Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter Galvin
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Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter Galvin"Let me tell you a story..." So began the young brown-haired man. A small crowd had gathered around the corner as the sun began to set on Altamira. Peter's stories were popular with the regulars on the street. Even with his Avalon accent, his Castillian was good enough to be easily understood.
"Now, as you know, I lived in under the benevolent leadership of Lord High Muckety-Muck. Now, Lord High Muckety-Muck wasn't the..." Peter waved his arms, trying to find the best word... "sharpest man you've ever met. And this fine morning, I was walking my way through a wheat field when I spotted the Lord, walking his horse. As a good citizen, I naturally waved 'hello', as a friendly gesture." "Well, the Lord, as a rule of etiquette, raised his hand, looked at me, and waved 'hello' back. And in that second- that SPLIT second- his horse spotted a mouse. And the horse, frightened by thee mouse, took off like the wind!" Pete snapped his fingers in rapid motion. "Only, Lord High Muckety-Muck, having used all of his brain to wave 'hello', never saw the horse leave. He turned around and it was gone!" "Now, there are some days that bad luck just settles on you, and this was one of those days. For, not spotting his horse, Lord High Muckety-Muck then accused the only other soul around- me!" Pete's eyes widened. "I tried to explain what happened- I even started searching the field for the real culprit- the mouse- to see if I can prove my innocence. But the mouse was gone, and the next thing I know, I'm in a small cell, thinking that I might not last the week." "That next morning, they led me out. And I'm praying the Theus in eight languages, five of them I don't know, asking for mercy. But instead of a gallows or a man with an axe, Lord High Muckety-Muck's men form a circle. They tell me that all will be forgiven if I just give them a little sport, and partake in a fight." "Now, I'm not a bare-knuckle boxer. My brothers Gary and Steven- they can fight. Not I. But given a choice between a fight that I'll lose and the man with the axe... I quickly accepted, figuring they'd send me against their biggest man." "Instead, I get ready, turn around... and there, standing as close as you are, was Roary Finnegan himself." "I upped my prayers to eleven languages, and the fight start. I thought that, desperation and youth on my side, I could just stay out of the way of Roary's fists." Pete shook his head. "Turns out Roary is faster than he looks. MUCH faster." "Now, I know Lord High Muckety-Muck expected Roary to knock my head clean off with an uppercut. But Roary, he hit MUCH harder than that. To be honest, I'm a little fizzy about what happened next. The next thing I knew, I was waking up, my head is throbbing, and seeing myself ten feet above the water and flying backwards. Roary hit me so hard he sent me flying across the Frothing Sea. I landed in a cow pasture five miles inland, a haystack breaking my fall, and that's how I ended up here in Castille!"
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinPeter comes from a large family that lived just outside of Cardican- according to him, he's the youngest of 17 brothers and three sisters, but Pete's been known to exaggerate. Never the strongest, not the best sailor, Peter's gifts were of telling stories and playing music. He soon started earning coin and some fame playing at the local inns and on the streets, bringing smiles with his tall tales and songs.
One of his most popular tales was "The adventures of Lord High Muckety-Muck", about a stupid nobleman. One of the local Earls thought that Pete was making fun of him (Pete, when asked, would respond with "Of course not!" with a sly wink). Combined with rumors of an illicit liaison between Pete and the Earl's niece, all it took was one false allegation of horse theft for Pete to be locked up and awaiting a hangman's noose. Pete now tells a different story of how he escaped every time, but the truth is very mundane. The head chef of the Earl's estate was furious at the Earl and gave Pete a key to escape. Pete owes this man a favor, and has vowed to repay him when he can. But for the moment, it was in Pete's best interests to leave Avalon. One boat ride later, and he began plying his trade in Altamira. Pete knew enough to the language to tell stories and sing on the streets. He hasn't made much money, but found some local fame. One of the houses caught fire and Pete, showing bravery he never claimed to have, ran in and rescued a local family. This earned him some credit from the locals. Pete is a regular on the Altamira streets, often singing or telling stories. Such a bustling city may not bring him wealth, but it is sure to bring him adventure.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinApproved.
