Background - Aleksei "Martikyos" Nikolov

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Background - Aleksei "Martikyos" Nikolov

Postby Harliquinn » Wed May 18, 2011 10:23 pm

Journal of Naternava Sousdal Jerichova, Seamstress of Vitzi Munit (Kuloi, Ussura)
22 Decimus, 1646
A visitor came to us last night. Since few travel on the Black Night for fear of Vrost Dvoya, it caused much curiousity within the vitzi…It was an old woman and she brought a babe wrapped in heavy cloth to us. She left the child in the care of the sanat and disappeared a short time later…No one left to follow her, though there were murmurings of Haimati, mulos, and curses, as there usually is when strange things happen. As for me, I think it was just an old woman with a child, but what does an old seamstress know…I have heard that the blacksmith, Nikolai has taken to the child and would claim him as a son, with the sanat’s permission of course…

15 Secundus, 1647
I saw Nikolai’s son today. Aleksei is his name. He seems to be a strong child, weathering the winter nights better than most expected, including Nikolai from what I heard. I don’t like his given name of Martikyos, though Nikolai said it was to honor the Spirit of the Night that brought him to us last year…I just hope Grandmother Winter smiles on the young one…

8 Julius, 1649
…I just had a run in with Nikolai today. His son was with him, and what a charmer the boy’s turning out to be. I was speechless when the boy greeted me with our traditional words, “Haimati avilan.” Nikolai said that Aleksei has a mind for languages. I’m sure the sanat will make use of that when the boy gets older…

Chronicle of Nikolai, Blacksmith of Vitzi Munit
20 Decimus, 1658
My son starts his journey to manhood tomorrow. He’s sleeping soundly, but by Haimati, I can’t! He’s grown so much over the last 10 years, but it feels like only yesterday. I know he’s going to hate being separated from Yurik and Katerina. They’ve been friends now for years, practically growing up together in the vitzi since Aleksei was old enough to talk. Katerina is learning to sew with Naternava, and from all I hear, she’s quite good…

28 Quintus, 1659
…One thing’s for sure, Aleksei will not be taking over my smithy. The boy’s talented, there’s no doubt about that, but he’s still thin as a chavi. He’s got my charm though at least. I’ve heard rumors of a few chavi who have their eyes on him. I just wish he wasn’t so easily goaded into a challenge by the other boys…Aleksei starts his fhidari with the gilabnari in a week. Maybe he’ll be a minstrel when he’s done… I hear Yurik’s fhidari with the wheelwright is going well and he’ll probably enter an apprenticeship in a year.

15 Secundus, 1660
Aleksei continues to amaze me with how quick he learns…I only wish he would learn to keep his cool. Markov, one of the jugglers, challenged Aleksei to a log rolling contest in the icy waters of the Reka Ekaterina. Apparently a small patch of ice had fallen away to give enough room. I know Markov is jealous of Aleksei’, but I don’t know why…He also knows Aleksei won’t turn down a challenge. Luckily no one was hurt, but I fear Aleksei will be down for a few days with frost bite. I hope Markov’s sense of revenge is calmed for now, since he won.

3 Sextus, 1661
…Just six more months until Aleksei’s vatero, when he becomes a full member of the vitzi and learns of vayu…he’s really shown aptitude with a lot of the trades. Klausen told me personally that Aleksei’s skill with knives is impressive, and he wants him to have a position as one of the vitzi’s entertainers! It’s quite an honor for Aleksei and our family…Whatever trade my son takes up, I’ll support him fully…

Travel Record of Uli Pescov, Renowned Pysanka Artist
11 Quartus, 1662
I met a most talented boy recently in St. Andresgorod, one of the entertainers in the Munit caravan…As I was selling my wares and picking up some tales, this boy, Aleksei, started asking me questions about the eggs I’d painted. After a few days, the boy was putting out pysanka like he’d been doing it for years. He’s got some real artistry talent, that one. I hope he gets much use of the paints and brushes I left him. Some of his family seemed interested in his work, maybe they can sell it to raise some money for the caravan if he’s lucky.

Journal of Naternava Sousdal Jerichova, Seamstress of Vitzi Munit (Sousdal, Ussura)
27 Augustus, 1664
…Young Aleksei has become quite the talk in the vitzi. His skills as a knife thrower are well known and he draws quite a crowd for his performance. He’s taken to courting the baker’s daughter, Levinia. The two make quite a couple around the vitzi…Aleksei has taken his oath as pralarat to Yurik seriously, risking his own life to save his blood brother from a wild bear attack…The two of them are inseparable, and Katerina is never far from Yurik, another lovely couple.

