Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:57 am

Just a quick update. Started in on the third Die! TPB and it doesn't get any better (again, to clarify, the people are awful, the story is very good. So when I say not getting better, I'm referring to the people not the story, it's terrific, you should keep reading it).

Also caught up with the latest two issues of Once & Future. Geez this thing is great! You should really be reading this. The one thing I don't like about this comic is I read them so fast they're done in minutes. Then I have to wait another month for the next one!

Third TPB of Scurry (a kickstarter comic I've quite enjoyed) showed up in the mail today. Looking forward to that (the art is top notch and the story is lots of fun).

Youngest is through his first Walt Simonson Thor TPB and into the second one. Daughter is continuing her read of V for Vendetta, I'd forgotten that Eve was only 14...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:55 am

Saw a new comic that just came out on one of my FB comic book groups. It's called Maniac of New York. I not usually one for horror comics but I have to say, I'm intrigued.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:04 pm

New Man-Bat miniseries is out.

You may have yeard this one before:

Guy tries to create drug to ueal the deaf, tests it on himself. He turns into a werebat.

Years of using serum to fight crime as half feral winged mouse monster never really works out.

He has once again sworn to never take it again.

And the story starts...

Yep, he is still using. His wife walks out and junkie mentality kicks in. He goes on a super power bender. Folks get hurt. Batman shows up.

Batman proves he is smarter than scientists and discovers via a "scan" the drug is killing our main character. Compassionate Batman carts him off to prison for his final days.

Escapes happen, attempts at redemption are forshadowed.

Short version. ManBat is a junkie.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:05 pm

At Dave's recommendation, picked up Stray Dogs (described as My Little Pony meets Silence of the Lambs) and I have to say I am intrigued.

Also picked up Two Moons, a horror comic from Image. Just the blurb made me think Deadlands. Navaho Union soldier gets in touch with his shamanistic roots only to discover who is the real enemy in this war.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:40 pm

I have now read Strange Academy in trade.

It is very Harry Potter. As a writer, Skittue Youbg is a cool cover artist. Humberto Ramos is his usual self (which I do like)

The cast has 3 too many students.

And the plots are fine as a trade but lousy "nothing happens individual issues.

But a couple of the kids...

One is half Crystal Warrior and half Man-thing.
One has a magic monster leather jacket and is endearing. Two are asshole asgardian brothers.

And one is the flaming head son of Dormammu...named Doyle.

The kids are endearing.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:52 am

I also got the trade of Strange Academy. I also agree it's slow going. BUT the moments of excitement are quite exciting. I think it succeeds where other books (Wolverine and the X-Men I am looking at you here) didn't. I wish to have magic powers and play door tag.

And of course, after reading this book I want to forego Hollow Earth Expedition to play Marvel Heroic Roleplaying... (but I want someone else to run it since I want to play DOYLE*).


I also got the first trade of Department of Truth. I have heard good things and will report back.

In totally unrelated (but kind of related) news I happened to watch the first episode of Legion on Hulu last night. Wow good start. Totally different take on the character (for those who don't know what I am talking about, Legion is an anti-hero/villain/seriously messed up kid from the pages of The New Mutants back during its heyday Claremont/Sienkiewicz run. He is Xavier's kid and ala Crazy Jane from The Doom Patrol, he has different personalities who have different powers. I believe, though I cannot be positive, he can "absorb" new personalities by incorporating people he sees)

*though now that I think about it, Zoe Laveau would be great. But then there's Dessy, and Toth, and Guslaug, and Shaylee...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:37 pm

Maybe Gus is already under the effects of a size spell and that is as small as giants can get.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:38 am

salamanca wrote:Maybe Gus is already under the effects of a size spell and that is as small as giants can get.

Well Gus* is definitely under some kind of size change thing. Look at the various panels, from just a few feet above the others' heads to gargantuan.

*NOTE for 5 issues I thought Gus was female. but in the 6th issue they refer to Gus as "He" but I could swear I saw Gus wearing some kind of skirt (EDIT: went back and looked it's more of a furry loincloth, and on the page where Toth first goes to swim, you can see Gus in the background without a shirt on)

Vikings character (the show) Auslaug. One of Ragnar's wives (not the most awesome of course, there can be none other than Lagertha!)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:59 pm

I had the exact same disconnect. The facial geatures look like a cariacatured cute girly look. The lion cloth is sort of skirt like and Gus never really talks but paired off early with the girls.

