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by MichaelB » Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:07 pm
Mike's Character, to be described here:
Fate Witch, Vodacce, first draft.
Traits - 56 HP: Brawn - 1 Finesse - 3 Wits - 4 Resolve - 3 Panache - 2
Magic - 40 HP Sorte
Hubris - TBD (-10 HP)
Advantages - 14 HP: Keen Senses - 2, Language (Avalon R/W - 3, Vodacce - 0), Left Handed - 1, Legendary Trait (Resolve) - 3, True Identity - 1, University - 4
Civil Skills - 10 HP + 7 HP Acrobat - Balance - 1, Footwork - 3, (Footwork +2 HP) Artist (Drawing) - 3, (+1 HP) Courtesan - Acting - 3, Fashion - 2, Masseuse - 1, (Acting +1) Courtier - Dancing - 2, Etiquette - 1, Fashion - 2, Oratory - 2 Criminal - Gambling - 1, Shadowing - 2, Stealth - 3 Forger - Calligraphy - 1, Forgery - 3, Paper Maker - 1, Research - 1, (Forgery +2 HP) Guide - Climbing - 1, Stealth - 3, Street Navigation - 1 Merchant (Modiste) - 3, (+1 HP) Performer - Acting - 3, Dancing - 2, Oratory - 2, Singing - 1 Spy - Shadowing - 2, Stealth - 3
Speciality - 3 HP Attack (Fencing) 3, (Attack Fencing +2 HP)
130 HP
- Posts: 23
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by Black Jack Rackham » Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:36 pm
Mike, I did the numbers and you're right, it's 130, BUT you put in the TBD Hubris which would make it 120. Just wanted to make sure we're on the same page. Looking forward to hearing about the Fate Witch that snuck into a Courtesan school 
kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?

Black Jack Rackham
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by MichaelB » Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:34 pm
Black Jack Rackham wrote:BUT you put in the TBD Hubris which would make it 120. Looking forward to hearing about the Fate Witch that snuck into a Courtesan school 
I have had almost no 7th Sea characters with a Virtue, ever, and really wanted to try for likely my last one. "True Identity" has lots of possibilities. I'm thinking that a mother/aunt/relative might have brought her to Canguine as a child and she is, therefore, a native speaker of Avalon. We have a while to talk about it.
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by MichaelB » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:53 am
Fate Witch, Vodacce, second draft/alternative.
Traits - 40 HP: Brawn - 1 Finesse - 3 Wits - 4 Resolve - 1 Panache - 2
Magic - 40 HP Sorte
(Virtue - Focused +10 HP)
Advantages - 14 HP: Keen Senses - 2, Language (Avalon R/W - 3, Vodacce - 0), Left Handed - 1, Legendary Trait (Resolve) - 3, True Identity - 1, University - 4
Civil Skills - 9 HP + 4 HP Acrobat - Balance - 1, Footwork - 3, (Footwork +2 HP) Artist (Drawing) - 3, (+1 HP) Courtesan - Acting - 2, Fashion - 2, Masseuse - 1 Courtier - Dancing - 2, Etiquette - 1, Fashion - 2, Oratory - 2 Criminal - Gambling - 1, Shadowing - 2, Stealth - 3 Guide - Climbing - 1, Stealth - 3, Street Navigation - 1 Merchant (Modiste) - 3, (+1 HP) Performer - Acting - 2, Dancing - 2, Oratory - 2, Singing - 1 Spy - Shadowing - 2, Stealth - 3
Speciality - 3 HP Attack (Fencing) 3, (Attack Fencing +2 HP)
110 HP
- Posts: 23
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by Sister Sonya » Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:04 pm
So, Mark, from Elaine's: In addition, just to let you know, the way we do Backgrounds is I am going to write 4 adventures for each point you have in your background. You'll get an additional XP for each PA if you play the background (which means you invested the equivalent of 3XP and you'll get 4 back). So having a background of 3 means 12 adventures to get to the end.
Now like I tell everyone who has a background, "I have no problem writing 12 adventures for you." BUT the campaign is only 12 years long, and if you are only coming to GenCon that means you just committed yourself to dealing with that background for the entire campaign (Because I would hate to see you not get to see how it all works out).
If you're not sure, you can always take a 1pt Background and I can have it lead into something else IF you find you're interested... (Because you can always spend XP to add other backgrounds)
So, can I purchase a one HP point background at the start, use it for 4 adventures, then purchase another one point for XP, then another for XP, for the total of the 12 PAs?
Sister Sonya
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by Black Jack Rackham » Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:26 pm
Sister Sonya wrote:So, Mark, can I purchase a one HP point background at the start, use it for 4 adventures, then purchase another one point for XP, then another for XP, for the total of the 12 PAs?
Mark wrote: ...you can always spend XP to add other backgrounds...
*Eyes the first statement, then pointedly looks from the first to the second (both of which are in the same quote by the way) and then back to the first...* Yes, yes you can.
kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?