The sanat is taking us into Prachtig, Eisen..The Munit haven’t been to Eisen in many years since the War raged near the Ussuran border…The Vitzi needs to trade for some raw materials, so its necessary, and the sanat hopes to make a quick journey there and back…Haimati watch over us all…

Personal Notes, Hilga Donnarich Steiner, Innkeep of Prachtig (Prachtig, Eisen)
18 Septimus, 1664
I’m still shaking as I write this…the scene at the carnival last night still haunts me. That Vodacce noble, Vincenzo Callini, had to start it all. If he hadn’t been drinking like a sailor, he might not have noticed that traveler girl…If only that had been the case…Katerina, that was her name. The Vodacce couldn’t keep his hands to himself the whole night, and that poor boy, he must have been her fiancée or lover, didn’t know better than to stay out. Vincenzo challenged him and the young man accepted…Yurik I think his name was, at least that’s what the Ussurans were yelling at the fight. Vincenzo had him beat…why did he have to take the last strike…the boy didn’t even see it coming…maybe it was all the Vodacce had to drink…

…Chaos is all I remember after that…the caravan was in an uproar, the girl was crying and screaming, and another boy was yelling at Vincenzo…He was mostly yelling in a language I didn’t understand, but I could make out “kill you” and “Ussuran justice” in the mix. That’s when the Iron Guard showed up and started breaking things up. I don’t remember much after that, but the caravan gathered up and left shortly after and the Vodacce’s party left with the Iron Guard. The look on the wife of Vincenzo was…passionate and sad when she looked back at the crying girl, how she ended up with such a cruel man is something between her and Theus…

21 Septimus, 1664
Imagine my surprise and shock when the Ussuran, the one from the caravan, checked into my inn last night. I don’t think he recognized me from the other night, but I recognize him…the long dark hair, dark eyes and fair skin…hard to forget…if only I were 40 years younger. He’s been asking questions and his Eisen is quite good…about the Vodacce noble, anything that he can find out. I hope he’s not planning anything stupid, or suicidal…

Chronicle of Nikolai, Blacksmith of Vitzi Munit
22 Septimus, 1664
…I already miss Aleksei. With my heart, I know he is doing the right thing…Ussuran Pravda dictates he is to avenge his brother. As a father, I do not wish to lose my son…may Haimati watch over him and the First Prophet guide him in his duty…

Personal Notes, Hilga Donnarich Steiner, Innkeep (Prachtig, Eisen)
15 Octavus, 1664
…I still can’t believe I’m doing this, helping Aleksei. He’s on a fool’s mission, but by Theus, I can understand. He plans to avenge his…I forget the word, but it means blood brother. It’s very much like a rücken, and that is something I do understand…completely. Aleksei plans to sneak into Vodacce, get near the noble, and kill him….By Theus, he can’t possibly succeed. At least not as himself, he’d never make it that close to Vincenzo. I’ve offered to help disguise him, as an older Eisen woman…with that look, he may get into Vodacce and near the noble unnoticed…Theus! What am I doing?

4 Nonus, 1664
…Sweetspire sap rubbed with cornmeal to age him…some white dye to streak the hair…Aleksei insists on learning as we do this, so I’m teaching him the herbs as we use them. He’s a fast learner, and his Eisen is improving every week. I asked about his family, the caravan that left. He won’t talk much about it except to tell me that it is his duty to do this…

14 Decimus, 1664
Aleksei left this morning. I’ve done all I can and he’s as ready as he can be. I found a strangely painted egg in his room after he left. It’s beautiful…He has extra clothes, extra herbs and a strong will for justice…I just hope Theus is watching over him, he’s going to need it…

Private Encoded Diary, Isabella Marcello, Courtesan of Vincenzo Callini (Fontaine, Vodacce)
Second Day, Prophet’s Mass, 1664
An old Eisen woman was beset upon by thieves today in the market place. She was bruised upon her cheek, but refused any assistance. I at last managed to convince her to at least let me have my nurse tend to her. It is of course the celebration of the Prophets; how could I turn one in need away. After all, I know what it is like to be the object of a man’s…attentions like that…

Fourth Day, Prophet’s Mass, 1664
Maritza Rassekatze [pure-bred cat], the Eisen woman I rescued in the marketplace two days ago, is still staying with me. She seems to be better, but my Eisen is not very good and she does not speak much Vodacce. She seemed ready to leave yesterday. It was not until Vincenzo left and we spoke briefly that she agreed to stay a while longer. We managed to speak as well as we could. I understand that her family died in Eisen during the war, and she has no one in the area. She has already taken to acclimating herself to my home, though I still have a strange feeling about her…