I do not want to play door tag. Some dootlrs lack windows for a very good reason.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:12 pm

Reporting back. DEPT. OF. TRUTH. Go get it. I will say nothing but it deals with conspiracy theories. ALL of the conspiracy theories. You will thank me.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:01 pm

DC has released issue 1 of Titans Academy.

Concept: the Teen Titans of the 80's are all grown up and now running a private school to train superpowered teens. (I swear i have heard that concept somewhere before...)

Who's in it: you are gonna need a spread sheet. There are more bodies here than at the Jean Grey School.

The teaching staff (so far) are the core of the classic Wolfman and Perez era. Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Donna Troy, Beast Boy, Raven... there is a statue for Roy Harper so I am guessing he is still dead from the "let's ruin Wally West" miniseries. They stand around and talk a lot.

Then we have appearances by the Teen Titans. The newest Kid Flash, Bunker, Lobo girl, Jakeem Thunder, Red Arrow and Roundhouse. I mever saw Roundhouse before...he looks like an oompah loompah and has the power to turn into a large ball. (The artist just drew a blur) they waste a 2 page spread beating up clock king.

Then we got the new freshmen the book is allegedly about. We see next to nothing about them and they all seem to have no part of the story except to stand around and listen to Nightwing. A muslim girl named summer that has ice powers so far. A kid named brick that projects EMP bursts but doesn't loke to use that so i guess he will have other powers. Gorilla Gregg... yep another gorilla city resident so he is a tech genius gorilla. Tooby a fat kid that transforms into... a tube... yeah, that is it. They roomed him with turns into a ball kid so you can see where that is gonna end up. 2 kids that have demonstrated no powers yet and a nonbinary effigy patchwork cloth being...i am guessing they are reworking the Ragdoll villain or Ragman hero on this one. And a kid named Dane who appears to have the powers of being late and sucking up.

And 3 kids from Gotham who are the "bad kids" and hate everything going on.

And Billy Batson is in the building but not assigned to any team. (And every team can find a use for Shazam so what the hell?)

And somehow, one of these kids already knows enough about the Titans to be aware of Dick Grayson's stint as "The Red X" which happened decades ago in real time and was never a public reveal. And one of these kids is going to end up being the new Red X...not that we will care because there are too damn many to give anyone a personality.

It's a soapy book. Editorial really needed to cut half the characters to make us care at all and should have followed the Strange Academy route and put the new kids front and center instead of Nightwing and Starfire.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:07 am

Nightwing 78 and 79.

Tom Taylor has been tasked with cleaning up the mess of Dick Grayson, amnesiac cabbie.

#78 is a lot of navel gazing and soul searching but it is really, really well written.

#79 introduces a new villain and kicks off the story and Nightwing's new direction as his own man (again)

My only problems with this book are either long established stuff they are keeping and the new bad guy we barely see and has a terrible schtick.

The long established stuff, before you ask, is that somebody still thinks Blockbuster is a viable bad guy and somebody thinks the name Bludhaven is not the dumbest city name in the history of comics.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:48 pm

Just finished up the first 12 or so issues of Coates' run of Captain America. I gotta hand it to Coates. He took possibly one of the most offensive Cap storylines (I won't say worst, because after all, D-Man and Cap Wolf exist), and turned it into a good background for a much better story.

Despite the fact that it was a pocket-dimension Captain America (just assume "comic book logic" and we'll all be the better for it), it was still Captain America that lead Hydra to take control of America. AND half the yahoos out there still want Hydra in charge (sound familiar somehow?)

But no matter what side you're on, everyone is mad at Cap (our Cap). Either they think he didn't intervene fast enough or they think that maybe he just wants the power for himself, or maybe even that he's ANOTHER Hydra plant. Americans have lost faith in Captain America. And to add insult to injury, someone wants him out of the way...

Worth it alone for the exchange in Issue 12 where, after being broken out of prison (just go with me here) Steve talks with his rescuers (Spoiler: they're called the Daughters of Liberty) and in a moment of letting his mouth speak before he's actually thought about what he's about to say, says...

Steve Rogers wrote:Most of you, I've worked with before, but...together...what is this? And why is it only...

Whereupon the Daughters chime in with some suggestions...
It is decidedly (and awkwardly) delightful

In fact if I have any complaint about the whole book it's that we seem to have added another "secret" superhero group which consists of dozens of longstanding superheroes/secret agents who have always been secretly members of this group and have, thus far, never chosen to mention it or intervene using their collective resources at any time in the past...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:02 pm

Beta Ray Bill #2.

