Sal's Origins awards

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Sal's Origins awards

Postby salamanca » Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:20 pm

ok, I don't want this to be a slight to anybody I don't mention or forget to mention but there were a handful of things that went on during the Origins convention that were just too cool to not post for everybody not there to be a bit jealous about. (yeah, I'm looking at you, Grace)

Best Line: John's fhideli gets this one. After Doctor Miguel got particularly effective during a fight, John blurts out, "Jack the Ripper was a doctor too."

Best character schtick: this one is going to Corporal Marco. Every time Marco and his allies defeat a group of henchmen, brutes or whatever, Marco starts pushing them to sign enlistment papers.

Best use of out of character talents: Orianna wins this hands down. The lass stopped a whole room of gamers by breaking into song at the table. And it was awesome.

The hero I want at my side: Steve's character Alejandro (1). Mostly because I have fun playing off of Steve but also because I know he is one of the few players Mark will target as fast as he aims at me.

Worst idea ever: Riding Pigs. not gonna assign blame for that one, I think Mark set them up.

Best new character: Tie between all of you. We did not see a single lousy character this year. except...

Character that least embodies "Heroes of Altamira"; GM Mark's vodacce who keeps trying to enlist with the bad guys. Mark, it's called HEROES of Altamira.

Player that seemed to be loving it more than me: most of you looked to be having a good time but one guy had a smile on his face all weekend and reminded me the most of why we do this. Thank you, Tim. Your enthusiasm is the sort of thing I literally live on during the con.

Player I was most relieved to see show up: Amanda. She was the first new player to show up needing a character and thus the first player I have had as a GM in this campaign. Can't start a game without a player. Bonus points for selecting a pirate and being fun to have at the table.

Last guy I should be paired with: Chris and his character Erik. The two of us together can do a lot of chaos to a session. And it will be a ton of fun.

Best session: the playtest for episode 6. you are all in for a wild, wild session next year.
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:32 pm

salamanca wrote:Best character schtick: this one is going to Corporal Marco. Every time Marco and his allies defeat a group of henchmen, brutes or whatever, Marco starts pushing them to sign enlistment papers.

Well if we're nominating, I gotta throw in Mike's dense hero, Regulous Lorechance. He figured out pretty early on that a wits of 2 was kind of not very bright, so instead of raising the numbers, he went at it wholeheartedly, loudly exclaiming the most obvious of deductions, and often (and purposefully) helping the bad guys by opening his mouth.
salamanca wrote:Worst idea ever: Riding Pigs. not gonna assign blame for that one, I think Mark set them up.

Hey now, I had absolutely NO say in that. I didn't suggest it, heck, I didn't even think of it. I was just in the middle of the boxed text when Elvira blurted out, "Betcha I can go faster on the pig than you..."

salamanca wrote:Character that least embodies "Heroes of Altamira"; GM Mark's vodacce who keeps trying to enlist with the bad guys. Mark, it's called HEROES of Altamira.

I agree, and for the record, if I can't come up with a new way to play him, consider him retired.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby salamanca » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:37 pm

Don't retire him. I have a vision of the opportune moment when the villian throws him the offer and he must choose between the heroes and the money.

Or as Jayne Cobb once said, "That will be an interesting day."
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:09 pm

salamanca wrote:Or as Jayne Cobb once said, "That will be an interesting day."

JAYNE, now THAT'S what I was going for...

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Erik Rosenthal » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:24 pm

salamanca wrote:Last guy I should be paired with: Chris and his character Erik. The two of us together can do a lot of chaos to a session. And it will be a ton of fun.

Thank you Sal. I can't wait to reign more chaos. =D It was SOOOOO much fun. From the stunts I pulled to the feats I accomplished, and to the females, and males *cough*, that I seduced... Now It will be even easier with Loring, no boar spear to tie me down anymore, also my skills/knacks are a lot better too compared to the last build. Thank you both for such awesome adventures. You two are by far my favorite STs ever.
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:39 pm

Erik Rosenthal wrote: You two are by far my favorite STs ever.

You are more than welcome! Enthusiastic players like you are the reason we do it (that and the gobs of cash, booze, and women, can't forget the women ;) ).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby salamanca » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:09 pm

Did he just call me that thing white wolf uses to describe a GM?. That's it, you are dead to me.
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Erik Rosenthal » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:54 pm

salamanca wrote:Did he just call me that thing white wolf uses to describe a GM?. That's it, you are dead to me.

I don't know anything about White Wolf, but to me personally there is a difference between STs and GMs. Storytellers tell a story, make the story fun for the players, and immerse them into the world while changing what is in the books when needed to accommodate what they need to better enhance the experience for the players. Gamemasters are rules lawyers who focus too much on the to-the-word rules inside of a players guide, the game numbers, and every minor detail, to tell a good story.

Whenever I play a game I try to figure out where the person in charge falls in my eyes. If the fall under GM, I most likely wont have as much of a good time. If they fall under ST, the experience is usually much better.

So take it as a compliment, not an insult, Sal.
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby salamanca » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:10 pm

Nope, gonna stop this here. Somebody will start calling us "storyteller mark" and "storyteller dave". And then somebody will abbreviate it into an acronym and while that is fine for Mark, it...well, let's just say it does not bode well for a GM with the initial "D".
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Orianna » Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:46 pm

Eeeeee! I won something! I never win stuff! And most games get really annoyed with my singing.
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby salamanca » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:39 pm

Most games are still playing under the premise of "kill them and take their stuff". Mark can attest, we are working to evolve gaming to a whole different level. (or at least that is my secret agenda) There are about 6 GMs at Origins that really get what RPGs can do and let their players push that boundary (time and numbers permitting).
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Re: Sal's Origins awards

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:47 pm

salamanca wrote:Most games are still playing under the premise of "kill them and take their stuff". Mark can attest, we are working to evolve gaming to a whole different level. (or at least that is my secret agenda)

I'm not keeping a secret. I want you all help tell a story, a story of heroes and villains, of triumph and tragedy, in short, the stuff of legends. And I want all of you to be able to say, "I was there!"

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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