I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinPeter Galvin
(Used the Glamour Mage Template to start) Traits: Brawn 2 Finesse 2 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Panache 3 (+8) Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance (+5) Confidant (+2) Languages: Avalon Castille Vesten (+1) Eisen (+1) Glamour Mage (full Blooded): Mad Jack 2 Jack 2 (replacing Anne o' the Winds) Green Man 2 Thomas 1 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 3 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Artist Musician (Lute) 2 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 3 Singing 2 Performer Acting 1 Dancing 2 Oratory 3 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 (+3) Streetwise (+2) Socializing 1 Street Navigation 1 Courtier (+2) Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 1 (+3) Sailor (+2) Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt (+1) Last edited by crimsonjoe on Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinI like it. aesthetically, I might change your language of Vendel to "Vesten". It's the same thing but from a story point of view it points to you learning the language to gather the mythic stories from the Vesten tribes over the use of it as a trade language. (It changes nothing but your point of view and may win over one of the many vesten player characters)
You know I have to hate you a bit just for being a sorceror. Ok, a lot but I'll deal with that. Give us a short backstory to explain what you generally had in mind in terms of the debt background and you are good to go. It helps if we have some idea of who you think you owe and why. I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter Galvin(OOC: Changed to Vesten)
Debt background: Pete knew him as 'Irvin', and never found out if that's his first or last name. Big guy, former sailor, currently the cook for Earl Adam Mortensen's estate. They really hadn't interacted much before Pete's arrest- both men knew a lot of the same people, and Pete was sure Irvin had closed some of the same taverns that Pete had, but they hadn't hung out a lot together. But when falsely accused of horse thievery, spending a night in the cell of the Earl's estate and watching them build a gallows with his name on it... Irvin had shown up with a plate of food. Under the plate was a key to get out of the cell and a name of a boat that was going to Castille. Later that night, Pete snuck out and was on halfway to Castille before anyone noticed he was missing. He heard through one of his brothers that Irvin had been mad at the Earl for insulting him in front of some guests, and this way his form of revenge. Pete sent back a message saying that if there was anything he could do for the cook, to name it. The last message he received from his brother include, "Gave Irvin your message. He said that he may need that favor someday."
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinLooks great Crimsonjoe! Dave and I will get to work on your background (so you'll have to go to Origins next year..)
Points Breakdown Template 105 Traits 8 Advantages 7 Languages 2 Skills 12 Background 1 Total 135 Perfect!
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevisions and updates to Peter Galvin:
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) ** Revised after Origins 2013 (06/16/2013) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 3 Resolve 3 Panache 3 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance Confidant Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack 1 Jack 1 Thomas 1 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 3 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 3 Drawing 2 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Streetwise Socializing 1 Street Navigation 1 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 1 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 Last edited by crimsonjoe on Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter Galvin*** Revised after Origins 2014 (06/15/2014)
CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "Social Niceties" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera INFORMANT: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 1 Invisible College: 2 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 6 Los Vagos: 3 CURRENT REPUTATION: 41 (4 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 35 CURRENT MONEY: 975 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: None CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: none UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Lute for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. There is a song mocking a henchmen of Santino that may or may not have been started by Peter- you know how songs and ditties are passed around. After dealing with the Shadow Bandit, the Bishop, Santino, and the Miguels, Peter has decided that he's not nearly duplicitous enough to survive in a town like Altamira. Fortunately, he's seen a fellow Avalon (Leon Twilliger) who seems a natural at this, and Peter's been taking notes. Plus, calming tensions between a hothead Inishman (and really, are there any other kind?) and the others has given Peter a crash course in trying to be diplomatic. It doesn't always work, but to make an omelet, a few dozen dozen eggs must be broken, right? Last edited by crimsonjoe on Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter Galvin
Both you and your wife mentioned this and I kept asking myself, did Dave change the bar you all went to? Then I said the name out loud and realized you were just talking about Eladio, and spelling it like you heard it.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinYeah- the main page has the link for all of the major NPCs, which is good, because I'm botching the spelling for everyone...
Double checking something: The children are Nacio and Yesenia Acosta de Solando. Carlos is Carlos Palmono de Soldano. That just means both have fathers named Soldano, or are they related to one another?
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinNeither, it's a Castillian naming convention. Both the children's parents and Carlos are non-nobles (though in the children's cases their father is a wealthy rancher). So the naming convention is as follows
(Castille p. 33)
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinIf you translate it, his name is "Carl Paloma of Soldano". It would be like adding your home state to your name. Now, if he were living in. Avalon, Carlos would also tack on "del Castillo", or "of Castille" to clarify his national pride and origin to the inish who may not have caught his accent and figured it out by that.
