Background (Rogues): Danny Bosley

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Background (Rogues): Danny Bosley

Postby crimsonjoe » Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:22 pm

Background: Danny Bosley.

The Sidhe Falo grinned, but there was no joy on his face. “You’ve both been very bad.” He pointed to the two Avalonians. They struggled to escape, but both were trapped, hanging upside up by the living vines.

Falo was too tall, too thin, his arms and legs too long, his teeth just a little too pointy. But he still attracted the attention of a pretty young maiden in Norgales- Falo couldn’t be bothered to remember her name. Nevertheless, she had a would-be “suitor” who grabbed his friend, and the two went to ‘rescue’ her. They failed, of course. But still…

“You invaded my HOME!” He screamed into the face at the suitor (whose name was Barnaby, not that Falo cared). Falo had to send many of his home’s guardians to stop the pair. They’d almost reached his pond when the vines finally trapped them, wrapping around their torsos and lifting them off the ground. It would take Falo time to clean up the mess these two caused.

“You…” He pointed to the suitor… “You have the smell of a fisherman on you. Fine. Tonight, you become the bait for my fish.”

He turned to the other one, “And YOU… I don’t know how much coin the suitor gave you, or promised you. But it won’t-“

Falo stopped as he heard wheezing laughter from the suitor.

“Him? Danny? I didn’t have to offer him anything. I just told him he’d be rescuing Alice from being kidnapped, and he jumped at the chance. He thinks he’s a hero. He’s just-“

Falo nodded at the vines holding the suitor, “Away with him. Hold him in the pond for the fish to dine.” Barnaby started protesting, but Falo covered his ears as the vines dragged him away. Shortly thereafter, there was a splash, and Falo could turn back to the other.

“So you’re just a fool, ready to believe anyone’s story?” Falo laughed. Admittedly, the man was tough- he took out most of the guardians, and it took three of Falo’s strongest vines to hold him down. “Maybe I should reverse that- make you violent at everyone.”

Falo paused, and shook his head, “No, no… then you’d just be another Eisen.”

Falo thought some more, and his grin grew wider. “I have it.”

Falo intoned the magic of Bryn Bresail, and the one called ‘Danny’ fell into a trance. Satisfied, Falo intoned his curse.

“You will believe… everyone. About everything. With all your heart, your mind, your spirit. You will never doubt anyone. If two people say opposite things, you believe them both.”

Falo could feel the geas working. “And you will do so- until a city of Scoundrels all hail you as a hero.”

The geas finished, the human starting opening his eyes. Falo added, “Oh- and true heroes hide who they are so they don’t show they are being heroic.”

That wasn’t part of the curse. But the human would believe it. Falo nodded at the vines, “Take him out of here.”


Danny Bosley woke up with a pounding headache and sore body under a thistle bush. He looked around- no sign of Barnaby. Perhaps he found and rescued his true love. Danny hoped so.

Instead of going back to Norgales, Danny started walking South. He had heard there was a city of Scoundrels that needed a hero…

Background: Cursed (3)
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Re: Background (Rogues): Danny Bosley

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:32 am


kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Background (Rogues): Danny Bosley

Postby salamanca » Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:41 pm

That, by the way, is the international symbol for "Mark is going to make your life worse than you can possibly imagine".
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Re: Background (Rogues): Danny Bosley

Postby Nutmeg_25 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:54 pm

TBH I started Cackling
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