Can't really believe I'm saying this, but here we are, on the back half of the campaign. Hope you're all having as much fun as I am. So let's see, what to fix?
1) need to update the Character Creation Guide page to reflect the fact that Episodes 1-8 have been retired.
2) On the Templates Page, need to change out the Completed Characters for ones that now have full xp.
(On an unrelated note, I'm thinking of making multiple copies and passing those out rather than turning them into examples, the way Sam and Alexandra did)
3) Update the Town Crier with this year's PAs
4) Update Who's Who with the new headshots
(and along with that, should we add in the monsters' pics?)
5) Locations page, on the fence about whether to add in descriptions of the places you've been on the adventures, suggestions welcome.
6) Episode Listing, need to write and add in blurbs for 7&8
7) Conventions page needs updating to 2017 (probably should also take out Con on the Cob and add in Whose Yer Con)
8) Links page. Put 2nd Ed./JWP in the list?
That's what I've got so far. Anyone else have any suggestions.