Sister Sonya wrote:If you have a background and expect us to do something interesting with it, you need to post it in this section!!!. Therefore, I have begun to prepare/write my character's backstory.
I have looked and looked for a Background called "Kidnapped'. I have not found it.
Therefore, my Rogue of Canguine for the next adventure series will have Kidnapped - 3 for her Background.
As in: Child with Sorte was kidnapped in Vodacce from her hertofore/presumably happy home.
I think it sounds like a good start! My question is, what part is unresolved? Who are the main NPCs (both protagonists and antagonists) AS FAR AS YOUR CHARACTER KNOWS? Write me up no more than a page and I will get to work.
Oh PS, Background 3 means 12 adventures which will take up the entirety of the campaign. Not that I don't want to write it, I just want to be sure you don't have any other individual plans (unless you're coming to more than one convention).