I don't mind growing old... but I hate growing up.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2014:
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) ** Revised after Origins 2013 (06/16/2013) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 (*** raised from 3 to 4 after Origins 2014 - cost of 25 points) Resolve 3 Panache 3 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance Confidant Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack 1 Jack 1 Thomas 1 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 3 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 3 Drawing 2 Singing 1 (*** bought after Origins 2014- cost of 2 points) Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Streetwise Socializing 2 ( *** raised from 1 to 2 after Origins 2014- cost of 4 points) Street Navigation 1 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 2 ( *** raised from 1 to 2 after Origins 2014- cost of 4 points) Politics 1 Sailor Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "Social Niceties" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera INFORMANT: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 1 Invisible College: 2 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 6 Los Vagos: 3 CURRENT REPUTATION: 41 (4 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 0 (*** was 35 after Origins 2014) CURRENT MONEY: 975 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: None CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: none UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Lute for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. There is a song mocking a henchmen of Santino that may or may not have been started by Peter- you know how songs and ditties are passed around. After dealing with the Shadow Bandit, the Bishop, Santino, and the Miguels, Peter has decided that he's not nearly duplicitous enough to survive in a town like Altamira. Fortunately, he's seen a fellow Avalon (Leon Twilliger) who seems a natural at this, and Peter's been taking notes. Plus, calming tensions between a hothead Inishman (and really, are there any other kind?) and the others has given Peter a crash course in trying to be diplomatic. It doesn't always work, but to make an omelet, a few dozen dozen eggs must be broken, right?
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2016:
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 4 (*** changed after Origins 2016- cost of 20 xp) Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack 1 Jack 1 Thomas 1 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 4 (** upgraded after Origins 2016- cost of 8 points) Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 (** upgraded after Origins 2016- cost of 8 points) Drawing 2 Singing 1 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 2 (upgraded from 1 to 2 after Origins 2016- cost of 4 points) Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016) CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango INFORMANT: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 3 Invisible College: 3 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 7 Los Vagos: 3 CURRENT REPUTATION: 54 (5 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 0 CURRENT MONEY: 1075 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: None CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: none UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Lute for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. There is a song mocking Carlos (aka "Sausage Fingers") that may or may not have been started by Peter- you know how songs and ditties are passed around.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 20167
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 4 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack (Brawn) 1 Jack (Wits) 1 Green Man (Resolve) 1 (*** purchased after Origins 2017 for 2 points) Thomas (Panache) 2 (*** raised from 1 to 2 after Origins 2017 for 4 points) Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 4 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Throat Strike 1 (*** purchased after Origins 2017 for 2 points) Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 Drawing 2 Singing 1 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Herb Lore 1 (*** bought after Origins 2017 for a cost of 2 points) Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Animal Training 1 (*** purchased after Origins 2017 for 2 points) Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 2 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016)- getting a new mandolin/retrieving Amelia CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties", "We're Practically Family...", "Cows are Meant to be Ridden" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango INFORMANTS: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor), Domingo Fierro de Silva (owes me a favor) CONNECTIONS: Carlita Benetiz de Montenegro "who hates me", Los Hermanos del Ignacio SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 3 Invisible College: 3 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 8 Los Vagos: 3 CURRENT REPUTATION: 63 (6 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 5 CURRENT MONEY: 1225 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: Devlin CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: (lost) one Mandolin UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Mandolin for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. His mandolin is named 'Amelia'. It was 'borrowed' by Devlin recently. There is a song mocking Carlos (aka "Sausage Fingers") that may or may not have been started by Peter- you know how songs and ditties are passed around.