He has a goal, find Odin, get magic hammer back.

The art is rough and crunky just like issue 1.

We get sidekicks... oops, sorry a follower and a wingman.

We get a quest.

We get a cut away 2 page image of Bill's sentient ship skuttlebutt (with what appears to be the creative team working on the issue in various rooms)

And we get a bar fight.

And the Asgardian version of a bad Yelp review of Valhalla.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Thu May 20, 2021 11:12 am

DC comics dvd release...

Justice Society:

Barry Allen gets bumped through the speed force into the early 40's and teams up with the Justice Society to fight Nazis.

Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Black Canary, Flash, and Hourman.

Stana Katic voices Wonder Woman and Matt Bomer handles the Flash.

Art plays toward that angular patriotic poster art style from the 40's. It's got a good storyline, great smashing stuff action and some real tragedy.

It even sneaks in a very, very deep Easter egg reference to a pseudonym used by one of the characters in the 90's run of Legion of Superheroes. (The Giffen era gritty grown ups in grey team jackets volume)

It could have used a Starman but that is the only hang up i got aside from wanting a more 40's style font on the credits.

Totally worth watching.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Sun May 30, 2021 9:59 pm

Nightwing 80: still pretty good. Except the fight scenes. Maybe it's the writer, maybe it's the artist but it was just clunky on the page.

Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon however act like a pair of 28 year olds who have been together for 60 years without officially being together and that is worth the cover price.

Flash: time displaced Wally West ends up in the body of Jay Garrick during WW 2. All the 80's retcon golden age stuff is in play. (Spear of Destiny, Parsifal, etc) We get the classic "why can't we just shoot Hitler?" bit. A hero puncher Adolf in the face because that is what they do in comics. Fun read.

Manbat : it's a junkie superhero story. Batman shows up. Stuff gets smashed.

Beta Ray Bill 3: sorry this one feels like filler. We get some character building on Bill's ship, skuttlebutt. We get fight scenes with demons as Bill tries to retrieve Surtur's sword for his own use (last time i saw it in a comic, it was literally at least 100 yards long) and we get a lot of travel to the destination. It's like the Two Towers with Sam and Frodo. Potentially important but mostly skippable.

Milestone Returns: if you loved Milestone comics back in the early 90's good news, they are back with some current events rebooting. Static looks great. Icon and Rocket looks good. Hardware...looks like it will be "Iron Man on the run". Xombi is hinted at being in the works (that book was one i enjoyed) all of it is getting some social justice and current affairs backstory and voice. Try it out.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:30 pm

Coming in December:
DC Comics will telease a mini series titled: "One Star Squadron".

It looks to be a humorous book about 3rd string heroes working as a team for hire. Anything from saving the world to birthday parties.

The team slogan is "Superman service at Bizarro prices".

The promo art includes Red Tornado, Power Girl Minute Man, Plastic Man, Flying Fox and Firehawk. So the team "could" save the world.

Written by Mark Russell who is pretty funny on most books.

And before you ask, Booster and Beetle are in the middle of their own 6 issue series trying to make ot as a team so they probably won't be showing up.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:58 am

Oh wow, how long has it been since I gave an update? Far too long I know, so lemme rectify that.

First up there's a Lady Mechanika kickstarter going on right now for their latest series. Spoiler, I love, Love, LOVE Joe Benitez's art. I'll give that it's a bit "pin-up girl" style, but he renders it just so phenomenally. And the stories are great too! Anyway, it's the last day of the kickstarter and I thought someone might like some Steampunk Bionic Woman (oh and one of the kickstart levels is all the older collected works in pdf).

Moon Knight - continues to chug along. Marvel's (definitely not that guy in dark clothes from the Distinguished Competition) is still supposedly crazy (though as a trained therapist, I am really having trouble seeing where the crazy comes in since everything that happens with MK in this book can be verified by someone else in the book) but has the wherewithall to open his own Midnight Mission where he protects those who travel at night. Fun new twist, they have used the moniker "the Fist of Khonshu" in reference to MK for several years now, and wouldn't you know it, there is another Fist (because really who doesn't have two fists?) But that's not the real bad guy, there is another, and we may get our first real look at his plan next month!

The Death of Dr. Strange - Dr. Strange is killed and with the Sorcerer Supreme gone this looks like a job for... Dr. Strange?... fun little premise, I hope it doesn't just go nowhere.

