisco offered a compromise of only two beers. I was reluctant, but saw the wisdom in his words. Quietly I reminded myself to keep a careful watch for any undue bleeding.

While the usual crew started their drinking, Siobhan went upstairs to freshen up, Francisco wandered off toward Lessing’s Refuge (which I later learned was Eda’s location). There Helga stared daggers at Umberto when he intervened to describe how dangerous his journey had been and offered, in front of both Francisco and Helga, to escort Eda on future legs of the journey. Honestly, I think he enjoys this. My people have a saying, “مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائد” it means, “The misfortunes of some people are advantages to others.”

Once alone with Eda, Francisco talked of the bandits we’d dealt with on the way down and Eda warned him about the loaves of bread. Apparently as part of the Shadow Fair, the locals leave unattended loaves of bread out for der Shattenmann. Should we take it, it could be very bad for us. Having met the thing, I doubt very much it would be interested in the bread, but the insult? That it would be interested in.

As they were talking, the taciturn woman arrived at Lessing’s Refuge which caused Francisco to have impure thoughts. Blissfully unaware she asked some questions about our group and moved on to greener pastures. About that time, I noticed it Bacon’s bandages needed to be changed (I swear, making him leave without the last of his beer was never my intention), so I ordered him upstairs where I could take care of the matter.

While I was working on Bacon, Jack went back downstairs and saw the other two members of the unholy trio deep in a conversation with a blond-haired man. According to Jack, the man was asking them, “Did you ever really LOOK at your hands?” and from Jack’s description it seemed the unholy trio were looking for some way to extricate themselves. The blond man was quite obviously Eisen and probably a local so he and Jack had a short conversation until the same taciturn woman arrived at our inn, interestingly enough, looking for the blond man. With Jack’s help the two were able to get the blond man back to his home (the one I had “looked” at as we arrived).

Along the way Jack saw a beautiful loaf of bread just sitting out and thought he might have a snack until he was roundly admonished by the taciturn woman, and several onlookers.

Meanwhile, Siobhan spotted a night watchman walking through the streets. She noticed him because he was carrying a lantern and singing. She immediately got my attention and relayed the info. I had never heard such songs and was certain it was a minstrel or some such (I simply did not remember Siobhan mentioning he was a night watchman). Thinking he must have been singing for his supper or some such and wanting a better vantage I ran downstairs (Bacon was already taken care of) and, swiping one of the unholy trio’s many, many beers, ran off in search of the minstrel. This got Jack and Francisco’s attention as they must have thought I’d given in and decided to go against all the teachings of the 2nd Prophet. HA! As if!

When I found him (it wasn’t hard to do) I offered him the beer to keep singing. Which caused both Jack and Francisco to audibly express their disappointment. Then something wonderful happened. He thanked me and did not even recoil from my visage. Then something even more wonderful happened. When he went back to singing, Jack joined in, then Francisco did, then Siobhan did, and finally, surprised at my boldness, I hummed along.

It was a sublime moment, and one I shall not soon forget.

When at last (and far too soon for my tastes) he was finished, he expressed his gratitude for both the harmonizing and the beer. But mostly he was heartened to hear more of the music he uses to keep the monsters at bay. Then he introduced himself as Franz Behle and even shook our hands.

When we at last returned to the inn, Siobhan informed Jack she was calling in his favor as she would be buying a dress in the morning. That’s when we all realized that both Kent and Might were missing from the bar where we’d left them…

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:24 pm

Sextus 8, 1667

Not knowing how much trouble they could be in (not to mention the consequences to Narissa should they never be found) we immediately began searching the inn for Kent and Might. Francisco, cool head that he is, asked the bartender if he’d seen them, and sure enough they’d headed out the back to use the privy. We easily found their trail but when we arrived, they were not there (though the smell alone seemed to indicate they were). Fortunately we continued following their trail where we discovered they were huddling around the front of that not-at-all-creepy house I had seen when we arrived.

They were complaining that something was pushing them here, and one look revealed (through my “eye”) revealed there were bats all around which seemed to be their tormentors. They even took a couple of turns at me, and it was a delight to see them in flight for the first time. Eventually we shooed away the bats and brought the two back to the inn for the night.