8 Primus, 1665
…Vincenzo visited against last night and I still feel his…touch…upon my arm. By the Lady, why must I suffer…better not to ask, for I know the answer to that: duty…Maritza has begun to take on chores around the villa, assisting Rosa with the cooking and cleaning. We have continued to talk everyday as her understanding of Vodacce grows…she asked this morning about the marks on my arms. I told her I ran into the railing on the stairs…the look on her face tells me she did not fully believe me…

10 Tertius, 1665
Cappuntina training went well today, and Maritza has been attending, though she usually only watches us practice. She has been working out very well in the villa. I have noticed she keeps to herself when she is not working, and I do not think I have seen her enjoying the warm weather we are having…. She is a good conversationalist and we talk about many topics, even if her knowledge of the world seems limited. Strange that she asks many questions about Vincenzo…and she hints that she has seen the results of abuse from where she comes. I think I will have her join in the basic Cappuntina lessons next week if she is interested. We have been getting along so well, it is like having an aunt here with me.

…Vincenzo is meeting with his cousin this week…at least he will be out of the city for a while. The carriage driver’s son is still recovering from the broken arm Vincenzo gave him for the horse spraying mud upon his new jacket. I do not trust Marco Caligari and the Daughters wish for me to keep an eye on their dealings. Where a Caligari is involved, good things cannot follow.

19, Quintus, 1665
Maritza and I have grown close as friends…she is easy to talk to. She still keeps to herself after all these months…I even offered to take her shopping for new clothes, but she insists on wearing what she brought with her…she says it is tradition. It must be something Eisen…

26, Julius, 1665
Thank the Prophet for Maritza…I think she has saved me several new marks, though I fear at the cost of her own safety…Vincenzo had sent away all the others in the house when he arrived this morning. Apparently Maritza did not hear the orders, or perhaps chose not to listen. In either case, she came in just as the yelling got loud. Vincenzo was furious, but in the end, he left without touching me….the look he gave Maritza was not friendly. I will have to keep an eye out for her.

23, Corantine, 1665
I cannot believe it! Maritza is a man! How could I have been fooled for so long…all the talks we had…and the time we shared…what could he want? Is he hiding from someone? Is he here as a spy? I cannot tell Vincenzo. He would kill her…him. No wonder I have never seen him out of clothes…nor sleeping with the other women…How could I have been so stupid; what have I said to him these few months. I must relay this to the Handmaiden and the Oracle. I will need to watch him and find out what he is doing here…

Vincenzo is due back in 2 days and I do not want any surprises. His activities with Caligari have been identified and he is to die. It is the only way I am told. I am not sure what to feel…relief that I will be free from him, disappointed that I must leave this villa afterwards, or joy that I am serving the Daughters as I was meant to…

3, Septimus, 1665 Aleksei is gone from here…I sent him last night to the “Dawn Mist,” a ship that is sailing for Castille tomorrow. The Handmaiden in Castille will have to be told of Aleksei. I have given him an encoded letter to deliver to Angelita Mendoza of Altamira, under the guise of an old friend’s correspondence. After what transpired last night, there is much to write about…

As I had planned, Vincenzo had been drinking heavily here in the villa. The serving staff had been sent home as I assumed they would; Vincenzo wanted some time alone with me. After he…had his fill…he fell asleep. I drew forth “Vericolpe” and as I was planning to fulfill my duty, he awoke, as if he had been warned somehow…He grabbed the stiletto as I pierced his chest, throwing me across the room. He was about to strike me in retaliation when two knives flew from the door, pinning his arms to the bed post. It was Maritza! Or at least the man pretending to be her…he came in, said something about “Fhideli Justice” then picked up the fallen Vericolpe and placed it over Vincenzo’s chest. I tried to stop him, to find out what was going on, but when I grabbed for the stiletto, it slipped and pierced Vincenzo’s heart.

