Coppies of the games?

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Coppies of the games?

Postby beasterbrook » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:22 am

Is there any way to get coppies of the games at all.. I'm in Australia so you see my dilemma.. ;)

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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:24 am

Brette, first off, welcome!

Now as for your question, did you mean copies of the RPG or of this campaign? If the former, you being in Australia is really the least of your worries. Yes, shipping costs are murder, but the costs of the physical books themselves (when you can find them) are rediculous (and frankly, the books that are the most expensive seem to be the ones which least get used in games. Seriously, apart from a few tidbits in Swordsman's Guild, I don't remember the last time someone used the stuff from it.).

Fortunately there's a solution, RPGNow and DriveThruRPG have the PDFs for sale (and often they are discounted. Just by example, I went there just now and found the PG for $12). And the plain and simple truth is, once you've got the rules and flavor down, you really don't need the books at all (you can really just use Crystal Keep's compiled character creation stuff and you'll be good to go).

Now if you meant the campaign, that's a bit tougher. I'm limiting access to the adventures to only those GMs I've got running stuff (that's 4 of us right now). But if you're really interested in running stuff, we can discuss it more. Ultimately I would love it if the campaign went worldwide but I don't see that as a truly realistic expectation.

Hope that answers your question.


Oh and btw I happen to know a bunch of you Aussies make it out to GenCon every year. Any chance you've found your way here via the GenCon Forum Boards?

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby beasterbrook » Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:34 pm

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Brette, first off, welcome!

Now as for your question, did you mean copies of the RPG or of this campaign? If the former, you being in Australia is really the least of your worries. Yes, shipping costs are murder, but the costs of the physical books themselves (when you can find them) are rediculous (and frankly, the books that are the most expensive seem to be the ones which least get used in games. Seriously, apart from a few tidbits in Swordsman's Guild, I don't remember the last time someone used the stuff from it.)

Ah, maybe I should intro myself;) I'm more of a collector these days, 2 young kids and a 60hr a week job does that too you;).. however I do collect all things RPGish.. I already have all of the origionals book as well as the fanzines.. I'm missing that I can see is Nevus Ordum Mundi #1, a 7th sea membership kit and maybe NOM#5, or crowsnest#5 if they exist..( I remember finding something online that made me think that at the time when I made the notes that they may exist).. thats only the 7th sea stuff of course.. its much larger that just that;) In fact I hvae to now put it storage at the moment its got that large..

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Now if you meant the campaign, that's a bit tougher. I'm limiting access to the adventures to only those GMs I've got running stuff (that's 4 of us right now). But if you're really interested in running stuff, we can discuss it more. Ultimately I would love it if the campaign went worldwide but I don't see that as a truly realistic expectation.

Actually this is what I ment, I also collect all sorts of "living" campaigns.. ie Living City, Living Greyhawk, Shadrun Missions etc etc.. Unfortunatly there are a bit hard to come across.. but I have been doing it a while now and the collection is rather "large" if I dod say so myself.. I see myself preserving them more than anything else, for exapmle I have given coppies to author of the games they have written when they no longer have a coppy themselves..

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Oh and btw I happen to know a bunch of you Aussies make it out to GenCon every year. Any chance you've found your way here via the GenCon Forum Boards?

sorry no, I hope to one day make it myself.. one day..

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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:27 pm

beasterbrook wrote:
Ah, maybe I should intro myself;) I'm more of a collector these days, 2 young kids and a 60hr a week job does that too you;).. however I do collect all things RPGish.. I already have all of the origionals book as well as the fanzines.. I'm missing that I can see is Nevus Ordum Mundi #1, a 7th sea membership kit and maybe NOM#5, or crowsnest#5 if they exist..( I remember finding something online that made me think that at the time when I made the notes that they may exist).. thats only the 7th sea stuff of course.. its much larger that just that;) In fact I hvae to now put it storage at the moment its got that large...

Three kiddos here, so I feel your pain ;)

As a fellow obsessive completionist, I would be remiss in not mentioning all the eBooks and fan products out there. As for the NOM, there are only 4. But Crows Nest has Issues 0-4 with an odd 1/2 Crow's Nest, 1/2 Doomtown Epitaph (marked Issues 1 & 2) which are technically issues 5 & 6...

beasterbrook wrote:I also collect all sorts of "living" campaigns.. ie Living City, Living Greyhawk, Shadrun Missions etc etc.. Unfortunatly there are a bit hard to come across.. but I have been doing it a while now and the collection is rather "large" if I dod say so myself.. I see myself preserving them more than anything else, for exapmle I have given coppies to author of the games they have written when they no longer have a coppy themselves..

No physical copies of the adventures yet, we're not big enough for that. But as an aside, I see you're interested in Shadowrun: Missions. Always nice to see a fellow SR enthusiast (and btw hope you like them, I wrote several)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby beasterbrook » Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:02 pm

Black Jack Rackham wrote:
Three kiddos here, so I feel your pain ;)

As a fellow obsessive completionist, I would be remiss in not mentioning all the eBooks and fan products out there. As for the NOM, there are only 4. But Crows Nest has Issues 0-4 with an odd 1/2 Crow's Nest, 1/2 Doomtown Epitaph (marked Issues 1 & 2) which are technically issues 5 & 6...

Yep, have all the crows nests.. I'm pretty up to date of most magazines/zines out there, its another big collection.. printed fanzines/magazines.. I'm ot that into ebooks etc at the moment I like a printed product.. about the only PDF stuff I'm interested at the monet are the Living stuff, as thats what it is mostly released as ..

Black Jack Rackham wrote:No physical copies of the adventures yet, we're not big enough for that. But as an aside, I see you're interested in Shadowrun: Missions. Always nice to see a fellow SR enthusiast (and btw hope you like them, I wrote several)

I go though phases of collecting I find, as it happens I'm in the process of trying to track down the old Virtual Seattle campain stuff, its my focus the last couple of days actually;).. but as I said I collect most things rpg related..

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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby beasterbrook » Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:07 pm

Black Jack Rackham wrote:As a fellow obsessive completionist, I would be remiss in not mentioning all the eBooks and fan products out there. As for the NOM, there are only 4. But Crows Nest has Issues 0-4 with an odd 1/2 Crow's Nest, 1/2 Doomtown Epitaph (marked Issues 1 & 2) which are technically issues 5 & 6...

This is the post I vaguly remembered.. ... rship-kits

has anyone seen a memership kit? or this fabled crows nest #5?

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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby salamanca » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:09 pm

Membership kits were never done as a seperate item, just the crows nest materials. Those expecting pins instead got a blister of minis. (the deal fell through with the pins manufacturer). As for a nest number 5, I would need to dig a bit and see what I have in the stack as I have it all.
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Re: Coppies of the games?

Postby beasterbrook » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:13 pm

salamanca wrote:Membership kits were never done as a seperate item, just the crows nest materials. Those expecting pins instead got a blister of minis. (the deal fell through with the pins manufacturer). As for a nest number 5, I would need to dig a bit and see what I have in the stack as I have it all.

Thanks for the reply:) Just tring to narrow down if there is anything left to collect;) I though might be talking about the Nevus Ordum Mundi newsletter/magazine/fanzine.. whcih I have down as running for 4 issues (1-4)

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