In the morning, Bacon was up early fussing about this that and the other (surprisingly nothing about having been gutshot just a short time previously). So being the kind and conscientious healer that I am (and not just to get him to shut up) I barged into his rooms to check over the bandages and sutures. When at last I was finished we headed downstairs to breakfast where I joyously consumed my 60th meal of gruel, brown bread, and water since arriving in Eisen. Of course the rest had their usual meals of pig flesh in various ground up forms.

During the course of the meal we got to talking to the bartender who informed us the bats that had been bothering Kent and Might where called Sheppard bats. I had never heard the term before (nor seen such bats) so the whole thing was fascinating.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the distance Kent and Might had a discussion about hair growth (I am inclined to listen as little as possible, I find my sanity much easier to maintain the less I am aware of their babbling). In the foreground, however, Francisco regaled us with tales of his meeting with Eda. Jack and Siobhan made a quick exit as Siobhan had determined to find a dress and Jack tagged along to pay for it all. According to them there was some haggling done with the shopkeep. I wish I could have accompanied them. It would have been amusing to compare the Eisen’s traditions to those of my homeland.

During their outing they also happened to spot the now familiar tri-colored tent being put up and rushed back to the inn to let us know. Bacon had been slow to get up so some pressure was brought to bear against Kent and Might to help Bacon downstairs. Knowing the likelihood of a torn stitch or a nasty fall down the stairs (or three) I took over soon after seeing what constituted “help” in their eyes.

Not knowing if we would be returning to the inn, we brought all our stuff to the pavilion. There we spotted Lord Kaidan once again, who was faintly smiling. That’s when I noticed REDACTED… Worse, everyone else was already there. We also noticed that he had his bell back. Almost as if he had wanted us to have it. His speech was short and to the point. In the field where the town of Seefur is preparing for their Shadow Fair, there are huge hay bales, dozens of them in fact. Within some is the location of our next destination. What he did not do, unfortunately, was to tell us what, exactly, we’d be looking for.

When we got there, it seemed it would simply be a matter of unrolling the haybales and looking. Given the size of the haybales, it was decided that Jack should be one of the workers, while Might took the other job (despite being disastrously slow). It proved to be a detriment, but given we were already in last place, he couldn’t make it worse. Despite knowing he would be too slow, it quickly fell to Jack to do both jobs as Might was simply far too slow.

The Vodacce were the first to find their invitation (which was a plain envelope in the usual colors). After that, a team I am not familiar with. Then the Montaigne and their damnable cat and another team I am unfamiliar with. Finally we found our directions, and they pointed yet still further south, to a city called Stutzung.

But to get there we either need to go through der Swartzen Walden or cross a large inlet/river. Of the two, we decided discretion was the better part of valor and will go across the inlet. I hope that, for once, this will be an uneventful trip. I could use the rest. And I still worry for Jack’s love…

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Lady Grace » Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:01 pm

(after last night's game)

Mark (ooc): What did I do to deserve this?!
Me: Willingly chose to play a mute character AND gave yourself Foul Weather Jack AND the Cursed background?

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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby salamanca » Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:51 pm

Technically, it was before that when he agreed to participate in the game.
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:18 pm

I am a glutton for punishment.

I forgot a couple of updates so lets get back to this.

Sextus 10, 1667

A day and a half later we were across the river and well on our way. And if anything this place was worse than all the rest combined. If not the relentless rains and overcast days, we noted that there were no birds in the trees to sing. The whole place was silent, like everything was collectively holding their breath. But at last we arrived in Stutzung. For all the good that did.

The city was a fortress, high walls barred doors, rude guards. We found the gates closed when we arrived, and when Francisco asked the guards to open the gates, they refused to do so without a bribe. Knowing we were at a disadvantage, there was some negotiation and in the end it was decided that 20G would be the price for all of our entry.

Once inside we started looking for the familiar flags but found ourselves at a loss. So I decided to see if a better vantage was what was needed. Grabbing a nearby broom I started up the stairs leading to the walls of the city. I figured it had worked previously it should do so again. All seemed to be going well, until, that is, it wasn’t. I was caught by the same man that had demanded a bribe from Francisco. Fortunately, I managed to fake being sick and coughed all over the 20 guilders he’d gotten. Fearful of the plague (a thought implanted in that son of a dog by Francisco) he quickly divested himself of his ill-gotten gains. And, as a bonus, I managed to spot the flags down by the docks.