After the shock wore off, we talked for a few hours, it what was surprisingly perfect Vodacce. It turns out Maritza is Aleksei, an Ussuran traveler here to seek justice for the death of his brother. How the fates conspire for and against us it seems. This did afford me the opportunity to stay on in Fontaine and blame the death of Vincenzo on a jealous lover or ex-associate…if only I could be rid of the knife. The strands of fate entwine about the blade tightly and his wife, or another fate witch, might unravel them. Aleksei offered to take it with him despite the dangers. Even after all the deceit, I believe him to be a good person. His justice was served, and he would be leaving. I did not want to just let him go, but I have little choice. I wrote the letter, entrusted it to this man I had come to know as a woman for the last year and sent him to Castille. After that, may the Prophet watch over him…

Official Journal, Angelita Mendoza, Assistant to the Handmaiden (Altamira, Castille)
18 Septimus, 1665
I’ve read Isabella’s letter about this Aleksei, the Ussuran traveler. I have put him up in the Explorer’s Society guest quarters while I bring this matter to the attention of the Handmaiden. My cover cannot be compromised with the Society; however, Isabella writes that she trusts this foreigner and has entrusted to him the stiletto that was used to kill Vincenzo…It’ll be up to the Handmaiden as to what happens next…

28 Septimus, 1665
I am to sponsor Aleksei with the Explorer’s Society with my Mirror cover as his mentor. He will begin training within is to start a period of training with us as decided upon by the Handmaiden. She believes his skills will be best given to the Modern Investigations branch.

11 Nonus, 1665
The Ussuran, Aleksei, seems quite adept at his tasks…He’s been assigned several shadowing assignments, one infiltration and retrieval and one impersonation. His skills seem sound and diverse, something the Society could use right now with the Church’s Inquisition more active in Castille. If he continues working for us this well, he will quickly reach my ranks within the Society. There is something about him that I can’t put my finger on…He hasn’t a reason to stay with us, but he said we keep him challenged. I hear he’s also making a trip back to Ussura to see his family. In this season, that’s going to be a long trip.

Chronicle of Nikolai, Blacksmith of Vitzi Munit (Malaya, Ussura)
2 Decimus, 1665
I am thrilled! I received a delivery from my son! It was a beautifully painted egg, with the date and a message saying he is coming home…It has been too long since I have seen him…

Journal of Naternava Sousdal Jerichova, Seamstress of Vitzi Munit (Sousdal, Ussura)
17 Tertius, 1666
Nikolai’s son Aleksei just left again…He’s grown into quite a young man over the years. We haven’t seen him since that night in Eisen a year or so back. He has made peace with the past in his own way he said…though I think we all know justice was served. While he was here, he kept the young ones entertained with stories of Eisen, Vodacce and Castille…it seems he’s been traveling far…He was hiding something. I can’t put my finger on it, but there was a look he had while he told his stories…The sanat has asked him to keep in contact with us through his father. He’s agreed to send back his eggs with stories for the children…Haimati watch over him wherever he travels…

Captain’s Log of Pedro Cavalli Alberga di Castille, Castillian Captain, “l’Ojo la Tormenta” [Storm’s Eye] (Coast of Castille, Avila)
8 Sextus, 1666
Our new Ussuran passenger has earned his pay today. After two weeks of thinking him useless except to keep the crew entertained with stories and circus acts, he has proven himself a capable fighter. In fact, I believe I owe him a personal gracias. If it hadn’t been for him and those knives of his, I might be feeding the sharks. I was too busy defending the starboard railing to see the little Vodacce sneaking up on me, but the Ussuran did. I’ll have to remember to get his name again. I hate being in debt to someone who’s name I don’t even know…

Official Journal, Angelita Mendoza, Assistant to the Handmaiden (Altamira, Castille)
28 Corantine, 1666
Aleksei should be on his way to Barcino by now. There have been reports of a porté sorcerer bringing in large shipments of weapons to the Montaigne occupation forces, as well as some Syrneth Artifacts. As much as I would love to drive them out, the reason that this is of concern is due to the large portals she is creating. There is worry that the weave is getting weaker in that area. Aleksei is to investigate and evaluate the situation for the Explorer’s, though their purpose is to recover the artifacts. His use of the Montaigne language is impressive and he claims to only have been speaking it a few weeks from his ship voyage. If he can convince her to cease her works diplomatically and return with the artifacts, that is preferred …though he’s been authorized to use other means if necessary.

Field Log, Jasque Leveque, Musketeer (Barcino, Castille)
14 Octavus, 1666
Angelique has ordered our force to return to Charouse. It is a curious decision and one I do not understand fully. I will obey her wishes, though I wonder if it has to do with the appearance of her daughter two nights ago. The girl was brought in by a Montaigne gentry named Martin Louveteau [wolf cub], one I have never heard of before. After meeting with Angelique for an hour, he left with Angelique’s daughter and a crate of our supplies, and now we are headed back to Montaigne. Something is not right about this, but I can do nothing yet…but I will check into this Martin when we return to Charouse.

