The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!
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Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Well, I survived yesterday, even though I had a tarp full of rain wash down my back as I waited in line at work at the "Taco Truck" that was there for the day for our special Holiday Meal. Tarp broke and I just happened to be in the right spot for all the water to pour down my back. Then had to stand out in the rain with a open plate of chicken taco's (as the truck had no REAL taco's - real being ground beef), so that they got wet and were uneatable, while they tried to get the tarp out of the doorway in which it had fallen. It was one of those fold up standing covers so all the legs and folds were not collapsing as it should to get it back upright. So I ended up throwing the taco's away, and was probably a good thing too, as I heard a lot of people say they were really spicy, and I know I wouldn't have enjoyed them anyway. I went and got myself a pizza after that. Much better, even when I was half wet. Then I got surprised by a customer that I help out a lot, as she came in and gave me a Christmas present, with a nice songbird calendar and dark chocolate. That was very nice of her.
I'm wrapping and finishing up some gifts right now, but just took a break for breakfast. Be over to Mark's probably some time after 12. Have a Happy Holiday everyone, whatever holiday you follow. Best Wishes! Think! - Its not Illegal yet.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!And again it is time for the annual Christmahannaquanzica thread resurrection! I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday full of awesome stuff and great food, and good friends, and loved ones, and laughter, and joy, and, and, and...
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!And dealing with the paperwork for an armed robbery at a store that you don't work at, because you are the only manager in your district in town, and then having to start the paperwork to fire someone who had a gun waved in their face?
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!
Not exactly what I was expecting.....hope the holidays get better for you from here! To everyone else, I echo Mark's sentiment. I hope the holidays bring good times with friends and family, whatever holiday you celebrate (honestly, that's my hope for all you folks pretty much year round). Best wishes in the new year!!!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Thought i would pull this to surface instead of a new and split feast day thread.
So, without further ado, best wishes and warm thoughts for all of you on the one thing we all agree on...we like to eat. If you can't see the people you notmally would, keep in mind that increases the odds of you getting that last helping of whatever Uncle Ted took from you last year. Call your elders if you are staying home. If you are going out tomorrow, be smart, be safe. Before 8 am is normally slow for mall shopping. People are raiding spots like Best Buy first. They also slow down after 6 pm. I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!My pumpkin chiffon pie has been made, Mike is working on stuffing now (it's not going in any bird).
"You're still mad at me about that whole 'gun-pointing' thing, aren't you?" -- Fortunato Valeri
And here's where I try to be a writer...
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!The weather outside is frightful.
No fire inside but still delightful. I have absolutely no place to go. It still needs to stop the snow, stop the snow, stop the snow. I have over 7 inches already and 8 more on the way...maybe more. Glad all holiday plans were cancelled. Best wishes to all of you. I hope you are all healthy, well fed, and able (and willing) to join me for the only holiday i actually celebrate when we can convention again. Have some pumpkin pie or other dairy based dessert and taunt me over it later. I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Probably will not be online tomorrow so i want to wish you all a....
HAPPY SEASONINGS TO ONE AND ALL!!!!!!! I hope you get to enjoy your wintry time of the year (it really is the second most wonderful time of the year) -Sal I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Hey! You all need to ease up on the cookies! Those have to last the rest of the afternoon.
But, unless you are Mark, enjoy them. I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!
Hey, don't make me toss these cookies. I know my limit. Merry Christmahannaquanzica and Enjoious the rest of Festivus.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!May this day be safe and stress-free for those who celebrate/have Responsibilities
"You're still mad at me about that whole 'gun-pointing' thing, aren't you?" -- Fortunato Valeri
And here's where I try to be a writer...
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays. Keep warm!
Think! - Its not Illegal yet.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Did nothing all day (well I wrote some more of Ep. 1 of Rogues of Canguine, but in my defense most of that work was getting sucked down a DeviantArt hole looking at pics to inspire one of the characters) and it was glorious!
Thank you all for sticking this out! Hope to see you all real soon (oh and for the Origins folks, I will be sending in our list of discounts here pretty soon so if you want one and haven't mentioned it to me yet, now is the time to do so!)
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Well, you all just gotta get through the day amd then stuff will go back to normal-ish.
Enjoy what you can, ignore what you can't enjoy as best you can. If anybody opens a box with a toy zeppelin, that's mine! I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Happy Holidays to all my 7th Sea friends!!!
Hope everyone is getting to spend time with loved ones - recent events have reinforced the importance of enjoying time with family and friends while we can. For anyone struggling during this holiday season, know that your family here at The Guild is sending warm thoughts and virtual hugs your way!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!
Could not have said it better, Deb!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!Merry meryy!!!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!It's that happy merry, merry happy time of the year again.
My neighborhood is celebrating by setting off explosive gunpowder charges in their backyards with semiautomatic weapons at 8 am. Hope your's is more peaceful. -Sal and his flock of ducks. I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!I have been seeing pics of your ducks for days now! The perpetrators are quite proud of themselves. Almost bragging about it, one might say. It's like they're not even worried about the fact that they are poking the GM with a stick...
And while I am here, Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!
I would never use a stick...... Hope all are well and enjoying the holiday season, whichever holiday you celebrate!!!!!
Re: The Semi Bi-Annual Merry Christmahannaquanzica Thread!!!As for the bragging, I was asked to share the photo. Unfortunately, the file is too large to share here. I am, however, happy to post it on Discord.
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