A quick trip later we made it back into Lord Kaidan’s presence, a small sloop right on the water. What we didn’t see was any of the other groups (though whether that be because we were first or last remained to be seen). Once I saw Lord Kaiden, I REDACTED…

Meanwhile the others learned about or next task. Two of our members needed to go to a nearby barn. The proviso being we would not learn what the task was until the two went inside. The decision was made to send Siobhan in with Kent. Inside we found a bald man with a pair of razors, apparently the task was, a haircut. Siobhan, may the Second Prophet bless and keep her, looked equal parts horrified and resolved.

It would have been a sin to stand by and see such luxurious locks shorn from her head, but her expression gave me an idea. Picking up my medical kit I pretended to be concerned she was suffering from some form of malady. And apparently I did a good enough job they allowed her to bow out in favor of Mssr. Bacon, allowing two of the unholy trio to be clipped rather than Siobhan.

Once they were finished, we learned our next destination was Propheta Chiesa in Vodacce (and thank the Second Prophet, I understand Vodacce). Francisco went immediately to find us a ship heading that way (dragging the now mostly bald unholy trio with him), but while he was gone that brought up a concern for Jack’s beloved Narissa. Not knowing who had already passed though and whether or not some might never show up, Jack, Siobhan, and I waited to see who else might appear.

While Francisco was out looking for a ship he found the damnable cat. Interestingly however, rather than be his usual obnoxious self (the cat that is, not Francisco). Francisco noticed something around its neck. In fact it was the ribbon that Eda wore around her neck most days. Concerned he sent the unholy trio back to find us to provide backup. In the meantime, Francisco took off after the cat to find his lady love!

We all met up outside a seedy dockside warehouse that was surrounded by tough looking guards. Upon seeing Francisco, I REDACTED…

Figuring to bluff our way in, we tried the old “hey free beer!” ploy. It worked…for about 5 seconds. Fortunately Jack’s backup plan of “answer their questions with a punch in the face” worked perfectly, and soon we were in the process of taking care of the ruffians. Unfortunately, they had friends inside the warehouse who were trying to come out to help. So Jack had to pull double duty both taking care of the ruffians AND keeping the door closed. Meanwhile Francisco, Siobhan (and her luxurious full head of hair) and I did our best to take care of the rest. At the risk of tooting my own horn too much, I even managed (for the first time in years) to defeat an opponent (albeit one Siobhan had already softened up quite a bit. One might more accurately say Siobhan took care of him and I administered the coup de grace.).

That’s when it all went bad. Francsico tried to go rescue Helga and Eda and the Montaigne by climbing through a nearby window. Siobhan was still engaged, and Jack hurt himself trying to copy Francisco. Terrified for my friends and desperate for some solution, I channeled my inner healer. Rather than jump through the window, I slammed the door open (the door Jack had spent the last few seconds trying to keep closed) getting the attention of everyone in the warehouse. Then I dramatically picked up my bag and walked into the room to begin taking care of the sick and injured. As I did so, I gave each of the villains a look that warned of deadly consequences should I be interfered with.

Needless to say, I apparently looked a bit angrier/scarier than normal as all the villains recoiled from me in horror. Then reinforcements show up, and upon making eye contact with me they made the sign of the cross and fled in terror. I slowly became aware that REDACTED…

We learned later that the guys who kidnapped Eda and the Montaigne were members of something called The Mordurbund (a gang of murderers with authority who act as the “police” in Seiger). Before we let Eda go, Francisco warned her of the haircut challenge (a courtesy we did not extend to the Montaigne).
And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:19 pm

Sextus 11, 1667

Once the whole “kidnapping” fiasco was over, we continued looking for a boat ride to Propheta Chiesa. We (well Francisco really) were able to find several boats down on the docks all going upriver (which is the way we need to go). Eventually we decided on The Tempest (a Vodacce ship) captain by Lorenzo Savini. He gave us a very reasonable price (unheard of among the Vodacce) and when we looked a bit deeper we learned he seemed genuine in his offer (which made me trust him even less). But he did seem a friendly fellow (definitely not to be trusted). He is quite interested in Siobhan (it seems he genuinely believes he knows her). It could be a common mistake however. While Siobhan is very much Inish, she does have the “Vodacce look” (Dark curly hair and eyes, mysterious smile (Wait a minute!).