Dark Ages - Stop me if you've heard this before. Super (Super SUPER) powerful being has been slumbering in the molten core of the earth. He awakens and threatens to destroy everything. The heroes of earth, however, know just what to do! GIGANTIC EMP! Yup, that puts him down, but destroys all electronic stuff on earth, heralding the new ... Dark Ages! Premise is super rushed, but I think that's because they're really trying to focus on the aftermath. I give it a hesitant thumbs up.

Second Chances - Our main character is a fixer. Not like Shadowrun, but like a fixer of problems. Specifically if you've screwed up your life so much you need a do-over, he will make you disappear. But when one of his clients gets killed before he can do the job, he discovers that an old acquaintance is doing the wetwork, and this was just a warning that she's coming for him next...

Finally, I haven't read this yet, but its right up all of our alleys, Pyrate Queen (Yes, that's how it's spelled). Its from this new comic company Bad Idea, whose whole gimmick is, if you want a book of theirs you have to commit to the whole series. Fortunately Pyrate Queen is only 4 issues so no biggie. We'll see if this isn't utter crapola...

The others that are staring back at me wishing me to read them at this point are Eat the Rich (cover alone was worth a pick up), Amazing Fantasy (Marvel heroes in a fantasy setting), Shang Chi (now that we're making him a superhero, we need to do a reboot), Dept. of Truth (still a phenomenal series, I highly recommend it), and The United States of Captain America (Regular (and not so regular) Americans take up Cap's mantle, I have heard good things).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:06 am

Mark, they told you in the company name it was a bad idea. If you need to force me to buy it, it is nver going to be worth it.

As for Moon Knight, 2 thoughts.
1- 2 fists of khonshu and ... waut it's marvel they won't call the bad guy that.

2- the secret cabal of midnight guardians has been done. The Shadow did it, so did Dr. Midnite in the prestige 90's miniseries. It would be the smarter way for guys like batman to do things.

But it really is just the Guardian Angels storyline.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:24 pm

salamanca wrote:Mark, they told you in the company name it was a bad idea. If you need to force me to buy it, it is nver going to be worth it.

I know, I know, but in my defense, PIRATES!!!

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:14 am

Got some recommendations:
First up Amazing Fantasy (no not the cancelled book that started a certain webslinger). Captain America, Black Widow and the aforementioned webslinger are pulled through time and space to a fantasy world where they must help the natives to survive. Sounds trite but a fun little read nonetheless.

Regarding the Matter of Oswald's Body (yes a mouthful, but worth it). The conspiracy theory that the body buried in J. Harvey Oswald's grave is not, in point of fact. the man himself. A ragtag group of idiots are forced to solve the crime of the century...

Cross to Bear. Jack the ripper hides out in the wild west (thus why he was never caught) but that doesn't mean someone isn't chasing him, members of "The Order" (descendants of the original Crusaders) have been assigned to the case. As they are assigned to all things "unnatural."...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:48 am

If the youngest was really digging the Siminson Thor stuff, you both need the Beta Ray Bill minseries that wrapped up in september. Art is real rough and colors are garishly dark but the author artist is a hardcore Simonson fan giving Bill a great story.
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:54 pm

Some (little) retro stories I am just hitting up now that I wanted to mention to folks.

First up, Hit Monkey. Oh sure, you're thinking, monkey assassin must be a book played for laughs. You'd be (mostly) wrong. It's played pretty straight, and what's more compelling in its characterizations (though you do have to roll with the premise of how this all gets started). Bonus bonus, Hulu just put out a 10 episode cartoon that follows the book pretty closely (a few more laughs but in all the right spots that allow it to still be a serious comic, plus they change some of the guest stars since they don't have the rights).

Next up, we go way back to 80's goodness with Wolverine and Nick Fury. As a bonus (at least to me) Howard Chaykin does the art (and he is a phenomenal and highly underrated artist). The two toughest tough guys in Marvel Comics (aside from the Punisher) kick ass and take names (and fight with each other, of course).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby Lady Grace » Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:02 pm

I remember Chaykin's work on "The Shadow: Blood & Judgement" for DC back in the 80's...
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Re: Comics Thread (was My OFFICIAL Apology to Dave)

Postby salamanca » Mon Dec 06, 2021 6:01 pm

Chaykin is great when he has to work inside some editorial restrictions. Left to his own devices, everybody is naked and looks identical.
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