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2018
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 5 (*** purchased after Origins 2018 for 25 points) Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack (Brawn) 1 Jack (Wits) 1 Green Man (Resolve) 1 Thomas (Panache) 2 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 4 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Throat Strike 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 Drawing 2 Singing 1 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Herb Lore 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Animal Training 1 Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 2 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 3 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 1 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016)- getting a new mandolin/retrieving Amelia CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties", "We're Practically Family...", "Cows are Meant to be Ridden", "I Need a Literate Castillian", "A Little Help For My Friends", "It's Not What You Know" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango, Padre Bernardo Cortez de Cordoba (owes you his life), Aurelio Ardovini (owes you his life) INFORMANTS: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor), Domingo Fierro de Silva (owes me a favor) CONNECTIONS: Carlita Benetiz de Montenegro "who hates me", Los Hermanos del Ignacio, Augustin Alvarado, Carlos Palomo de Soldano (who owes a favor- escorting great aunt Marisol) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 4 Invisible College: 5 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 9 Los Vagos: 5 CURRENT REPUTATION: 76 (7 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 7 CURRENT MONEY: 1245 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: Devlin CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: (lost) one Mandolin UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Mandolin for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. His mandolin is named 'Amelia'. It was 'borrowed' by Devlin recently. Peter is in the process of creating another instrument
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinBeen a while since I updated the sheet. Changes noted:
Revised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2022 Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 5 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack (Brawn) 1 Jack (Wits) 2 (up from 1- 4 xp points) Green Man (Resolve) 2 (up from 1- 4 xp points) Thomas (Panache) 2 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 5 (up from 4- 10 xp) Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Rolling 2 (bought from 0- 6 xp) Breakfall 1 (bought from 0- 2 xp) Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Throat Strike 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 3 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 Drawing 2 Singing 1 Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Herb Lore 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 1 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Animal Training 1 Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 2 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 4 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 3 (up from 1- 10 xp) Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Navigation 1 (bought from 0 - 2 xp) Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016)- getting a new mandolin/retrieving Amelia CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties", "We're Practically Family...", "Cows are Meant to be Ridden", "I Need a Literate Castillian", "A Little Help For My Friends", "It's Not What You Know" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango, Padre Bernardo Cortez de Cordoba (owes you his life), Aurelio Ardovini (owes you his life) INFORMANTS: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor), Domingo Fierro de Silva (owes me a favor) CONNECTIONS: Carlita Benetiz de Montenegro "who hates me", Los Hermanos del Ignacio, Augustin Alvarado, Carlos Palomo de Soldano (who owes a favor- escorting great aunt Marisol) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society: 5 Invisible College: 6 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 9 Los Vagos: 6 CURRENT REPUTATION: 101 (10 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 6 CURRENT MONEY: 1245 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: Devlin CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: (lost) one Mandolin UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Mandolin for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. His mandolin is named 'Amelia'. It was 'borrowed' by Devlin recently. Peter is in the process of creating another instrument. Starting to a build a new mandolin
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2023