In any case, they spoke for some time and I, while trying not to overhear, did catch snippets as I was swabbing the deck (I am beginning to find the act to be quite soothing in times of stress). I heard them talking about Strega (the so called Fate Witches of Vodacce) and the possibility they could be watching them this very minute. For her part, Siobhan had some very nice things about all of us (I was quite touched).

This next part I did not hear, but learned about afterwards. Apparently Siobhan wanted to thank me for saving her hair, so she spoke to the captain about kaffe. To which the captain responded that he had some right there aboard the ship. But if she were interested in purchasing more, she could find all she needed at the Grand Kaffe Gambrinus in Profeta Chiesa.

From there, they talked of Vodacce, the magnificent cathedrals of Numa, Sant’ Andrea and their tapestries and wonderful embroidery. Then of course there are the Vestini lands (which are apparently famous for their wines). That’s when I heard the words which, to this day, chill me to my bones. The captain warned Siobhan of the difficulties sailing the seas south of Vodacce which is where the Corsairs roam.

In an instant, the memories came flooding back…

Sometime later I noticed I was staring out the starboard side of the ship. The two lands were stark in their contrast. Eisen had a malaise which permeated everything, while the lands of Vodacce were green and lush. Several days later, we arrived in Propheta Chiesa. The city was somewhat inland, which meant when we got there, there was a small tunnel to go into. As we did, I REDACTED…

I was so unsettled I completely forgot what we were supposed to do. Fortunately the others went looking for the colors. We couldn’t find any in the dock area so we started into the city proper. As we went in, Siobhan let me know there was some place in the city she wanted to take me once we got settled in. Unfortunately when we got into the city I REDACTED…

Needless to say, I was both horrified and repulsed. But I knew I had to save them. Unfortunately it was everywhere, and I cannot say for certain I was able to avoid it entirely.

While I was *ahem* busy, everyone else was focused on getting to the tent, and fortunately, it was not difficult to find. But rather than finding Lord Kaidan, it was Narissa who greeted us. She was still acting oddly, but it appeared as though her shadow was returning (not returnED, but returnING). She went off on several tangents, but did mention she wanted to help after looking at me.

As for our next mission, she told us that there was “a cave outside of town crystal that sounds like a bell and you ring it.” A few questions later, we learned it was south of town, but she didn’t tell us the distance or which road we should take, or in fact any other details. We did, however, learn that we were the fourth group to arrive and that Narissa had not seen the Eisen or Montaigne groups yet.

Frankly I didn’t care, I just needed to save them. So when my fellows began dawdling, I urged them in the strongest of ways to get a move on. At one point I actually started pushing Jack out the door (yes I knew what would confront us, but there was no other way.) Given what I saw inside the tent (and what I didn’t) I believe Narissa is safe (for now at least). But we are not.

After some urging Narissa did accompany us as far as the edge of the tent but could go no further. Though I noticed as she was kissing Jack goodbye, her shadow was off a bit. Meanwhile oblivious to everything the unholy trio made arrangements to get their booze. And Siobhan (Theus bless her) decided now was the time to take me to the kaffe shop. Knowing that time was of the essence and that she would not understand if I refused, I reluctantly followed. And found REDACTED…. At that point I must have passed out as I could remember no more until significantly later.

While I was unconscious, the others grabbed supplies in case we’d be heading south (blissfully unaware of the danger).

Sometime later I woke up screaming. Looking around we were outside of town and my compatriots asked why, if I was so concerned about them, had I not made it clearer there was a danger. But I had no time to smack them on the head. I raced though their newly bought supplies and threw out everything I could get my hands on. I cannot let them keep them! Lives are at stake!

And that’s where we left it 

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:37 pm

I love how, with a word, I can get under Mark's skin.

Sometimes it's [REDACTED], other times it's "kaffee". :twisted:
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Re: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

Postby Rebecca Iavelli » Sat Nov 07, 2020 6:57 am

Try "li-berry", sometimes, instead of Library.
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