Investigation Report, Ricardo Rivera di Lopez, Mirror Sea Field Scholar, Explorer’s Society (Altamira, Castille)
14 Decimus, 1666
Aleksei reports that the Montaigne sorcerer and her guard have left the area, though he will not say how he managed it. He did mention something about not harming a mother, but I don’t understand that part. The Society is pleased in either case, and it appears Aleksei will be invited to join the ranks of the Mirror Sea at the start of the new year. He will be taught our basic secrets and what we are about in that time. I think he will be a good asset to the Society’s Modern Investigations…

2 Primus, 1667
The initiation of Aleksei Nikolov went well last night. He took his oath as is customary. It wasn’t difficult to guess which part of the organization he would devote his talents to. His skills at disguise, stealth, and persuasion are causing whispers of awe in several of the Society’s upper ranks. It will not be long before he is noticed more fully…

Chronicle of Nikolai, Blacksmith of Vitzi Munit (St. Andresgorod, Ussura)
19 Tertius, 1667
Aleksei has sent another of his painted eggs. At first I saw nothing but beautiful art of a city with sprawling buildings. After showing it to the sanat, she saw some additional symbols within it. She has told me that my son is in Charouse, Montaigne…he is healthy and he plans to visit again soon…How she saw all that, I don’t know, but I will look closer next time.

Field Log, Jasque Leveque, Musketeer (Charouse, Montaigne)
3 Quartus, 1667
For l’Empereur! I have seen Martin, the gentry from Barcino. After checking on him, there was no record of him in Charouse. He was speaking to one of the city clerks when I happened by. He must have spotted me, for he disappeared in the crowd after I gave chase. By my oath, I will find this man again…

Personal Notes, Hilga Donnarich Steiner, Innkeep (Prachtig, Eisen)
25 Sextus, 1667
A most beautiful surprise was waiting for me in my office this morning. Sitting there was a small painted egg made of clay. I believe it was sent by the Fhideli I sheltered a few years back. There was a painting of my inn covered in spider webs. At the bottom was a small fly moving away from the web. It brings a smile to my face to know he is well, but I wish he had stayed to say hello…

Private Encoded Diary, Isabella Marcello, Courtesan (Fontaine, Vodacce)
12 Julius, 1667
I have heard that Vincenzo’s wife, Monica, has seen the fate strands leading to the murder weapon, and it is in Vodacce! I should have known it was Aleksei when I saw the painted egg upon my window sill this morning. For the love of the Oracle, I hope he knows what he is doing. The egg though is beautifully painted, with a stylized view of Fontaine at sunset, the rays of the sun are pointing west…I imagine he is headed that way after his visit…I will have to divert Monica for a time I think…and contact Aleksei when I can…

Personal Journal, Don Alleandro Martinez di Nuñez, Landowner and Patron (San Cristobal, Castille)
24 Sextus, 1667
I have seen great artistic potential today in the marketplace. While buying some silks, I noticed a young man selling painted eggs. They were quite striking in their colors and texture. I found his name to be Aleksei and he said he was from Ussura. I have been inspired! He has agreed to create an egg of unsurpassed beauty for my anniversary next year. Rosalita will be thrilled by it. I have paid the man 200G up front, and I have his vow that he will deliver the gift before Quintus of next year…I trust him in this for some reason and I hope he does not disappoint me…

Field Report, Ricardo Rivera di Lopez, Mirror Sea Field Scholar, Explorer’s Society (Altamira, Castille)
4 Septimus, 1667
Over the last few months, Aleksei has performed admirably in several tasks across the area. The Society has received a missive from a patron in Altamira. She has requested aid in the form of a courier, someone who can keep an eye upon things, while at the same time being available to take matters in the direction that is necessary when the time comes…
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Re: Background - Aleksei "Martikyos" Nikolov

Postby Harliquinn » Thu May 19, 2011 12:17 am

Description: Through the tavern doors steps a man of slight figure, several inches under 6' tall, covered head to toe in silk and leather. Dark hair can be seen from under the violet hooded scarf that wraps around his head and shoulders. A neatly trimmed moustache and goatee decorate his face as it peers about the room with dark green eyes. The man wears a gold colored silk tunic, from under which appears hits of a red undershirt, both tied at the waist by a midnight blue sash. His gait speaks of confidence, while his easy smile and quick compliments to the barmaid belies a charm that is born, not learned. No visible weapons can be seen, but it is clear that the man has little to fear or has other means of protection. Several rings and bracelets jingle when he walks, making for the appearance of the Fhideli, completed by the pleated pantaloons and soft leather shoes upon his feet.
Aleksei Nikolov
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