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 5 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack (Brawn) 1 Jack (Wits) 2 Green Man (Resolve) 3 (up from 2- 6 xp) Thomas (Panache) 2 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 5 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Rolling 2 Breakfall 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Throat Strike 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 4 (up from 3- 8 xp) Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 Drawing 2 Singing 1 Writing 1 (up from 0 -2 xp) Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Herb Lore 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 2 (up from 1- 4 xp) Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Animal Training 1 Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 3 (up from 2- 6 xp) Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 4 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 3 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Navigation 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016)- getting a new mandolin/retrieving Amelia Current background (Origins 2023)- Peter is writing an epic song about Altamira- the old ways, the attempts to destroy it, and the people fighting heroically to save the city. He heard a beautiful voice singing that would be ideal for his song, and is looking for the diva CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties", "We're Practically Family...", "Cows are Meant to be Ridden", "I Need a Literate Castillian", "A Little Help For My Friends", "It's Not What You Know", "You've Got Lying Eyes", "Leaps and Bounds", "Stand and Deliver", "Wrong Place, Right Time!", "Legen...........dary!" "I can Hear You Breathing" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango, Padre Bernardo Cortez de Cordoba (owes you his life), Aurelio Ardovini (owes you his life) INFORMANTS: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor), Domingo Fierro de Silva (owes me a favor) CONNECTIONS: Carlita Benetiz de Montenegro "who hates me", Los Hermanos del Ignacio, Augustin Alvarado, Carlos Palomo de Soldano (who owes a favor- escorting great aunt Marisol) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society:6 Invisible College: 7 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 11 Los Vagos: 9 CURRENT REPUTATION: 115 (11 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 1 CURRENT MONEY: 2495 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: Devlin CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: (lost) one Mandolin UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Mandolin for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. His mandolin is named 'Amelia'. It was 'borrowed' by Devlin recently. Peter is in the process of creating another instrument. Starting to a build a new mandolin
Re: Crimsonjoe's Character: Peter GalvinRevised Peter Galvin- after Origins 2024
Revised Character sheet (changed to Half-Blood Glamour with approval from GM) Traits: Brawn 3 Finesse 3 Wits 4 Resolve 3 Panache 5 Advantages: Citation Above Average Appearance 2 Confidants Keen Senses Languages: Avalon (N- R/W) Castille Vesten Eisen Glamour Mage (half Blooded): Mad Jack (Brawn) 1 Jack (Wits) 2 Green Man (Resolve) 3 Thomas (Panache) 2 Skills and Knacks: Athlete Climbing 3 Footwork 5 Sprinting 1 Throwing 1 Leaping 1 Rolling 2 Breakfall 1 Dirty Fighting Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3 Thrown (Imp Weapon) 1 Throat Strike 1 Knife Attack (Knife) 4 Parry (Knife) 3 Thrown (Knife) 1 Artist Musician (Lute) 4 Drawing 2 Singing 1 Writing 1 (up from 0 -2 xp) Bard Etiquette 3 History 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Diplomacy 1 Riddles 1 Herb Lore 1 Performer Acting 2 Dancing 2 Oratory 4 Singing 2 Storytelling 1 Cold Read 2 Disguise 1 Prestidigitation 1 Lip Reading 1 Sincerity 2 Animal Training 1 Streetwise Socializing 2 Street Navigation 3 Underworld Lore 1 Courtier Dancing 2 Etiquette 3 Fashion 1 Oratory 4 Gossip 2 Politics 1 Sailor Balance 3 Climbing 3 Knotwork 1 Rigging 1 Swimming 1 Navigation 1 Hubris: Reckless Background: Debt- 1 New Background- 1 (bought after Origins 2016)- getting a new mandolin/retrieving Amelia Current background (Origins 2023)- Peter is writing an epic song about Altamira- the old ways, the attempts to destroy it, and the people fighting heroically to save the city. He heard a beautiful voice singing that would be ideal for his song, and is looking for the diva CARDS RECEIVED: "I read about this once...", "I Know Your Secret", "I Can Make It!", "Watch Out Behind You!", "Keep your eyes on the Road!", "Where is your Llama?", "I Know Right Where We Are!", "You Killed my Mother, Prepare to Die!", "It's Not as Bad as it Looks!", "You, Sir, Are A Coward!", "Social Niceties", "We're Practically Family...", "Cows are Meant to be Ridden", "I Need a Literate Castillian", "A Little Help For My Friends", "It's Not What You Know", "You've Got Lying Eyes", "Leaps and Bounds", "Stand and Deliver", "Wrong Place, Right Time!", "Legen...........dary!" "I can Hear You Breathing" ALLIES (who owe me favors): Alfonzo Cortez de Cordoba, Professor Eduardo Villalobos de Inez y Lobianco, Capitano Aurelio "il Serpenta del Fiume" Ardovini CONFIDANTES: Senorita Teresa Campos de Ramirez, Captain Carmella Marquez de Nunez (owes a favor), Daniella Blanco de Ojeda (owes a favor), Acalde Xavier Maradona de Rivera, Doratao Arango, Padre Bernardo Cortez de Cordoba (owes you his life), Aurelio Ardovini (owes you his life) INFORMANTS: Eladio Agulia de Fernandez, Jenario (owes a favor), Domingo Fierro de Silva (owes me a favor) CONNECTIONS: Carlita Benetiz de Montenegro "who hates me", Los Hermanos del Ignacio, Augustin Alvarado, Carlos Palomo de Soldano (who owes a favor- escorting great aunt Marisol) SECRET SOCIETY INTEREST Explorers Society:6 Invisible College: 7 Knights of the Rose & Cross: 11 Los Vagos: 9 CURRENT REPUTATION: 129 (12 Reputation dice) CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: 22 CURRENT MONEY: 2495 guilder CURRENT MIGRAINES: Devlin CURRENT SUCKING CHEST WOUNDS: 0 EQUIPMENT GAINED: (lost) one Mandolin UPDATES/ADDITIONS TO CHARACTER SHEET will update on character sheet Notes: Busks (plays the Mandolin for coin) for at Eladio's Tavern. His mandolin is named 'Amelia'. It was 'borrowed' by Devlin recently. Peter is in the process of creating another instrument. Starting to a build a new mandolin
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