Black Jack Rackham
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by Sister Sonya » Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:44 pm
So, let's say that I choose the background "Orphaned". That may increase in importance from the first year to year 12.
At the start, there may be hints of real history, plus speculation and conflicting rumors and talk. As the years progress, My FW Character discovers some new truths, that some heretofore truths are now lies, the tension mounts and her Sorte, along with the usual skills, becomes a bigger and bigger assist as she goes from Apprentice to Journeyman to Master.
Maybe she is not an Orphan at all. There are lots of shady characters en route. Cousins may have stolen her, uncles kidnapped her, Vodacce lords may be involved, Avalon or Vesten pirates might be, etc.
What do you say Mark? Background 1 the start to 4 at year 12? Or just an even keel of 1, 2, 3, or 4?
FYI: I am planning on Vodacce S only (0 HP) and Avalon S/R/W (3 HP) at the moment.
Sister Sonya
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by Sister Sonya » Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:48 am
Version 3, Fate Witch
Traits - 64 HP: Brawn - 1 Finesse - 3 Wits - 4 Resolve - 3 Panache - 3
Magic - 40 HP Sorte (7) Arcana -1, Coins -0, Cups -0, Staves -3, Swords -3
Hubris - Reckless (-10 HP)
Advantages – (18 HP) Background -3 (Orphaned) , Keen Senses-2, Left Handed -1, Legendary Trait (Resolve) -3, University -4, Specialization (Attack Fencing) -1, Specialization (Grapple) - 1, Language, Vodacce/Mantua Dialect, Vodacce S -0, Avalon S/R/W -3
Martial Skill - (2 HP) Athlete - Climbing 3, Footwork - 3, Sprinting 1, Throwing -1
Civil Skills – (11 HP) Acrobat - Balance - 2, Footwork - 3 Artist (Architecture) - 2 +(1) = 3 Criminal - Gambling -1, Shadowing -1, Stealth -2 Engineer - Architecture - 1, Drafting - 1, Mathematics - 1 Guide(3) - Climbing - 3, Street Navigation -1, Tracking -2 Hunter(3) – Stealth -2, Tracking -2, Trail Signs -1 Merchant - (Drafting) - 2 +(1) = 3 Monk - Calligraphy -3, Writing -1, Philosophy -1, Menial Tasks - 1 Rahibi - Calligraphy-3, Chanting - 1, History - 1 Sailor – Balance -2, Climbing -3, Knotwork -1, Rigging -1 Forger - Calligraphy - 3, Forgery - 1, Paper Maker - 1, Research - 1
Civil Knacks - (5 HP) Specialization – Attack (Fencing) - 3 (2HP) Specialization - Grapple (Wrestling) - 3 (2HP) Civil Knacks – Footwork (1HP) 130 HP
Last edited by Sister Sonya on Fri Feb 07, 2025 11:53 pm, edited 22 times in total.
Sister Sonya
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by Black Jack Rackham » Mon Jul 15, 2024 2:46 pm
Sister Sonya wrote:So, let's say that I choose the background "Orphaned". That may increase in importance from the first year to year 12...
Sorry I didn't respond to this Mike, Yea it sounds like fun! Lets do this thing! Only thing I'd say (and I always say this) is when you write the background, do it first person, don't tell me what the truth is, tell me only what the truth is as your character understands it (and by extension what you believe it to be). That way you'll (hopefully) be surprised when the truth is revealed.
kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?

Black Jack Rackham
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